
Did I just get hit on?


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
OGRipper said:
Um, H8R, time to go practice paradiddles or something...

Left right left left, right left right right...

That stuff is for sissies.


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
H8R said:
No sh*t.

Does DHG go to a restaurant and order a steak rayer?

Is she afraid of bayers?

Does she listen to Ayer Supply?

Does she dress in motley garb and go to the Ren Fayer?

Does she play truth or dayer?

Does she get rid of the fur on her legs with Nayer?

This is all very lame.

There was this one time while she was doing her hayer while sitting in a chayer, nevermind no one really cayers


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2005
Chandler, AZ, USA
stinkyboy said:
That's as bad as the rainbow stickers. It's nobody's business, and it sure shouldn't have to be her "defense" from some jerk.

PS. She is pretty hot!

:stupid: On all points. Don't be defensive. Tell him you're not interested, end of discussion.

If that doesn't work, Go to HR and tell them he's hit on multiple women and you and others feel it's a problem and verges on making "A hostile work enviroment".


Jack Ass Pen Goo Win
Oct 15, 2004
South Bend
H8R said:
No sh*t.

Does DHG go to a restaurant and order a steak rayer?

Is she afraid of bayers?

Does she listen to Ayer Supply?

Does she dress in motley garb and go to the Ren Fayer?

Does she play truth or dayer?

Does she get rid of the fur on her legs with Nayer?

This is all very lame.

Wow my last name is Ayers


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
Reactor said:
:stupid: On all points.
I don't know why I'm even responding to your dumb azz, but here goes:

OK, I'm guessing you're a supporter of rainbow stickers?

I'm sitting in traffic wondering if the guy in front of me likes to be sodomized, hmmm, OH, he has "THE STICKER", now I know!

Be as gay as you want, but why do you feel the rest of the world has to know?!


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2005
Chandler, AZ, USA
stinkyboy said:
I don't know why I'm even responding to your dumb azz, but here goes:

OK, I'm guessing you're a supporter of rainbow stickers?

I'm sitting in traffic wondering if the guy in front of me likes to be sodomized, hmmm, OH, he has "THE STICKER", now I know!

Be as gay as you want, but why do you feel the rest of the world has to know?!

I'm agreeing that she shouldn't be defensive, that it's none of anyone's business what or who she is, and she should just bust this guy's chops.

I don't give a rat's ass about rainbow stickers one way or another...They are as smart or as stupid as the fish cult stickers.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
stinkyboy said:
I don't know why I'm even responding to your dumb azz, but here goes:

OK, I'm guessing you're a supporter of rainbow stickers?

I'm sitting in traffic wondering if the guy in front of me likes to be sodomized, hmmm, OH, he has "THE STICKER", now I know!

Be as gay as you want, but why do you feel the rest of the world has to know?!
Ride your bike all you want... why does the world have to know? People put stickers on their cars... it's what they do.


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
Ciaran said:
Ride your bike all you want... why does the world have to know? People put stickers on their cars... it's what they do.
Your sex life should be on display next to the hobbies you enjoy?

El Jefe

Dr. Phil Jefe
Nov 26, 2001
OC in SoCal
Ciaran said:
That was funny. I was gonna say tell him he has to have a sex change first, but your's is better. Though now I have this sudden urge to go by The GF a schoolgirl outfit and leave work early. :sneaky:
That's why it's great that my chickie is a dancer....she already has the costumes hanging in the closet. :evil:


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2005
Chandler, AZ, USA
stinkyboy said:
Your sex life should be on display next to the hobbies you enjoy?

Probaby not but then again:

Originally Posted by H8R
I bet he has something that looks like a cross between a penis and a vagina. Like a penis with a mouth, and little nubby teeth. And bad breath.
I wouldn't put something like this in my sig either.

El Jefe

Dr. Phil Jefe
Nov 26, 2001
OC in SoCal
dh girlie said:
Yeah but isn't that kinda gross if she wears em for you? with some fat, ugly, greezy dudes sweat all over it? Or some cheesey bastards cologne?
Well, the costumes are mostly for the stage show, not really so much for the lapdances. But there's also this little thing called a washing machine that keeps her clothes nice and clean. :D
Jan 7, 2004
D.C. area
Echo said:
It is quite entertaining to watch all the dorks to get their panties all in a bunch every time a hot lesbian walks in the room :p
I know! Goodness gracious!

I once got stalked by two guys at once. They were co-workers who I chatted with only at work, but that's as far as it went--polite conversation. This was in '93. One guy was from Iraq. One guy was from Pakistan. They got into a competition with each other about it. One guy ran out in front of my car on the highway to give me a Patti Labelle CD with love songs on it--and a portable CD player. He gave me the CD saying that I was going to marry him and I'd "...learn to love [him.]" Meanwhile, I was just trying to find myself a chick. I made polite conversation with the guys, and they went overboard. More than half my hair was shaved at the time--no idea what straight guys thought was hot about a near-mohawk on a girl. In the end, restraining orders and telling them, "Never speak to me again," did the trick. It was all very odd, though. :confused:


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
Capt. Jack Sparrow said:
More than half my hair was shaved at the time--no idea what straight guys thought was hot about a near-mohawk on a girl.
:drool: :drool:


Mar 31, 2004
Broomfield, CO
Capt. Jack Sparrow said:
I know! Goodness gracious!

I once got stalked by two guys at once. They were co-workers who I chatted with only at work, but that's as far as it went--polite conversation. This was in '93. One guy was from Iraq. One guy was from Pakistan. They got into a competition with each other about it. One guy ran out in front of my car on the highway to give me a Patti Labelle CD with love songs on it--and a portable CD player. He gave me the CD saying that I was going to marry him and I'd "...learn to love [him.]" Meanwhile, I was just trying to find myself a chick. I made polite conversation with the guys, and they went overboard. More than half my hair was shaved at the time--no idea what straight guys thought was hot about a near-mohawk on a girl. In the end, restraining orders and telling them, "Never speak to me again," did the trick. It was all very odd, though. :confused:
Restraining orders and the words "Never speak to me again" are just girl code for I am interested.

I mean, if I had a nickel for every time I have had one of those happen, I'd be a billionaire.
Jan 7, 2004
D.C. area
Man, I wish I could snap a picture of the slimeball who asked me to go ride in his car. He looks like a mad professor. It wouldn't come close to being as funny as one of dh girlie's pics, though.


What do I have to do to get you in this car TODAY?
Nov 15, 2002
Charlotte, NC
Capt. Jack Sparrow said:
no idea what straight guys thought was hot about a near-mohawk on a girl.
you are into other girls, you ride a bike, could you have more things in common :thumb: