
Did you ever just have to get out and pedal a little bit???


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
I had to tonight.

So I took my Marin out for a little spin in the snow!

Thanks to some help from Smelly (formerly known as squarewheels) the Marin is back up and running in SS mode with the help of a shimano rear derailleur to provide some chain tension.

Anyway I just had to get out a pedal a little bit tonight - it was a very short journey, but fun nonetheless.



Mr. Schwinn Effing Armstrong
Oct 3, 2003
Avoiding the nine to five
I do that a bunch during finals and midterms week. I'm not hardcore enough to ride in the snow, but I take my fixed gear out and just spin around campus. Loosens up my legs, gets my head on straight and just seems to set things right with the world. Is that the first ride on the marin as an SS?

The Ito


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
Nope - I've had it as a SS for a while now, but it was out of commission for a few months until I got around to getting a new chain for it. I also switched from a 32T chainring up front to the current Spot Brand 34T ss chainring.

I'm lusting over the Surly Instigator fork that is for sale in the Buy and Sell forum, but I must try and resist the urge to grab that fork.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 17, 2004
out yonder, round bout a hootinany
looks good mark! now if only this damn snow would go away... :mumble:

i leave my road bike on the trainer in my room and i set up some straps across the handlebar so i can read while i ride. it's not quite like pedaling outside, but i open up both my windows and get a nice crossbreeze at least...


Sep 22, 2004
I get out and just take quick spins all the time. With all the wet weather Utah has had I have been kept to riding the VT on the road but it's better than not riding at all.


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
Smelly said:
looks good mark! now if only this damn snow would go away... :mumble:

i leave my road bike on the trainer in my room and i set up some straps across the handlebar so i can read while i ride. it's not quite like pedaling outside, but i open up both my windows and get a nice crossbreeze at least...

Chaz - you've been super helpful and I'm really greatful for all your assistance with my rigs.

I like your idea of throwing the straps across your bars for reading - great idea.

Man I wish I had discovered cycling when I was younger. I got a late start, but that's life and I'm having a blast riding now so that's what counts right?


Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
MMcG said:
I had to tonight.

So I took my Marin out for a little spin in the snow!

Thanks to some help from Smelly (formerly known as squarewheels) the Marin is back up and running in SS mode with the help of a shimano rear derailleur to provide some chain tension.

Anyway I just had to get out a pedal a little bit tonight - it was a very short journey, but fun nonetheless.


Yikkeess! What the heck is that white stuff? :confused: Went for a great ride today in 65 degree weather....the trails were nice and dry, and this is Seattle!!!

Nice Ride btw :D


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
Snacks said:

Yikkeess! What the heck is that white stuff? :confused: Went for a great ride today in 65 degree weather....the trails were nice and dry, and this is Seattle!!!

Nice Ride btw :D
Another New England snow storm :mumble:

Thanks for the compliment on the Marin

Note to self: Do not drink coffee at 9:00 pm!


Feb 9, 2004
Hi mark,

if you run the bike single speed with a derailleur for tensionner, you should put your chain shorter than that...


Feb 9, 2004
MMcG said:
How so Bernard? Can you show me a photo that shows a shorter chain?
the idea behing single speed bike is to have a silent bike, and less parts in the way like the derailleur....the shorter you put the chain the less jump the derailleur will do and it will also be more silent... i did a setup once for friend and the derailleur cage was almost horizontal! i was running perfectly!( i guss it alson depends on the king of derailleur too...sorry a dont have a pic


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
tartosuc said:
the idea behing single speed bike is to have a silent bike, and less parts in the way like the derailleur....the shorter you put the chain the less jump the derailleur will do and it will also be more silent... i did a setup once for friend and the derailleur cage was almost horizontal! i was running perfectly!( i guss it alson depends on the king of derailleur too...sorry a dont have a pic
hmmm.....well it's working well for now..........we'll see.

Thanks for the info bro! :thumb:


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
Definitely... I'll occasionally pedal up and down the street a few times just because something in me needs to be on the bike, if only for 10 or 15 minutes.


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
berkshire_rider said:
Damn skiiers. :eviltongu

Mark: Instead of buying the Surly in the buy/sell forum, you should pick up some Nokians and ride all winter with us. :dancing:

I think Splat should donate some time and make me some home made studded tires - I certainl have a lot of extra tires to work with! ;) :)


Feb 5, 2003
The Blackstone Valley
:thumb: See if you can convince him.

I was on the fence for awhile before I picked up my Nokians. One of the better purchases I have ever made for my bikes. I would go as far as saying studded tires are damn near a requirement for people living in NE that really enjoy riding-year round. Anything that keeps you riding is a good thing.


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
berkshire_rider said:
:thumb: See if you can convince him.

I was on the fence for awhile before I picked up my Nokians. One of the better purchases I have ever made for my bikes. I would go as far as saying studded tires are damn near a requirement for people living in NE that really enjoy riding-year round. Anything that keeps you riding is a good thing.

How much were those Nokians?


Mar 17, 2002
Yes! Although I can't right now, since I'm recovering from knee surgery. But the urge is so great to just pedal around. I was thinking that I could just lower the seat, and pedal with my right foot...

Everytime I go downstairs I just stare at the bikes. What sucks is that my roommate is getting a new ride this weekend. Bah! I guess it's incentive to recover quick...hopefully I can ride a trainer soon..


Feb 5, 2003
The Blackstone Valley
MMcG said:
Youch! That's a lotta cabbage for two tires!
Keeps you riding year-round, (riding on frozen lakes kicks a$$), and they will last you 5+ seasons from what others have relayed. But, yeah, $140 for 2 tires is a lot of cabbage. It depends on whether you think it's a worthwhile investment, and if you ride enough to justify such a purchase.

FWIW: Bikeman has the lowest prices on this model. You can get lower model Nokians there that have less studs for about $38 each and there are deals on Ebay for pairs of other brands. They may or may not last as long. :confused: