
Dislocated my shoulder....


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
had a nasty crash at the skatepark yesterday trying to transfer into the halfpipe. i've done in a bunch of times before but it was my first time trying it on the new haro and...well...it didn't go well. ended up meeting the bottom of the ramp with my shoulder. minor dislocation that immediately popped back in but doc said i either sprained or tore the joint(s). good thing is that i can put some force in all directions...it just hurts like hell when i do it. i'm taking it easy in the sling this week and taking lots of alleve/ibuprophen to reduce the inflamation in the hopes that i'll still be able to race at sugar this weekend.

this is my first shoulder injury and, from what i've heard, having a lot of muscle in that area helps the healing process a lot so hopefully it'll go quickly. anybody have any advice for stretches or anything?


Jun 6, 2002
That sucks, no clotheslining any gang members this week. gimme a call @the shop this week.


Apr 21, 2004
Wilkes "By God" County
Man I hate to hear that...hope you get well and don't have to just walk around with me this coming weekend...wait a minute I guess I'm hoping for that more than you!!:eek: :D :D


May 26, 2004
You might end up like Mel Gibson popping his shoulder back in place all the time like in "Lethal Weapon"...But less dramatic i'm sure..


Mar 17, 2004
Browns Summit, NC
Man I hate to hear that...hope you get well and don't have to just walk around with me this coming weekend...wait a minute I guess I'm hoping for that more than you!!:eek: :D :D

I sure would love to be able to walk around at sugar .. unfortunatly i have to work .... maybe ill be able to come to some races next year or if Mike does a DS at hobby ....

Laters !


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
You might end up like Mel Gibson popping his shoulder back in place all the time like in "Lethal Weapon"...But less dramatic i'm sure..
ha, funny you mention that. i told the triage nurse that i tried slamming it into a wall like mel gibson but that it didn't work. she looked at me w/ a blank stare...then i realized that she must not be a lethal weapon fan ;)


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
Man I hate to hear that...hope you get well and don't have to just walk around with me this coming weekend...wait a minute I guess I'm hoping for that more than you!!:eek: :D :D
we shall see. as much as i want to race and i'm hoping for enough recovery by then to ride....i won't be bitter if i can't as it'll save me some $$ and i'll be even more eager to race wolf in august :thumb:

maybe we could paint our slings to match or something adorable like that ;)


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
things are going well. i had the sling off all day today and went swimming for a while. the water helped stretch it out a bit. i'm getting a lot of motion back except that i still can't stick my arm straight out to the side. so if after 24 hours i can move this much, i'm hoping by friday it'll be bearable to ride.


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
things are going well. i had the sling off all day today and went swimming for a while. the water helped stretch it out a bit. i'm getting a lot of motion back except that i still can't stick my arm straight out to the side. so if after 24 hours i can move this much, i'm hoping by friday it'll be bearable to ride.
I assume Noah's bike will not be riding on the TOP of the car this week.
Bro, if you ever want the sickest dislocated shoulder story, it had to be our buddy Tyler at Snowshoe. He was the most hardcore guy I know. Full bore, wide open 24/7.
He hucked off the back of the western Territory lift, on foot mind you..hit the gravel and both feet went out from under him. He aired huge and his elbow slammed ground first...and his shoulder blew out.

It was hanging where his nipple should be..not literally..but that damn far out of joint. He stands up and I said"Sit down. Sit down. Your shoulder is FOKKED!" He freaks out and first thing he sees is...................

the lift tower. Yep....he did it too. He actually thought he could. It was all of about 2 seconds before he walked to it...swung that damn thing at it.."thud"! Lethal Weaponed it...only he had no chance of it working. Insult to injury was the hour 1/2 ride to the ER.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
anybody have any advice for stretches or anything?

Sorry to hear that man. I've got way too much experience with shoulder injuries. My shoulder used to pop out of the socket(the result of a crash) at the drop of a hat for about 10 yrs. It never hurt until a few yrs. ago when I broke it at Wolf Laurel. After moving about 5000 llbs. of metalsmithing equipment last fall it really started to hurt. I had severely limited range of motion and could barely work. I saw a couple of orthopaedic specialists and got an MRI. As it turns out all the abuse I've done to it has resulted in the unholly trinity of shoulder injuries, multiple directional dislocation, all tendons and ligaments that hold it in place are stretched and torn, and the cartilage is worn out. The last Dr. I saw said the only way to stabilize it would be through surgery. Even with insurance I can't afford the surgery or the recovery time. The same Dr. referred me to a physical therapist who started me on a series of stretches that have dramatically improved my range of motion. I'm now able to ride like I used to, just ask JonnyNails.

The important thing is not to stretch an injured joint until you know exactly what is wrong. Doing so otherwise could lead to more serious or permanent damage. Try to see a physical therapist if possible. They really enjoy torturing people but it's worth it to avoid surgery.

Good luck


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus

bone doc said nothing was torn (but didn't get MRI) and that i should be back to normal within a couple of weeks. well, it's been 4 days since i saw the doc and my mobility increases daily. i can almost do a pushup again but i have a feeling it'll be a long while before i can do a pull-up w/out some major pain. i'm just hoping that i'll be back on the bike before the wolf race on the 18th.

being injured sucks big balls. i'm riding a desk at work....about to go crazy. i don't know how i lasted so long behind a desk before i got into this line of work.


