
DJ advice


Aug 3, 2003
Catonsville, MD
OK, I am quite bad at dirt jumping, and this is mostly due to the fact that I am a complete wimp when it comes to jumping , but when I do manage to get my spineless self off of the ground, I enjoy it immensely.
So any advice on how to get over my wimpy assed way of thinking that leaves me jumping the little stuff, the REALLY little stuff. From what people say I have enough speed usually, but I never pull up enough, how can I beat some confidence into my mind?
And one more question, what is a good sized double to learn on? And how should you make it, if some one could let me know the dementions of a well made beginners double that would be great.
Thank you.


Jun 1, 2003
the best jumps to learn on are low speed jumps..about 10 to 15 foot gaps...tall takeoffs..like 4 or 5 feet..and gentle declining smooth landings...it helps you concience if you are on a DH rig too...remember to set the dampening really slow when jumping a DH so you dont end up with your rear wheel really high..and with a broken collar bone.


Aug 8, 2002
take your bike to the BMX track...then go for 10-15 ft doubles....I can jump pretty good (I guess) and I dont suggest you starting on those bigf of jumps......check out some pics @ www.gohuckyourself.com
Jumping is purely a mental game, but to make it alot easier and more comfortable you actually have to pop higher, (I know it seems counter-intuitive), but use a motion like a bunnyhop leaving the lip, this will place you in a position of greater control than just bombing the lip at speed.
This "rowing" type of motion sets the bikes trajectory and places the bike slightly ahead of you in flight, when you first start jumping this is the safest position to control the bike in, as you progress and become comfortable with jumping you will find yourself altering the position of your bike in relation to yourself during flight to set up for tricks.
When you first start jumping you will probably case alot, so if you can find a table top jump rather than a gap you will be safer and progress faster as your confidence will not be sapped by crashes.
When you start landing on the tranny consistently, you will gain alot of confidence in your ability to clear distances.
confidence is everything.
Each time you go for a jump you will be nervous, you will have to push thru this and go faster than you think you need to, the reason for this is that when your technique is poor you need more speed to clear the same distance, and speed is definetly your freind, it makes the landings smoother.

you will have a strong urge to "check up" (slow down and put a little brake on right before the lip), you must over come this, as this is your prime enemy.

The last peice of advice I can give you is watch better jumpers, alot, and picture their movements in your head when you jump.
good luck
huckerAJ and shootr both have some pretty good advice. I did a while back ago what AJ suggested... go to the BMX track(if one is available). Stay away from the stepups, gaps, and double when starting out. Tabletops are more forgiving if you have a problem dropping the front or rear wheel. I aways caught myself speed checking right at the base of the jump, so I set my brakes stupid light. My buds' think that a little insane, but you can aways chuck the bike if necessary and still land on your feet. Just keep at it and don't get discouraged. Some of these guys out are were just meant to fly and the rest of us will be mediocre at best. Just have fun!!!!

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