
dirt jump lips and rain


Aug 13, 2006
Williamsburg VA
We got about 9" of rain this weekend, at the trials my buddy and i are building. The jumps are all really new, and a lot of the dirt washed away, and all the lips are trashed. Is this pretty common after such a hard rain, or will they become more resistant to errosion as they get harder?


Turbo Monkey
Jun 6, 2002
Bellingham, WA
sounds like you didn't pack them verywell. you can't just make a huge pile of dirt and then pack the outside...the inside will still be soft causeing it to erode faster. its a good idea to pack some as your piling and also let the mounds sit and settle some, the dirt you are using could be part of it too but honestly that much rain in a weekend is gonna do some damage, on the plus side you can work out the drainage for the jumps


Turbo Monkey
Sep 2, 2004
McMinnville, OR
to the OP:

packing in helps a little, but new jumps are never gonna be as resistant to rain damage as older lips, especially with weather like we've had in VA for the past couple of days. as the lips get ridden they get really well packed, moreso than you could ever do with the tamper. also here in VA the hot sun in the summer plus occaisional rain bakes the lips into something close to stone. our stuff weathered the rain well. now it is a question of how long it'll take to dry out.


Aug 13, 2006
Williamsburg VA
Allright, thanks for the info. We're doing a lot of work fixing stuff, and packing things better. We also dug deeper in our pits and got to some good red clay, so we're putting that on the lips now.