
Did you ever wish you threw that first punch?

Dog Welder

Turbo Monkey
Sep 7, 2001
Pasadena, CA
I'm in an ally way to park behind a restaurant. there is a car coming back the opposite way but he stops right in front of me expecting me to move. Except for the fact that there's 10 feet of space where he could have drove past me to my right. We flip each other the bird and he comes around to my door, calls me a gook and challenges me to a fight. I pull over to see if this guys got the balls to walk the walk and as he comes toward my car I get out. Don't think he expected to see a 6'4" 230 pound gook. He gives me a shove with absolutely NO conviction behind it. And proceeds to call me a bitch and a gook to provoke a fight. There are people around and I start hollaring out "This man is assaulting me and is trying to instigate a fight." He resorts to calling my truck a POS, he drives a Jag..come on ..a Jag, me a Gook (i'm Chinese not Vietnamese). As we face off, I say to him "throw the first punch...YOU challenged ME!" He even acknowledges that neither of us will throw the first punch and resorts to calling me names and saying that I work at Micky Ds and that he was a family man and had no time to waste with a POS like me.

I'm coming off the adrenaline rush right now...but damn I wish we went into a more secluded part of the lot and threw down. I know without a doubt that I would have wiped the floor with him. As we were facing off I started going through my head which takedowns, which punches, and which choke holds and pain maneuvers I could have employed.

Deep down I know I did the right thing by not fighting....I just got off probation with the fire department and life is good...didn't need to ruin all my work with an assault and battery charge. But stuffing my fist down a pompus Ahole's throat or putting him to sleep with a rear naked choke would have been freakin sweet.

Thanks for letting me vent.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Normally I would say you should avoid any kind of conflict. It is never worth it and you never know when you can come across a maniac toting a gun or knife.

But the desire to knock around some Jag driving jerk may have been too much.

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
Another quality human being. A "gook"??? WTF....you did the right thing mate. Did you get his number plate? is that kind of racial invective illegal where you live?

Dog Welder

Turbo Monkey
Sep 7, 2001
Pasadena, CA
We'll the thing is he challenged me, he shoved me...and he came at me with intent to harm. Assault is when the threat of violence it placed upon you....Battery is when actual hands are placed on you....So technically if I did throw the first punch could I have claimed that I felt threatened for my life and therefore it was self defense?


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
Well, Good job for walking. Hard thing to do, your right Fighting isnt worth it. The Further challenge is to not Throw the "Bird" in the first place. I cant say i am perfectly innocent, But i learned the hard way. I am a 250lb 6.1 Ex wrestler<Real wrestling, not wwf insult to wresting wrestling>I can fair to hold my own pretty well, and one day, i didnt want to be teh one to back down. The guy i Didnt know, was about 2/3 my size and i took the lead and swung first, then proceeding to have my Ass whooped up and down the place. What i didnt know what the guy was fourth degree Black belt. Conflict started out alot the same. Lesson learned, hurt for w while too!!! Again two thumbs up for walking away


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
racila slurs like that are illegal all over the country as well as shoving you. just shoving you is categorically and technically assault. assault does not have to result in injury for it to be assault.

you were the better man by calling him out on being a big ol' pussy in front of everyone though. i myself would have flown off the handle and knocked his head off his shoulders.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
Dog Welder said:
We'll the thing is he challenged me, he shoved me...and he came at me with intent to harm. Assault is when the threat of violence it placed upon you....Battery is when actual hands are placed on you....So technically if I did throw the first punch could I have claimed that I felt threatened for my life and therefore it was self defense?
technically yes. i mean a dark alley, some guy rushing up to your car screaming at you and whatnot.

Dog Welder

Turbo Monkey
Sep 7, 2001
Pasadena, CA
I'm a non confrontational kind of guy. I haven't been in a fight since high school....I just like martial arts....but man the blood was boiling

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
DirtyMike said:
Well, Good job for walking. Hard thing to do, your right Fighting isnt worth it. The Further challenge is to not Throw the "Bird" in the first place. I cant say i am perfectly innocent, But i learned the hard way. I am a 250lb 6.1 Ex wrestler<Real wrestling, not wwf insult to wresting wrestling>I can fair to hold my own pretty well, and one day, i didnt want to be teh one to back down. The guy i Didnt know, was about 2/3 my size and i took the lead and swung first, then proceeding to have my Ass whooped up and down the place. What i didnt know what the guy was fourth degree Black belt. Conflict started out alot the same. Lesson learned, hurt for w while too!!! Again two thumbs up for walking away
Good advice there.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 5, 2004
Rochester N.Y.
Good job man, people like that will get theirs at some time or another. Since it wasn't you hopefully it will be some ex con that wouldn't mind riding away in a new jag:devil: Honestly I'm usually pretty chill but in situations like that am a little hot headed sometimes, if he shoved me I probably would have gone ape****. Its not the 'right' thing to do I guess, but hey if you are dumb enough to set me off I guess its what you get.:rolleyes:


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
I threw the first bitch-slap once...the dude who earned my teenage wrath ran to the bathroom and cried...I found out about it late in the evening...ahh the days when we were all 15 and uber immature...

