
Dirt... how should I proceed?


Jul 29, 2006
Salt Lake City
I got a dumptruck load of dirt on Friday to work into a pumptrack. I was unable to take a look at the dirt before it showed up, but the guy assured me it was a high clay content topsoil. Turns out it's mostly sand with a reasonable amount of clay, and lots of clay balls the size of baseballs. It sets and compacts really well, but the surface isn't very durable at all once it dries. I can water it easily, but it's definitely sandy and stays soft until it dries loose. Bummer.

So... should I use this to build everything to about 75% of the finished shape and then cover/shape/finish it with a different topsoil? Will capping it work well, or am I asking for future headaches?

Or should I build/finish an entire burm and set of rollers out of this dirt and just accept that one end of the track will be sandy and require more upkeep, maybe needing an eventual rebuild?


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