
DNS resolves ip, but does not connect


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
on a pre-configured work issued laptop, DNS has been getting buggy. 99% of sites will properly resolve, but everything on the fidelity domain will no longer.

for a comparison, i checked my other pre-configured work issued laptop (i have 4 - don't ask), and they appear to match with one exception: the DNS suffix search list (results retrieved from "ipconfig /all"). the working one has one 4 suffixes, the failing one just 1. i imagine i now have to add the other 3, even though it has been working like this for years. i guess the one suffix has been taken offline, but i still don't understand why this would result in a very small set of domains being unreachable. again, i can reach everything else that i've tried (news, social networking, gov't, blogs, & commerce). i've even tried putting the various fidelity IPs in my hosts file.

OS: xp

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Fidelity is where you work, I assume?

The suffix list is used to resolve local domains that are not otherwise resolvable publicly. E.g. if my suffix list contains "ridemonkey.com" and I type "ping stinkle" it'll automatically try to ping "stinkle.ridemonkey.com."

You should still be able to resolve fully qualified domain names without any trouble, though.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
don't work for fidelity. i should have typed "pinging anything on the fidelity subnet". same goes for schwab, melloninvestor, and other brokerage sites.

what's weird is, i put in either the FQDN or the IP - the results are the same: cannot reach domain, for both browsing or icmp ping. best i can determine is the DNS server i'm using has an out-of-date routing table or a loop (causing timeout). of course, i cannot flush upstream, and my DNS server is allocated for me.

i think i may find a stable DNS server & force it.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
If you're resolving FQDNs, just use the OpenDNS.org DNS servers. I use 'em for troubleshooting all the time since they're very stable.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
ok, this is weird: my pings to fark.com timeout, but i can connect (through a browser) lickety-split - no delay

oops, nevermind: i'm sure they don't send ack packets


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
ok, can't connect to my bank now...

there's something as plain as the nose on my face, i just know it.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
you mean set my primary dns to opendns.org?
No, go to OpenDNS.org and use the nameservers they list there. They're public, reliable, and very quick.

I wouldn't trust ping as a reliable connectivity tool, since so many places block it now - when you try to connect to a website that won't connect, does it resolve the IP?


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
ok, i should -rep myself: i turned off https (port 443).


as you were...