Recently I had a creepy dude get pissed off because I went around him at a green light because he had his left turn signal on and was going to take the entirety of the light's duration to make his left, and he followed me home, riding tightly on my car's ass, etc. Keep in mind I hadn't yet renewed my car insurance since returning from the trip so I really shouldn't have been out in that car anyways... Dude slowed down while I parked my car, but sped away fast when my sweetie stormed out of the passenger seat and walked up to the asswipe who thought trying to intimidate a chick driver was fun...

Dog Welder

Turbo Monkey
Sep 7, 2001
Pasadena, CA
Funny thing I was more insulted when he said I worked at Micky D's than when he called me a bitch or a gook...funny what things will set us off huh?

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
Dog Welder said:
Funny thing I was more insulted when he said I worked at Micky D's than when he called me a bitch or a gook...funny what things will set us off huh?
Yeah, I do not know what it is like to be a minority in this country and be called names, even dumb ones like he used.
But the fact that he drove a faguar and was up in your grill like that,
and you were man enough not to do anything says alot.
I could not have done it for sure.
Throwing a first punch can get you in all kinds of trouble,
with the cops, with your job, etc etc.....
You did the right thing even if does not feel like it.:)


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
chicodude said:

If I am gonna fight someone, i ALWAYS throw the first punch. You want every advantage you can get...

If you know right away there is no walking away, then Yeah defend yoursef by any means neccesary and do it quick. Try to walk away from it though, i mean Hell lets say you tag the guy, take him down one shot, but you broke thebones in your hand in teh process when it could have just been an insulting match....Always gotta see all angles and hope to maek the right choice....


Feb 15, 2005
its situations like that when u need a taser.... lol sp?? anyways so the guy starts lipping off then give him a poke with it and tell him to F'Off lol haha:rofl:

Dog Welder

Turbo Monkey
Sep 7, 2001
Pasadena, CA
GumbaFish said:
Good job man, people like that will get theirs at some time or another. Since it wasn't you hopefully it will be some ex con that wouldn't mind riding away in a new jag:devil: Honestly I'm usually pretty chill but in situations like that am a little hot headed sometimes, if he shoved me I probably would have gone ape****. Its not the 'right' thing to do I guess, but hey if you are dumb enough to set me off I guess its what you get.:rolleyes:

Dude I mean seriously...Pasadena's a relatively safe town but its still Los Angeles.....We get road rage shootings all the time here not to mention the gang violence. How stupid are you to actually get out of your car to start **** in Los Angeles? You have NO IDEA what kind of psychos live here. I Know...i used to work for the Compton Fire Department.

Not to toot my own horn ..but I was the Heavy Weight Sparring champion in Taekwondo in Colorado in 98, I've fought in mixed martial arts matches. I also have a blue belt in Brazilian Jiujitsu. I don't need a tazer.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I am an expert in confrontation. First of all, never play someone else's game. For example, if someone steps up to you with some BS challenge, laugh in his face. He doesn't want to fight, he wants to vent.

I noticed people who like to fight, fight without much provocation. A guy who really wanted to fight would have punched you through the window.

I would have laughed right in his face. A guy who challenges you to a fight either wants you to swing at him, giving his anger justification, or for you to back down, which allows him to win the confrontation.

If you choose the third option, laughter but without backing down, then he is forced to either take the first punch, making him the bad guy, or to back down. Most of the time he has to back down, not that you couldn't handle it yourself if he swings.

The last time someone called me a chink, I was working at my shop when a drunken bum came in with what looked like a stolen bike ("they were giving bikes away at the Goodwill", was his story), and wanted me to fix his tire for free. I said I would put air into it, but my sarcasm was obvious, and he said "What's your problem, f cking chink?"

I was a little taken aback, because no one has seriously called a chink since junior high. My sarcasm turned to anger, and without saying anything, he realized he said the wrong thing. Of course, it was helpful that my bouncer friend had stood up behind me, indicating the next word would had his face smashed in (he is the kind to fight first challenge second).


