you're making the assertion that we're at step 0, and that marriage has always been like it is today. History vigorously disagrees. Highlights of the past century include, but are not limited to the redefinition of:Originally posted by Jr_Bullit
Historically your arguments on this subject have always pointed to the Slippery Slope argument. You rely upon materials that you find to validate the argument, and that's great! really it is, it shows that you can read those statements that directly agree with your own logic but are unwilling to consider arguments that oppose it.
- divorce laws
- adultery laws
- sodomy laws
so, i should support and argue for something that is counter to my moral basis? Would you have a problem if i supported & argued for legislation preventing 3 consenting adults from marrying? As you've said, they're consenting, what right do i have to prevent them from doing what makes them happy?Originally posted by Jr_Bullit
Very true, but you do support and argue for legislation that would hinder the rights of another group of people for no other reason than that it morally is against your own personal definition of what is sacrosanct. Thus, by weight of support alone, you are fully capable of hindering them from that which makes them happy. And by supporting said agreements that only coincide with your own personal logic you are judging another person's behavior.
you can stick your head in the sand if you want, but something's going to take place after it's sapped. What - i don't know.Originally posted by Jr_Bullit
...the liklihood that the Social Security that is yanked from your paycheck is actually any form of security for you is slim to none...unless you get injured now and can no longer work.
political 3rd rail thread.Originally posted by Jr_Bullit
Besides, since Everyone has to contribute to SS, shouldn't everyone, in theory have a right to collect on it? Gay or not?
agreed.Originally posted by Jr_Bullit
Ah yes, but you see the indecencies which you reference are only perpetrated by the priests, not by the young boys, not by other practicing catholics. So, by your argument, you're saying there are FAR more priests that molest young boys than there are gays? Somehow I think that's rather absurd. And the "unusual" situation I was referring to is the obligation of a priest to not engage in an sexual act with a "woman" thus many individuals of a not okay personality have viewed the church as an "okay" place to be where their indiscretions could at least be kept reasonably quiet. Definitely not okay, but not a representative of other homosexuals. These are pedophiles for the most part and not healthy people.
you used the term "community" & that's what i focused on.
suffice it to say, the catholic church should allow for all men to be men of god in the church, not just those who take an oath to not marry.