i'm not sure why that's newsworthy? Or why they're claiming this gives Bush some new or unusual powers. That policy's been in place for a long time and Bush is fighting to keep it in place. He's not trying to change it to give him new authority.
"Extraordinary new powers?
If the Bush administration loses, it could hinder investigations of al-Qaida plots; but if it wins, the president will have been given extraordinary power over American citizens.
Arguing for Padilla, Stanford University law professor Jenny Martinez, a former law clerk for Justice Stephen Breyer, will contend that the Bush administrations position is that for the foreseeable future, any citizen, anywhere, at any time, is subject to indefinite military detention based on the Presidents determination that there is some evidence he has associated with a terrorist organization with violent intent.
All sovereign citizens will be screwed, and the administration will clamp down hard on militia groups. Basically anyone deemed as even a mild threat.
The authority of the Commander in Chief to engage and defeat the enemy encompasses the capture and detention of enemy combatants wherever found, including within the Nations borders, Olson argues. That is particularly true in the current conflict in view of the nature of the September 11 attacks, which were perpetrated by combatants who had assimilated into the civilian population and launched their attacks from within the United States.
So, basically we need to be able to detain enemy combatants, where ever they may be located.
Who's an enemy combatant? It's up to the President.
So the president chooses who is a combatant....glad he is on call everytime they need him to give the mighty Ceasar thumb up/down routine.
He is using options available to him to fight an enemy that doesn't dress in matching uniforms and march in columns. Are there possible threats and operatives in the US? More than likely...almost positively. Are they US citizens? Many, sure are....some have come here by permission. Where is the battle field? Where the enemy is. It is war on many fronts....one of which is here in the US.
I guess we can wait until they leave the US to do anything about them. I am glad they caught the military reserve guy trying to train people to kill US soldiers living up in my neck of the woods.
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