
Do chicks dig downhillers?


Turbo Monkey
Mar 6, 2002
Greenville, South Carolina
Nope!!! I had to give up DHing to get my wife!!!! Not really, but was not riding at the time I met her and then when we got married I got back on the bike. Ha, I tricked her!!! Sometimes I think she hates my bicycling... But she knows how much I love it and will never ask me to give it up.

I really don't think too many US girls care about it, you know It’s not like hooking up with a NASCAR racer or anything like that. Now I bet over seas and places like Brazil chicks would dig a DHer racer.


Nov 21, 2005
Chicks are probably more interested in someone who spends their time in the outdoors/mountains getting out and having a hobby more then the act of actually riding a downhill bike....as opposed to couch potatos.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 18, 2005
I think a more accurate statement would be that chicks *tolerate* downhillers. Kidding...sorta.

Mine is certainly supportive, but I also think she has recognized that when I don't ride, I'm unpleasant to be around, so it is in her own best interest that I ride and that she not be an obstacle to this...I think she is also wise enough to know that women that force men to make a choice between their friends and hobbies and them frequently lose out.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Chicks are probably more interested in someone who spends their time in the outdoors/mountains getting out and having a hobby more then the act of actually riding a downhill bike....as opposed to couch potatos.
Yep. Not all, but the right ones anyway.


Rusty Trombone
Jul 10, 2003
My girl thinks it's cool (atleast she tells me that)...And always comments how good it is that i have strong interests like that...

She sometimes gets a little turned off when i ditch her for weekends at a time to go to snowshoe/diablo/moab...But it always ends up well...women will always be women eh?


Turbo Monkey
Feb 12, 2003
Pleasant Hill, CA
I just thought it was funny that a guy wants to trade a boat.. which he claims chicks love "to get naked on", is interested in trading it for a downhill bike.

That, combined with mtb stuff being featured in tv commercials, magazine ads, etc. I am sorta wondering if somehow it's becoming a "sexy" sport.

I've hear road cycling is the new golf. Is mountain biking the new _____?


May 17, 2005
yeti cave@the beach
i tell all my gf's that my bike(v10) comes first and then it s her...and then my hardtail. luckily my current gf rides does the horse jumping over sticks thingy...so it s her hrose first then me....and i will literally kill anyone that misinterpretates the last sentence!


3 Dude Approved
Girls have a tendancy to dislike anything that takes attention away from them. PERIOD!
Date a rap artist get attention, date a superstar get attention, date a nobody who DH's and suddenly your single, shes not getting the attention from you and your not a superstar so its not coming from somewhere else. Pow! your single.
Oh yeah, my wife doesn't like the DH thing either. 8 years and shes stuck with me so I have a little grace. :D

I can't rap so I ride. :D


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
it all depends on the girl. i don't think there's really an trends among girls that are worthwhile to date. The girl I'm seeing now expressed interest in coming to the skate park where I ride BMX last week. I took her so she could check it out and she had fun just hanging out watching people ride. I showed her the trailer for Earthed 4, and she loved it. She's already expressed interest in coming out to watch DH races. She's also into riding motorcycles and dirtbikes (doesn't own any, but loves to ride 'em when the opportunity arises). She's also into snowboarding, camping, hiking, etc. So for me it works out great. Last girl I dated couldn't tell a road bike from a mountain bike (yet alone a DH bike), she knew I loved to ride and left it at that, and got over the fact that I frequently would spend weekends away from her to ride. Take 'em as they come and enjoy the ride. Just my $.02


Turbo Monkey
Jan 30, 2002
Grand Haven, MI

Have you ever seen a group of 5+ single girls at a DH race looking for dudes? No.

Go to a MX race and you will understand why teenage boys are so into it. You have speed, air, excitement and loads of single girls. Any girl at a DH race is with a guy or already in the scene and racing. Now if DH was on TV and the racers were making $100,000+, who knows.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 23, 2001
Boise, Idaho
what ck said, but i have had extremely (and i mean fn excellent luck) picking up girls at downhill races that work the mtn, are on vacation, or live in the town. I would have to say chicks do dig street riders much more due to the simple fact that they can see you do the stuff everyday on campus, around town, or in the park. in missoula a **** ton of girls hang out at our indoor and outdoor park. easy catches


jingoistic xenophobe
Aug 10, 2005
this takes me back to my fifteen years as a hardcore skydiver.
any girlfriends and eventually my wife were told, "see those rigs and that gear ?
they were here before you and they'll be here long after you're gone."

and the next one that comes along will get the same speech.
"see those bikes.........."

and yes, i'm happily divorced.

