
dirt jump JAM rules


Turbo Monkey
Sep 8, 2001
so i am doing another dj comp.
but this one i want to make it a JAM
format. so here is what i am thinking.

i have 3 groups, OPEN - AM bmx - AM mtb

give numbers for all the riders to stick
on there bikes. have 15 min sesh for
the AM bmx small break then 15 min
for AM mtb. finally 15 for open.
all riders not in a DJ sesh has a clip board
with numbers riders that are competing.
so score just a simple 1-2-3 crossing out
when someone starts to step it up. Also
have a check box for best trick and best digger.

i am expecting 30+ riders about 10 in each cat.
so around 20 judges.
so i think i would get a good result this way.

if there is a tie for 1st both with say 5 - 1sts, then
who ever had the most 2nds or 3rds would take it.



Turbo Monkey
I guess I just have an aversion to Comic Sans because it seems to be the font of choice for "company fun" fliers, and such. And elementary school bake sales, etc. So many good free font websites out there I bet you could find a font that replaces I's with joints... hahah