
Did I just see David Clinger?


Turbo Monkey
Mar 2, 2004
Back in Hell A, b1thces
So, I'm driving down Glenoaks Blvd in Burbank today on my way to see an account and I come up on this road biker stopped at a redlight. I'm a bike geek so I start checking his bike out and the guy looks over at me while I'm checking his bike out, and lo and behold, the dude's face is covered in a tattoo. The light turns green and homeboy takes off and I'm sitting there thinking "WTF, did I just see David Clinger?" So, I go slow past him then intentionally wait at a stop sign for him to catch up so I can check it out again. Yep, full face tattoo. Does anybody know who Clinger is racing for anymore, did he just ride the Tour deCali?

Could it be, or are face tattoo's the rage with roadies? :twitch: :monkeydance:



Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Big time in New England. Top sprinter in the area.

EDIT: Try googling just Adam Myerson and the word piercing...