DH Diva

Jun 12, 2002
I dig downhilling, but I guess I'm not an "average" girl.

It seems to me that like some others here said, most girls will tolerate it for awhile, but eventually want you to give it up if the relationship gets serious. Girls that are into it or 100% supportive of their BF or husband downhilling are rare, and usually into some type of sport themselves and can relate. So if you have one of those girls that is supportive you are lucky lucky lucky (so you should go buy her a present).

Girls who don't ride, and don't want their partner to ride are dumb. Girls who don't ride, but support their partner's riding are not dumb.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
It seems to me that like some others here said, most girls will tolerate it for awhile, but eventually want you to give it up if the relationship gets serious. Girls that are into it or 100% supportive of their BF or husband downhilling are rare, and usually into some type of sport themselves and can relate. So if you have one of those girls that is supportive you are lucky lucky lucky (so you should go buy her a present).
the girl i'm seeing now has made it clear to me that when she has kids they are going to be riding dirtbikes and doing stuff like that by the time they're 10. If that doesn't scream "keeper" I don't know what does.

DH Diva said:
Girls who don't ride, and don't want their partner to ride are dumb. Girls who don't ride, but support their partner's riding are not dumb.
this just about sums it up. :thumb:


Mar 1, 2007
Bellingham, WA
Pretty much anything you can get into deeply will be appreciated by chicks... just bonus points if it's something manly.
(for me, biking, rugby, and Jiu Jitsu, each appeals to the ladies)
Even if they don't really 'get it,' it'll get em interested.
but like Moto said, that's not why you should be doing it.

Metal Dude

Turbo Monkey
Apr 7, 2006
Smackdonough, GA
Guys you're just workin it from the wrong angle-
It's just like being a rockstar musician or artist,
it works for hookups! short relationships that you
can say I'm a badass, show off some scars etc.
When they get to know how much time you are gone
traveling or practicing or just riding, they see that you
don't have the time or money for them.
I used to be that guy, I'm married with child now, and
in the same boat as most. My wife tollerates it!
wouldn't say she loves that I do it!
Just like the boat though unless you got a swinger for a wife how well will she like a boat full of naked chicks!


Turbo Monkey
Feb 28, 2005
Pa. / North Jersey
Huh, I get more ass than Wilk Chamberlain ever did...I'm telling you guys, XC Cannondales and hot pants are where it's at...

And yeah, DDC for me as well...More money for bikes tho! :lighten:

... on behalf of the moderators: You will be banned for posting ANY pictures of "the rider that dare not speak its name" on RideMonkey...



can i lick your balls?
Dec 14, 2003
San Diego, California, United States
my girl loves it. but then again she does rodeo and rides dirtbikes so she understands it. she says im crazy for riding bikes. i say shes crazy for riding horses. it all works out in the end. plus she loves coming around and watching and taking pictures


Feb 10, 2007
You'll never find me!
I know a girl who left her husband for a downhiller. Then started downhilling. You've got to understand the female mind boyzzz. In their twenties, there ain't nothin there. It's all about Prince Charming or the Bad Boy that is gonna drive their parents nuts. They criticize. They cling. They don't know better than to try and control their man. Then, when they finally reach the big 3-0, and Prince Charming is boring as all f*** and the Bad Boys have taken all their money, they change! They go through the mid-life crisis and they don't want the responsibilty of trying to control their man. He's too damn dense and they know it. They just want the sex. They want a knight in shining body armor who charges down a dirty trail and jumps off of stuff. Is he dangerous? Slightly. Boyish? Yes. Immature? Of course. Stupid? Certainly. But he's a damn sexy brute that knows how to ride for hours. Best of all, he disappears for a while, so they can get waxed or have a margarita party with the girls, or watch "Nell". He's a kept man that all her friends think is too young for her, but he knows stuff about gears and his fingers, slick with oil, are certainly nimble when handling those tires. He's a badass He's technical, but radical, with padded pecs that make him look like Russel Crowe in their favorite costume flick. Jesus, if you guys knew what you were worth to those 30 year old career women, you wouldn't need sponsors.


Dec 6, 2005
most girls dont understand what downhilling is. And for the record. Girls dont get naked on boats. I have a baller wakeboard boat and girls just want to come out to have fun, not to do something they will regret, which i am cool with. bigges myth ever.