
Dirty Words: Our Long National Nightmare is Over


Oct 18, 2013
Dear BikeMag and Sal Rubial,

I'm sorry to hear that you were unable to pee comfortably. Thats a real shame.

I think you missed the big picture of the shutdown though. It was about accumulating more debt in the last five years than in the previous 230. It was about not saddling our kids, their kids, etc. with an insane financial burden. If your household brings in $50,000 a year and you spend $125,000 a year that might work out for a little bit, but sooner or later the bills are going to come due. In short order you'll be stopped from spending more. Yet this is what happens year after year in our little Modror on the Potomac.

Our National Nightmare is over? Wake up and smell the chain lube. You need to pull your head out of the sand and take a good hard look about. Its far from over, but I'm really, really glad you've got your Porta-Potty's back.