
Did the unthinkable?


Apr 12, 2008
Alright so I used to BMX... probably a lot of us when we were younger right? I wanted to get into Mountain biking and mainly freeriding and wanted to get a bike. Well because of lack of funds(I am in the military) My wife and I went and got some mediocore bikes from a sporting goods store. I want to get serious but there are not a lot of trails around southern mississippi(that I know of) Is there any trails anyone knows about or maybe just some bike upgrades for el cheapo me? Thanks for the help!:bonk:


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Keesler, right?
Ride when and where you can. Upgrade parts when they wear out or break, dont stress the bling. Enjoy the bikes as they are, ride as much as possible.
When you are ready to upgrade, check Ebay or Craigslist.


Apr 12, 2008
Is there a way to make my bike shift better. I am a little scared with these cheaper bikes to stand up and push the pedals cuase usually to much pressure and the chain slips. I go face forward right into the handle bars or my nuts hit the center bar. that **** sucks. How can I avoid this new derauiller or something?

downhill mike

Turbo Monkey
Mar 23, 2005
Sounds like a drive train problem.
Is this the new mediocre bike?
If not check the cassette, chain and der.
Can't have a bike that you can't pedal hard when you want to.


Aug 27, 2007
FFirst off, get Lance’s book, “Its Not About the Bike”. Once you read it, you’ll realize… wow… its not about the bike. Sure, having Kona or S-works on your bike might be cool, really, its about riding for the love of it.

I’m in the military too, and I called my first bike the “PX Special”. There was nothing “special” about it, other than it was cheap, but it really got me into mountain biking. As JohnE suggested, buy components as they wear out. Try starting with a new chain if you are worried about it breaking.

Also, take it to your LBS, tell them your situation, and ask their advice. Have them give it a good once over and they will be able to identify what components could use some upgrading (be careful and don’t buy anything you are absolutely sure about!).

Good luck!


Apr 12, 2008
Hey thanks a lot for the advice I am going to take my and my wifes bike to our local bike shop and see what they think. we finally had a chance to go out yesterday for the first time together and it was a blast all straight flat roads but it was still an enjoyable ride. Thanks a lot or the help guys!


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
Yea, don't sweat the bling.

A good seat (if you or your wife are uncomfortable, it makes it less fun and bikes can collect dust instead of rides that way) and tires and getting the drive situation worked out for now.

Welcome to the :monkey: