
Dirt jumping



I see pics all the time with dudes hitting some huge stuff. Then I notice no dome piece. What's more, they are wearing shin guards. Why would you be sensible enough to care about your shins, but not your head. Mind boggling to me. I need an explanation. :confused:
Heres the "logic". They might slip a pedal often, and a pin in the shins hurt alot, but if they know how to bail they shouldn't hit their head. So the shin guards stop unwanted pain, while to helmet is not necessarily doing anything (Because they are never gonna hit their head anyways)

At least thats what I imagine the reason is, I always wear a lid when Im jumping.
It only takes one crash.


I don't care if they wear a helmet or not, but you seem like a pussy to worry about your shins if you are so badass you don't need a helmet.


Mar 31, 2004
Denver, Colorado
the riding in that video was some of the sickest stuff... the stair drop 360 was sick... but ill suport the thread and it was done with no helmet!!! those guys are super smooth but they need there heads ya know


That is some badass riding pnj. They were dirt jumping or wearing shin guards though. What's your point???
I understand PNJ... and I dont really wear shin guards either.. I have a whole "connect-o-dot" thing on my shins.. such is life.

(PNJ and some others will remember.. Hutch Beartraps were way worse hamburglers than any pins)


Jul 3, 2004
The armpit of San Diego
I just got me a new helmet because of the new bike style. I'm quite happy to be sportin' it because I saw some kid bail on a 30' gap this past weekend. he got super lucky by just rolling out of it. meehh...new bike, new helmet, my theory.


Jan 29, 2004
Marietta, GA
Helmets are highly overrated in mtb circles, compared to other forms of cycling. I think it originates in the high-ass-low-hands-no-leverage-low-skill riding situation that caused thousands of old-school riders and current xc riders to brain themselves by going OTB.

I always wear mine if I'm going fast (bmx track), if I'm learning something new, or if I'm in a park that requires them. But in my entire life I have never hit my head riding xc trails, street or dirt jumping.

Shins, on the other hand, get smashed constantly so some people are more likely to really want to cover those up.


Aug 20, 2002
Chelsea, Quebek
there has been a few great vids on this site that have really been making me rethink why i dont ride BMX more. and its ****ing horrible becuase there is a foot of snow out side.


Mr. Excitement
Feb 3, 2002
Over there somewhere.
bmxr said:
Helmets are highly overrated in mtb circles, compared to other forms of cycling. I think it originates in the high-ass-low-hands-no-leverage-low-skill riding situation that caused thousands of old-school riders and current xc riders to brain themselves by going OTB.

I always wear mine if I'm going fast (bmx track), if I'm learning something new, or if I'm in a park that requires them. But in my entire life I have never hit my head riding xc trails, street or dirt jumping.

Shins, on the other hand, get smashed constantly so some people are more likely to really want to cover those up.
Just be careful, there is always a first.


Aug 20, 2002
Chelsea, Quebek
i would be dead, on october 9 if i did not have a helmet (15 foot roller to a flat then down another five, it was wet and washed out and didn't hit the ground untill the second flat) but this was DH. its funny how the moto guys have no problem with gear. but i do understand when you just riding. **** happends...


May 25, 2004
i always wear a lid just isnt jumpin without it ( are we including a hat and googles). because if we are then i deffinatly fall under this catagory of wearing one.

i guess i can see the logic behind wearing the helmet all the time. but i dont have a jump lid or anyother lid besides my full face and its really kinda anoing to wear it for 4 hrs while your jumping. i do wear shin guards though. pedals hurt. and i dont really have much controll over my feet slipping off the pedal. but i have more controll over my fall on a landing. thats the way i look at it. and you dont hit your head that often when your jumping anyways (unless your doing something new or totally above your skill level).so i just dont worry bout it and say im gonna die someday. but i always wear one on the trail trees hurt man.


Dirt jumpers don't seem overly intelligent based on the logic that is being applied as to why to not wear a helmet. Mad props on the skills and the balls. Not so mad props on the ability to convey why it is not dumb to not wear a helmet.

I did get the answer on the shin guards though. As weird as it is I got an answer.


Echo said:
I wish I had a nickel for every thread complaining about BMXers not wearing helmets. I could retire.
Yeh - me too. Would you retire being a mod as well??? ;)


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
screw these stupid helmet threads. if people are so stupid that they dont wear a helmet when riding then screw screw em they get whats comin to em. aint my problem and from now on it never will be. rant over to the brainless wheel chair riders to be.


Meh - BTW - I just noted the irony in worrying about your shins and not your noggin. Done worrying too, biggins. Now - if someone would just give Echo those damn nickels. :D