Mar 14, 2005
there used to be a time when i could never hold back. ppl could do stuff to me i couldnt care less but mess around with a friend i was thrwowing punches... luckily.. ive gotten older and have a lot more restraint now


Turbo Monkey
Oct 5, 2004
Rochester N.Y.
Dog Welder said:
Dude I mean seriously...Pasadena's a relatively safe town but its still Los Angeles.....We get road rage shootings all the time here not to mention the gang violence. How stupid are you to actually get out of your car to start **** in Los Angeles? You have NO IDEA what kind of psychos live here. I Know...i used to work for the Compton Fire Department.

Not to toot my own horn ..but I was the Heavy Weight Sparring champion in Taekwondo in Colorado in 98, I've fought in mixed martial arts matches. I also have a blue belt in Brazilian Jiujitsu. I don't need a tazer.
Well that is a good point I didn't think about that. I live in central new york, its not exactly the epicenter for violence. Also I have never gotten into a fight from stepping out of my car and confronting somebody, because I have never been stupid enough to stop and get out of my car. I was just saying in general if thrown right into the situation of him saying all of that and pushing me I probably would have fought and got my ass kicked.


talks too much
Mar 19, 2002
Claremont, CA
Good job on not throwing a punch. Especially if the law got involved, I think you probably would regret that much more later... This dude sounds like a total clown, but still...I think you would have been only very temporarily satisfied after beating down some dork in a Jag.

I haven't been in a fight since like 7th grade. I even got punched in the face last year during a broomball game (who throws a punch during broomball?!) and nothing came of it. At first I was stunned and then my next thought was "street justice" but people had already stepped in and diffused the situation at that point. I found out later from a friend who knew this clown that his girlfriend was there and saw this; she was pissed at him for weeks. Haha...what a jackass...


Dec 6, 2004
I used to train for boxing arround 7 years ago, spent 3 years into it, untill one day, a guy went trying to get me going, held for 5 mins avoiding the confrontation, then he goes and grabs my then girlfriend now wife's butt..... i blacked out, then woke up sitting on top of the dude, holding him by the shirt, giving him a good impression of my knuckles on his face.....

had to drop boxing.... not because of legal issues, but because i really dont remember how i beat the living crap out of that guy... and his friend.... jejejeje 2 x 1 deal....


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
Of course you took the high road and good for you.

But I don't think anyone could have faulted you for giving that dude a good beating.


Nov 11, 2005
Reno and Vegas
I jacked the chin of a guy 2 years ago because of a situation very similar to yours. I threw first punch because you can generally tell when it's going down and didn't want to get hit first. Caught em good and proceeded to regulate on him pretty heavily. As you can imagine the consequences that came afterward in regards to law enforcement and their policies in situations of assualt are not real cool.

Would I do it again?

Not a chance....
There's always two sides to throwing a punch first.
1) you catch em good and have the strong upperhand.
2) because you threw first you committed assault.

Never a reason to fight in an area where there are witnesses, or where you may have to deal with the police.

I know it's crazy out there, and hope this has given you a chance to cool down.

Isn't it funny how tough people are always willing to talk to build up their reputation and so rarely willing fight for.



Mar 31, 2004
Denver, Colorado
Jr_Bullit said:
ahh the days when we were all 15 and uber immature...
I feel that. A few weeks ago a kid thought it would be funny to fill a vaccum(sp?) with shaving cream and turn it on reverse and turn it on in my room. I found out who did and and went to his room, picked his lock, told him to clean it, and he wouldn't. I ended up with bloody knuckles, and he got a broken nose and a black eye. I've never been that pissed I think, just because it got EVERYWHERE. All over my computer, printer, on all my clothes, all over my sheets. Once he got up I dragged him downstairs and made him clean it all.

Edit: He was then expelled from school and charged with theft for stealing over $2000 in cash and about 30 I-pods.


Oct 17, 2002
You can't throw the first punch when you know without a doubt you'd win... that'd make you a bully :(

Tho there was one guy some months back who deserved a beating, but he was like 5'5" and 120#, but his rich punk ass deserved a smackdown.

Nothing I dislike more than a rich kid with entitlement issues.


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
I don't throw the first punch... because I suck at fighting!!! I can take a punch really well, so the last time I was a similar situation - the guy smacked me and I just laughed at him. It ended there and I was very happy b/c I was about to get eh sh*t kicked out of me...

However I am not a public figure like a firefighter... so I can get away with it if I chose to fight. You no longer have that luxury. Even if you are just defending yourself - you're going to have to deal with a TON more sh*t than the rest of us...

