Originally posted by Jorvik
Woah, deja vu. I shot a .50 DE for the first time today at the range. Kicks a bit, but managable.
A magnum .50 cartridge would have a bit more oompfh to it I assume.
DT - Casull.
...the .454 Casull. The Casull kicked way more and was harder to keep from flipping up. The DE was just not my cup of tea, as the grips were uncomfortable and it jammed once inside of 50 rounds. I own a .44mag Super Redhawk and it is very nice. The long barrel and heavy frame keep it accurate for follow-ups because the recoil is more straight back rather than flipping/twisting.
The S&W .50 magnum is ported up to offset barrel flip, but the frame doesn't look like it's been updated for decades other than perhaps a little thickening of the top strap. People complain about the weight of revolvers and try to minimize it, but besides directional porting(which reduces muzzle velocity and bullet energy), nothing helps against recoil like a beefy frame.
I'm personally holding out for a 12GA or .50 BMG revolver.