Convention Recap-Day 3 (Before John Jr. Edition) | 28 Jul
Since the real biggie tonight is the John Edwards speech, we thought it best to split up the articles to review the "Before John" stuff separate from the "After John Stuff"
What is really amazing is that utterly no one is talking about what John Kerry will actually do. Check out our review.
Dennis Kucinich
I swear this guy reminds me of a cartoon character. E.T. phone home, as this guy is way out there. He's talking about people under bridges. Everything, including poverty, homelessness, etc. is a "Weapon of Mass Destruction". Everything that is except WMD's themselves. The crowd loves him. More people think like this whacko than we think.
Grade for helping Kerry; D Lucky this guy wasn't on anywhere but CPAN. Only helps if some of Kucinich's whackos don't vote for Nader and switch to Kerry.
Grade for Helping Bush: B- Shows the real way out left of the party, but not enough people saw him to have it make that much of a difference.
Rev. Al Sharpton
Finally! We finally got to see the true face of the party and the feelings of those in the hall. We must say, Rev. Al is mighty good at what he does. He was second only to Bill Clinton in firing up the faithful. He extended his allotted 6 minutes to 20, and the crowd ate it up.
Of course he veered from the "no Bush Bashing" rule, but he said what everyone was thinking. The lies and utter illogic of the topics he ran through is almost an afterthought to these folks, as they're so intellectually dishonest that they bought the BS he was selling
Grade for helping Kerry: B Not only did he fire up blacks, a key Democratic constituency, he gave a voice to all the Bush bashing haters. Actually, he is kind of fun to listen to.
Grade for helping Bush: B+ Anytime you can get this race hustling poverty pimp on TV the better. He's poison to middle America and the suburbs. The Tawana Brawley farce defines this jolly fat man to most people. The commentators said that the Kerry/Edwards people were mad he went on so long. The reason: Sane people see right through him.
Bob Graham
Crickets chirp. This is the worst follow up act since Gary Sharone took over Van Halen from Sammy Hagar and David Lee Roth. Perhaps the most boring man alive. His minute by minute journal entry: "Cured insomnia"
Grade for helping Bush and Kerry: Unknown. Depends how the insomniacs vote, as he cured them.
The Guvs (Rendell, Richardson, Granholm)
Rendell: A real shame. He, like me, is a diehard Eagles fan and does a 3 hour post game show after Birds games with some experts. He knows football and feels the same way as the average fan in the stands. Would be great to have a beer with and seems like a cool guy. But he was WAY out of place talking about energy independence. The 1970's style glasses didn't help either.
Richardson: The utter hypocrisy of this clown talking about how Clinton kept the nation secure is insulting. He was a leader of the "ostrich" brigade allowing the Chicoms to steal technology, Los Alamos happened on his watch, and the North Koreans didn't even kiss him before they screwed us. Another clown talking about "respect" around the world.
Granholm: A looker. Hillary's glad she was born in Canada and can't challenge in 08. Good one about the man not asking for directions.
Grade for Helping Kerry: C- None of these speakers gave one SPECIFIC Kerry solution. Sure they talked in generalities (Kerry will: "make us safer", "reduce our dependence on foreign oil" "keep clean air", etc.) but can anyone give one SPECIFIC Kerry solution?
Grade for helping Bush: C All were pretty non-offensive in their own way. And Granholm's hot. However, if people were aware of Richardson's hypocrisy this would be bad.
They just proudly announced George McGovern, Fritz Mondale and Mike Dukakis. While people were there and watching! Can you say "Failures" boys and girls? I knew you could. I think combined they won about 5 states. | 28 Jul
Since the real biggie tonight is the John Edwards speech, we thought it best to split up the articles to review the "Before John" stuff separate from the "After John Stuff"
What is really amazing is that utterly no one is talking about what John Kerry will actually do. Check out our review.
Dennis Kucinich
I swear this guy reminds me of a cartoon character. E.T. phone home, as this guy is way out there. He's talking about people under bridges. Everything, including poverty, homelessness, etc. is a "Weapon of Mass Destruction". Everything that is except WMD's themselves. The crowd loves him. More people think like this whacko than we think.
Grade for helping Kerry; D Lucky this guy wasn't on anywhere but CPAN. Only helps if some of Kucinich's whackos don't vote for Nader and switch to Kerry.
Grade for Helping Bush: B- Shows the real way out left of the party, but not enough people saw him to have it make that much of a difference.
Rev. Al Sharpton
Finally! We finally got to see the true face of the party and the feelings of those in the hall. We must say, Rev. Al is mighty good at what he does. He was second only to Bill Clinton in firing up the faithful. He extended his allotted 6 minutes to 20, and the crowd ate it up.
Of course he veered from the "no Bush Bashing" rule, but he said what everyone was thinking. The lies and utter illogic of the topics he ran through is almost an afterthought to these folks, as they're so intellectually dishonest that they bought the BS he was selling
Grade for helping Kerry: B Not only did he fire up blacks, a key Democratic constituency, he gave a voice to all the Bush bashing haters. Actually, he is kind of fun to listen to.
Grade for helping Bush: B+ Anytime you can get this race hustling poverty pimp on TV the better. He's poison to middle America and the suburbs. The Tawana Brawley farce defines this jolly fat man to most people. The commentators said that the Kerry/Edwards people were mad he went on so long. The reason: Sane people see right through him.
Bob Graham
Crickets chirp. This is the worst follow up act since Gary Sharone took over Van Halen from Sammy Hagar and David Lee Roth. Perhaps the most boring man alive. His minute by minute journal entry: "Cured insomnia"
Grade for helping Bush and Kerry: Unknown. Depends how the insomniacs vote, as he cured them.
The Guvs (Rendell, Richardson, Granholm)
Rendell: A real shame. He, like me, is a diehard Eagles fan and does a 3 hour post game show after Birds games with some experts. He knows football and feels the same way as the average fan in the stands. Would be great to have a beer with and seems like a cool guy. But he was WAY out of place talking about energy independence. The 1970's style glasses didn't help either.
Richardson: The utter hypocrisy of this clown talking about how Clinton kept the nation secure is insulting. He was a leader of the "ostrich" brigade allowing the Chicoms to steal technology, Los Alamos happened on his watch, and the North Koreans didn't even kiss him before they screwed us. Another clown talking about "respect" around the world.
Granholm: A looker. Hillary's glad she was born in Canada and can't challenge in 08. Good one about the man not asking for directions.
Grade for Helping Kerry: C- None of these speakers gave one SPECIFIC Kerry solution. Sure they talked in generalities (Kerry will: "make us safer", "reduce our dependence on foreign oil" "keep clean air", etc.) but can anyone give one SPECIFIC Kerry solution?
Grade for helping Bush: C All were pretty non-offensive in their own way. And Granholm's hot. However, if people were aware of Richardson's hypocrisy this would be bad.
They just proudly announced George McGovern, Fritz Mondale and Mike Dukakis. While people were there and watching! Can you say "Failures" boys and girls? I knew you could. I think combined they won about 5 states.