
DHX remote res question


Jan 24, 2007
A, A
I have a Remote res DHX that came on my 05 DHR. Currently, its a pain in the arse to get off because of the angle that it comes out of the frame at as some of you may know. now it just so happens I have the most experience with this shock locally, mainly because i own one, and since i dont know I will present this question to you, the forum. there is a nut on the res hose where it attaches to the shock body... can i loosen this and move the hose to a different angle... or would this end in "shocking" consequences

this may be a dumb question, but i didnt know and figure its better to ask before, then look like a dumbass later


Jan 1, 2008
Adelaide, Australia
Yes, you can. I've done it on mine a number of times. Make sure you release all of the air pressure first so that the oil won't squirt out from pressure. Then back off the hose bolt until it's juuuuust loose and rotate the res in such a way that the bolt tightens. You'll probably find that you'll be able to rotate it a bit, which tightens the bolt, so then you have to loosen the bolt a touch and rotate the res a bit more. etc.

There are o-rings either side of the hose banjo and you want to make sure these are still sealing a bit whilst you're rotating the ressy.

It's fine if you're careful.