Tone down the sign language, and don't yell even if they are. You handled the situation pretty well, but next time avoid getting into the situation.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Dog Welder said:
Not to toot my own horn ..but I was the Heavy Weight Sparring champion in Taekwondo in Colorado in 98, I've fought in mixed martial arts matches. I also have a blue belt in Brazilian Jiujitsu. I don't need a tazer.
You've also ass-punched Sanjay. That's all you really need to say.

Paul, nothing that happened is worth ten more seconds of your time. That's not to say that your emotions will let it sit, but still...

When he pushed you, you could've legally kicked his ass, (I'm sort of surprised you just didn't arm-bar him if he stuck it out at you...) but it's not worth the hassle. He drives a jag...let it go...



Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I remember this story. Two of my messenger buddies left the bar, pretty hammered. They come out, and some guy is hitting a woman.

They grab the guy, and he says,

"Hey, there's no problem, she's just my wife!"

My friends proceed to beat the crap out of him.

Dog Welder

Turbo Monkey
Sep 7, 2001
Pasadena, CA
MikeD said:
You've also ass-punched Sanjay. That's all you really need to say.

Paul, nothing that happened is worth ten more seconds of your time. That's not to say that your emotions will let it sit, but still...

When he pushed you, you could've legally kicked his ass, (I'm sort of surprised you just didn't arm-bar him if he stuck it out at you...) but it's not worth the hassle. He drives a jag...let it go...


I remeber that morning quite well....ahh the memories...

For those who don't know...Myself, Mike D and a bunch of the now defunct Team Nicolai (orven, bmxman, sanjay, and some other cats) were staying in a house for Big Bear Nationals. It was morning and I was still groggy in bed with one eye barely open....Sanjay decides it would be funny to rip a fart an inch from my face....which he did...and I just kind of snapped and punched him right in the ass. I hit him so hard my fist met pelvis. He didn't walk right for the rest of the day. I just remember Donnie laughing his ass off.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Dog Welder said:
I remeber that morning quite well....ahh the memories...

For those who don't know...Myself, Mike D and a bunch of the now defunct Team Nicolai (orven, bmxman, sanjay, and some other cats) were staying in a house for Big Bear Nationals. It was morning and I was still groggy in bed with one eye barely open....Sanjay decides it would be funny to rip a fart an inch from my face....which he did...and I just kind of snapped and punched him right in the ass. I hit him so hard my fist met pelvis. He didn't walk right for the rest of the day. I just remember Donnie laughing his ass off.
haha "Enter the Fist!"!

Man people have been pretty close to having me feed them their teeth using my knuckles lately too. Must be something in the water....

Always more trouble than it's worth i suppose, especially if you kill someone. You're talking about choking too, and it's especially easier to accidentally kill employing a choke....

But yah would be nice to be able to have it out once in a while with no repurcussion. Let's just scrap it out, one on one, winner wins, and that's that... Doesn't exist anymore.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
MikeD said:
That might've been a possibility if he'd punched an inch or two more to the side...
Yah, puffing butt smoke on someones face at such a close radius in my book makes intrusion justifiable.

If not a fist, perhaps a boot, or maybe a lamp, floor pump, a candelabra, and whatever produce that happens to be sitting in the fridge. Just depends on how close you are to your freinds i suppose...:monkey:


Turbo Monkey
Oct 21, 2004
Los Osos
Seen the movie Crash?

I could totally see this getting all movie like...

You get called to a fire, and there's a family trapped inside.
You make it upstairs to rescue the family.
It's him. Oh the irony!

End of story: you get an Oscar, millions of dollars, develop a wicked coke habit, then in rehab re-discover mountain biking, and become the next world cup champ. Can I have your autograph?

p.s. Good job on not fighting the guy, you were and are the bigger man.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 28, 2005
Pa. / North Jersey
Don't think he expected to see a 6'4" 230 pound gook.
Lol... that's hilarious. I fu@kin hate racist douchebags - woulda been funny if you clipped him, and then he would have had to explain the black eye to his friends.

Dog - I know how you feel, but you did the smart thing and the right thing. Personally I'm over the whole road-rage thing. To quote Mel Brookes in the movie Spaceballs: "...I'm surrounded by a$$holes!" When I run into the voluntarily semi-retarded on the road, I just move, let them pass, or wreck - whichever.

Imagine sitting in a courtroom with a lawyer you just dropped $10,000 on when he asks you: "So let me get this straight, you put a guy in the hospital, and now he's suing you because neither one of you would go around each other....?"

You did the right thing. Inequitable situation avoided.