
dirtragmag says no to politics

lockwood@dirtragmag.com to me
show details 2:30 PM (7 minutes ago)

Hey there johnbryanpeters !

We want to let you know that we felt that the Politics Forum on the Dirt Rag message board was bringing everyone down. So we did away with that, and added a Forum dedicated to....BEER! We figure beer makes people more happy than politics does. We hope you find that the Dirt Rag Forums will now be a more friendly place as a result.

Here's the notice we just posted:

"Keep Your Politics Out Of My Music"

Such was the slogan on a sticker back in the early 1990's from the pop-punk band, All. I want to make a new sticker that says something along the lines of: "Keep Your Politics Out Of My Bike Ride!" Or better yet: "Let's Have Beer After Our Bike Ride!"

Who needs a beer?

After much internal deliberation, we've decided that everyone...in the Dirt Rag office and in the Forums...needs a beer. The nature of the Politics Forum has become detrimental to the overall good vibe of the Dirt Rag Forums, so we've decided to take it down and replace it with something more relaxing. Something that more people have in common. Something we can actually (nicely) share with each other.


That's right. It's time for everyone to take a break and have a beer. After all, beer goes much better with post-bike ride hanging-out than political discussions. Politics can be a very divisive topic, and we all truly know that bicycles are just the opposite. Bicycles are what unite us! And, well, beer unites us too!

Out with the Politics Forum flame wars, and in with the sharing of good beer recommendations, fine homebrew recipes, and good stories and ideas brought about in a way in which only beer can. "Beer can." Get it?

Ok thanks!


Turbo Monkey
Jun 23, 2008
Speaking of politics and music, this always makes me crack up

An anti-coal company song used in a coal company ad


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
What a bunch of pvssies.

I don't know what their PAWN forums look like, but here there are some spirited but reasonable discussions.

Personally, I enjoy sparring with the conservative members because there is no one in SF who will admit to that persuasion.

Most importantly, the moderators do an excellent job expunging the poison pen posters who spout craziness just to piss everyone off. That is what really drags down political discussion.
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valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
He's really too dumb to keep his mouth shut.

Considering how much he posted on this site, I have to think he's going through some kind of withdrawal.
Was it what he said to Transcend? N8 you were such an iconoclast....no wait you were a wanker.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
For good this time....

btw: wtf's with the avatar...beer googles again??
I love/hate the new avatar. Lazy eye and bad teeth, awesome. If only you could squeeze the fanboi car in there.

n8 got pretty frothy leading up to the big day. I think his head imploded when someone let all the hot air out. I also find the smiley even more humorous now due to the irony it represents.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
DR always has had this "If its not Chris King its ****" attitude to me...
MTB-ing is nto a fashion statement, nor is it a class warfare thing. I like to ride bikes. In the dirt. Not a rebel thing either. Just bikes and dirt, bikes and dirt. With a littel beer and blood thrown in for measure.