
Did anyone else hear that we declared war on Iran last month?



MudGrrl said:
it wouldn't surprise me if we went in today (except for the fact that we lack manpower)
Edited by RM: Keep it clean.


Feb 23, 2006
Chinafornia USA
BurlyShirley said:
Conversation over.

Late dude...

It's been good chat'n with youz guyz, but I gotta go get some work done. We'll just have to see what happens, think positive and maybe we can dodge this lame ass deal!

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
3D. said:
It's been good chat'n with youz guyz, but I gotta go get some work done. We'll just have to see what happens, think positive and maybe we can dodge this lame ass deal!

What about this war-mongering bunch of Johnny-come-latelys?

The U.N. Security Council voted unanimously last week to demand that Iran suspend nuclear enrichment but Iran has remained defiant, saying its enrichment plans are "irreversible." The standoff has ratcheted up tension over Iran's nuclear program.


Space Monkey
Jul 2, 2001
The bunker at parliament
Old Man G Funk said:
I went ahead and looked up EO 13292 and I found this:


3D, is this what you thought it was? How does it relate to Iran?
I think the bit of that which is relavant is this.....

Sec. 3.3. Automatic Declassification. (a) Subject to paragraphs (b)-(e) of this section, on December 31, 2006, all classified records that (1) are more than 25 years old and (2) have been determined to have permanent historical value under title 44, United States Code, shall be automatically declassified whether or not the records have been reviewed. Subsequently, all classified records shall be automatically declassified on December 31 of the year that is 25 years from the date of its original classification, EXCEPT as provided in paragraphs (b)-(e) of this section.

(b) An agency head may exempt from automatic declassification under paragraph (a) of this section specific information, the release of which could be expected to:

(1) reveal the identity of a confidential human source, or a human intelligence source, or reveal information about the application of an intelligence source or method;

(2) reveal information that would assist in the development or use of weapons of mass destruction;

(3) reveal information that would impair U.S. cryptologic systems or activities;

(4) reveal information that would impair the application of state of the art technology within a U.S. weapon system;

(5) reveal actual U.S. military war plans that remain in effect;

(6) reveal information, including foreign government information, that would seriously and demonstrably impair relations between the United States and a foreign government, or seriously and demonstrably undermine ongoing diplomatic activities of the United States;

(7) reveal information that would clearly and demonstrably impair the current ability of United States Government officials to protect the President, Vice President, and other protectees for whom protection services, in the interest of the national security, are authorized;

(8) reveal information that would seriously and demonstrably impair current national security emergency preparedness plans or reveal current vulnerabilities of systems, installations, infrastructures, or projects relating to the national security; or

(9) violate a statute, treaty, or international agreement.
But that's all I could find of relavance to this topic in that document???

Nice to know your govenment has just admited that it plans to violate statute's, treaty's and international agreements, then try to cover it up. :rofl:

But I recon your lot are going in, just a matter of when you have freed up enough troops to do it, in the meantime your just busy inventing the required excuses, and preping the troops by using the Iraqi's for target practice till you hop over the border...... least that's how it seems to me. *shrugs* no matter it's you guys that will be paying the bill for the clusterfvck. :nopity:

The Amish

Dumber than N8
Feb 22, 2005
Whatever................there are no weapons of mass destruction in Iran. Chuck Norris lives in oklahoma