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering

bone doc said nothing was torn (but didn't get MRI) and that i should be back to normal within a couple of weeks. well, it's been 4 days since i saw the doc and my mobility increases daily. i can almost do a pushup again but i have a feeling it'll be a long while before i can do a pull-up w/out some major pain. i'm just hoping that i'll be back on the bike before the wolf race on the 18th.

being injured sucks big balls. i'm riding a desk at work....about to go crazy. i don't know how i lasted so long behind a desk before i got into this line of work.

get your butt into a spin class brother. It will massively accelerate your healing time.


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
get your butt into a spin class brother. It will massively accelerate your healing time.
really? i've just been doing a lot of running, abs and air squats since my upper body is pretty much out of the picture. i'm assuming that the minimal shoulder impact of spin class will help strengthen my shoulder to hold the h-bars?

i actually rode at sugar w/ noah and felt fine except when i tried to manual one of the doubles and again when i tried to pull up for the log drop thingy. i was feeling fine today until i touched a very hot plate at lunch and jerked my arm back.....that reminded me that it's still injured:banghead:


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
But what if Krispy Kreme has the "fresh" light on?
He WILL reach for the hot donuts as sure as the sun will rise.:busted:

werd. "mmmmm...floor doughnut!"

btw, i just finished my workout and was able to bench press the bar, shoulder press 20lbs and at least hold onto the pull-up bar. that's a vast improvement over 2 days ago. then i went for a nice hot run for good measure :rockout:


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
Even after your shoulder heals, you should try to avoid touching very hot plates.

Heal up and come back out and ride man.
jeff, you need to come out to my neck of the woods sometime. ride some local spots and then check out a good xhardcorex show at creations. akissforjersey is playing tomorrow i think. that place always has some good underground shows :rockout:

...of course, i can't throw down until my shoulder heals ;)


scarred, broken and drunk
Mar 31, 2002
crashing at a trail near you...
dude you really shouldn't race. i understand wanting to, but if you, god forbid, go OTB at the race and land on it again just think how much further it will set you back. just save up that competitive desire for the following race and concentrate on the healing process.


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
dude you really shouldn't race. i understand wanting to, but if you, god forbid, go OTB at the race and land on it again just think how much further it will set you back. just save up that competitive desire for the following race and concentrate on the healing process.
why not...i'm taking the same chance at work starting on wednesday. i'm back to full duty a week from now and that includes riding the bike and the usual antics that come along with arresting people that don't like being arrested. doc said i'm good to go and it's feeling better every day; i'm just a little limited in motion when i try to put my arm behind my head...other than that, it's just a little sore.


Judge Dread
May 22, 2007
Manimal I understand your dilemma. I crashed in practice at snowshoe race 1 on the log jump. That resulted in a class II/III right shoulder seperation. I had drove 10 hours from Indiana to compete in the first of the only three races I am able to make a year and I was pissed off to say the least. Luckily my wife,who is a certified athletic trainer, made the trip with me this time. Even though I had limited mobility and lots of pain my wife was able to tape my shoulder so that it was stabilized and I raced anyway. The course was not extremely technical and I actually did much better than anticipated. I have rehabbed my shoulder with the help of my wife and physical therapists at her work and range of motion and strength have improved dramatically. However, it is still sore and it has been suggested that I not race. The way I look at it is I'm 40 years old and I don't have a whole lot of races left. There is nothing I enjoy more than riding dh and I'm going to take the risk. My wife has set up a shoulder pad system to provide maximum protection and we'll see what happens. I know that there will be others that will say don't risk it, but I'm riding. I'm certainly not suggesting you should too, but just offering another point of view.


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
werd. remember also, my shoulder was a minor dislocation and there is no tear...just bruising and soreness. doc told me i was good to go with exercise and warned me that it'll hurt but as long as i take my time stretching before using it, i shouldn't do any damage. this is from a sports medicine ortho specialist.


Judge Dread
May 22, 2007
Sounds like you were more fortunate than I was. However, I have had a little longer to recover. The ortho surgeon I talked to said no surgery was necessary at this time, but be prepared for possible problems down the road.


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
well, the 10 days are up that the doc said it would take for me to be back to normal and it still hurts like hell. i can do a few pushups and actually did a pullup today (normally work out w/ about 15-18 pullups at a time) but i still can't easily pick up my kids. i know that if by wednesday, when i go back to work, it's still feeling like this, i won't be able to work. i can't imagine grabbing a hold of someone to hook them up and them pulling away....that would hurt like friggin mad!
so...i've decided to schedule a followup on monday or tuesday. maybe he'll do an MRI to be sure this time. i suppose i'd be fine if i worked in an office all day but i need my shoulder strength to be top notch for the type of work i do.
me not very happy right now :(


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
went to the bone doc today, have an MRI-arthogram schedulded for monday, at least then i'll know for sure if something is REALLY damaged or just super stiff/sore.
although it is rather disconcerting when my shoulder makes a popping noise and drops down about 1/8" when i hold my arm in certain positions. :eek:

on a happy note, i picked up a brand new bottlerocket frame today :D :happydance:


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
If you are at all claustrophobic tell them and they can give you something to keep you calm. The radiologist failed to mention that until it was over. Being inside that tube is like being inside a Chemical Brothers song.


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
i had an MRI after my concussion a few years back. i don't remember much of it but my wife said i was singing "roxanne" by the police. they kept telling me to be still but i only stopped singing long enough for them to get a quick snapshot :D