
Disc Brake QR issue


Jamis Slayer
Sep 7, 2001
Originally posted by oldfart

I had a QR which seemed to be coming loose on me a few months back. I wonder??? I'm not sure I accept all the reasoning this guy uses but its something to think about?
i kinda see where he's coming from, but WTF? just check your skewers every once in a while. i do it anyway. My QR loosened up in a race 2 weeks ago, but i could hear it rattling long before i was in any imminent danger. and this was after riding about 260 miles w/o ever moving the QR. I don't see how this can be any real threat. i've had a front wheel come off before, yeah it hurt like a bitch, but i don't think that the wheel coming off was the only factor. granted my wheel came off on a parking lot, but that bike didn't even have disk brakes, and i knew it was a pos wal-mart bike.

Just tighten your QR's!!!


Apr 11, 2003
Raleigh, NC
Ok, the force of the disc brake caused the QR to pop open so far that it could pass the safety nubs before the operator would notice it. I just can't buy it. The safety tabs would have to be sheared off for this to be legit. Or they could have been ground off in which case the liability would go to the person who ground them off. I grind mine off by the way, it is a QUICK release and I am confident that I can use them in a fashion where the wheel will not fall off.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
I've seen the bolt on wheel on my brother's BMX bike fall off.

**** happens sometimes. It's really difficult to prove after the fact that the QR was done up tight enough.

If this was really a problem of significant magnitude, how come it's not happening all the time?


Feb 14, 2003
Before disc brakes, "snug" was good enough, but not anymore. If I don't tighten the QR so that it takes nearly every effort I've got to open the skewer, it comes loose when I ride it hard (mostly on very rocky, fast downhills). I've examined the QR several times and can't see anything wrong. Personal experience would tend to make me believe there is an issue here, because I never once had this problem before I started riding with disc brakes. All I can say is thank goodness for the safety tabs.


Mar 27, 2003
Methow Valley, WA
At the very least, it adds more reason to keep your weight-weenie freinds from using Ti skewers on their disc -equipped bikes.

Of course weight-weenies probably don't use discs!


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
Sounds like a zip tie over the level and around the fork my be a good idea.

Makes me feel alot better about my QR20 though...