
Digital Cameras, (nikon)


wannabe curb dropper
Sep 2, 2003
I want to move to BC!!!
Hi all,

I am on the virge of getting a Nikon 5200 digicam. 5mpixels, ****load of features, and more importantly, 30fps at shooting TV quality video, and all metal body for 500$.

I was wondering if anyone knows about the compression of the video. It gets saved as a quicktime .mov format. Is that mpeg1?

So far i saw 24secs of 30fps @ 640x480 fit in a 12mb memory. Which means , 18minutes for a 512mb SD card. more than enough for me. plus excellent picture quality (stills).

I would like any opinions on this camera if anyone here owns one.


binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
24 seconds of 30fps 640x480 video fits in a 12mb card? That doesn't seem right to me.

24secs * 30fps = 720 frames of video.

12,000k / 720 = ~16.7k apiece

I haven't looked up the specs for this camera, but TV resolution is 320x200, so "TV quality" doesn't equate to 640x480.

Just want to make sure you know what you're getting into.

Cameras are getting better but if you want a video camera, the best way to go is still to buy a video camera. Within 5 years I don't think the line will be as clearcut, but for now, still cameras simply can't compete with a good digital video camera.


wannabe curb dropper
Sep 2, 2003
I want to move to BC!!!
Binary thanks for the reply mate,

I dont want a digicam-videocam, i am mostly interested into still photography, but i could use a descent movie recorder to shoot small clips (1min) in the woods, and honestly since i am not into movies, a DV would be a waste of money for me.

I ll get the nikon 5200 tommorow, i got a very good deal with a SD card 512mb.

The cam is 5mpixel etc etc... i played with it in the shop today, awesome quality.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Originally posted by math2014
Binary thanks for the reply mate,

I dont want a digicam-videocam, i am mostly interested into still photography, but i could use a descent movie recorder to shoot small clips (1min) in the woods, and honestly since i am not into movies, a DV would be a waste of money for me.

I ll get the nikon 5200 tommorow, i got a very good deal with a SD card 512mb.

The cam is 5mpixel etc etc... i played with it in the shop today, awesome quality.
Nikon makes good stuff - have fun with it! :thumb: