
DJ wheelset?


Jul 29, 2005
I tried a search and got some answers but i just needed to get some more info. I just started dirtjumping and i'm hooked. I bought a brand new P2 DJ and i love it. I am not really doing huge stuff yet. I went out for on sunday. It was only about a three footer. When i landed it bent my rim really bad. So bad it is not fixable. I took it to the lbs where i got it and they are going to warranty it. That's great but is there any other rims that are stronger than the Ditch witch. I will have them handmade and not machine built. I know this a broad queston but what would be the top three. I do know that it is not always the rim it is also the way it is built. I have heard of the halo, atomlab, arrow, alex etc.... anygood. thanks


Turbo Monkey
Sep 23, 2001
Boise, Idaho
to start out id say mavic d521's or whatever they are called now or mavic d321 or whatever they are called now. super strong rims that dont weight that much and can take abuse all day. atom lab rims blow ass, they are heavy and dent very eaisly. halos also have this problem, and suns rims are just made out of too soft of metal


Artisanal Tweet Curator
dexter said:
to start out id say mavic d521's or whatever they are called now or mavic d321 or whatever they are called now. super strong rims that dont weight that much and can take abuse all day. atom lab rims blow ass, they are heavy and dent very eaisly. halos also have this problem, and suns rims are just made out of too soft of metal


I've had two sets of wheels built with 2.0 dt swiss straight gauge spokes on 721s. Never had a problem. Both wheels are still going strong on two different jump bikes.

I just got a set of atomlab dhr 24s also with straight gauge. We'll see how they do.
Aug 14, 2005
New York
I would say try to get your hands on some sun MTX's... they are superlight and super strong. My bro got some in the urban camo and they look amazing on his porter and 7 point frames. I am sure that they would look sweet on a P2 as well as being incredibly strong and light.


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
I ride xt hub with rhynolite rims. and i've run them for years. Once i destroyed a rhyno lite rim, but i had bunnyhoped into a curb going really fast. It would have destroyed any rim. I think the most important part of a strong wheel is to maintain even spoke tension.

I am sort of shopping for a new rear wheel though. I run single speed now and want a ss specific rear hub. Its cheaper/easier to just buy a rear wheel than to get a hub and re lace the rim up to it. The wheel i'm looking at is an atom lab G.I. issue.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
Ninja said:
Thanks. What about the mag 30's they are on sale at jensons for 45.00.
Those should work well if you've found them cheaper than the mavics.

I personally have seen them get more beat up on dh bikes (cracked eyelets and such) than the mavics but you should be running a high enough air pressure in your tires that it's not an issue.


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
kidwoo said:
Those should work well if you've found them cheaper than the mavics.

I personally have seen them get more beat up on dh bikes (cracked eyelets and such) than the mavics but you should be running a high enough air pressure in your tires that it's not an issue.
32h D321 on sale at Universal for $40.
36h D521 on sale at Universal for $35.

git 'em while there hot.


Jul 29, 2005
Thanks for all your help! I went to my lbs and they gave me a super deal on the mavic 729. 59.95 out the door for the rim and free labor to build it. They hooked it up. Thanks again.