
Directions to Exit 34

mserko just to give you a heads up. basically it has become an unspoken rule to not give directions to the trails around here on the openess of thsi board. the trails out here or on slightly touchy ground so people would rather show them to people they have met in person and to be frank, feel have earned to know where the trails are. that isn;t necessarily based on skill...but more on respect for the trails and are not ones to go out and hurt themselves, go whining to someone and get the trail closed. i recomend going to a shop in the area and talking with guys around there. or meeting people on some of the other trails in the area and getting a repore with them. then they are likely to show you the trail. just a heads up without being a dick about it.

as a note: 34 is not a trail you find with directions. much easier to find when shown. also i have ridden the trail and did not find it to be a great trail, not a lot of flow, more just tracers the hillside into a steep rolling for 20 feet then back accross with some jumps and drops. but then again that is my opinion. good luck finding out where it is and find out for yourself