
DIY Impeachment!


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
Too bad life's not easy, but here's a couple suggestions:

Write/call/email friends
Call radio shows
Talk to everyone you meet about Bush
Contact other officials to ask for them to come out in support of Impeachment
Contact famous people to ask for them to speak out for support of Impeachment.
Contact sympathetic UofM (and other colleges) Student groups to do on campus work.
Give a speech to your church
Attend organization's meetings and bring up Impeaching Bush as a partial solution to their issue
(Homeless, Gay rights, feminist issues, Mental Illness support, Education, etc)
Sit at a coffee shop with a sign on the back of your laptop that reads, "Impeach for Peace, Ask me how!"
Sing anti-establishment/anti-war songs at coffee shops, and in-between songs, push for impeachment
Support Moveon.org initiatives
Support WorldCantWait.org initiatives
Signs on bridges
Signs at coffee shops
Signs on campuses
Signs on light poles
Leaflets on cars
Put impeachment posters in your windows/lawns(http://www.impeachbush.tv/downloads/impeach_poster_1.pdf)
Door hangers/Door-to-Door signatures on an initiative
Steer people to website where they can buy impeach bush bumper stickers/t-shirts (http://www.cafepress.com/impeachbush_tv) or (Impeach For Peace Stuff)
Make songs/animation/funny images/poems and put in on radio stations/websites/tv
Buy radio/billboard/newspaper/tv spots
Write your newspaper (letter to editor)
Hold impeachment parties.
Make funny drama skit for protests
Dress up like dead Iraqis & U.S. Soldiers and drape ourselves over the federal building (inform the media prior)


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
this thread is retarded. Its not like he's ****ing other women besides his wife or something..


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
But wait, isn't Saddam on trial for getting pissed off and sending his troops to restore order, then his troops killed civilians and raped women and basically acted like asshats? How is what Bush is doing any different? Oh wait, the whole "democracy" thing. Never mind.