
Do not see Boogeyman!

Carbon Fetish

May 6, 2002
Irvine, CA
I wish I could have my $9 back and 1 hour 26 minutes of my life back. The story was terrible! But, it had the potential of being a good flick; however the ending was anticlimactic leaving the audience laughing when the credits began to roll. The editing was fair but there were far too many sudden jump cuts with intense noises just to startle the viewer. That style of scare tactic became the only scare tactic. I haven’t seen a film of a poorly written caliber in a long time. My feeling is that this film is not even worth the money to rent. I give this film a D.


Basking in fail.
Jan 28, 2004
Carbon Fetish said:
I wish I could have my $9 back and 1 hour 26 minutes of my life back. The story was terrible! But, it had the potential of being a good flick; however the ending was anticlimactic leaving the audience laughing when the credits began to roll. The editing was fair but there were far too many sudden jump cuts with intense noises just to startle the viewer. That style of scare tactic became the only scare tactic. I haven’t seen a film of a poorly written caliber in a long time. My feeling is that this film is not even worth the money to rent. I give this film a D.
:stupid: Horrible movie. Worst storyline ever and towards the end my GF was laughing and she usually likes/is scared of "scary" movies.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
bogey, man

i heard this was from the same people who did the grudge, which I heard was terrible too. Read the somethingawful.com review of it...they said it was all shot in "blue and white" vision, and just stupid. Guess this follows suit.

dh girlie

Carbon Fetish said:
I wish I could have my $9 back and 1 hour 26 minutes of my life back. The story was terrible! But, it had the potential of being a good flick; however the ending was anticlimactic leaving the audience laughing when the credits began to roll. The editing was fair but there were far too many sudden jump cuts with intense noises just to startle the viewer. That style of scare tactic became the only scare tactic. I haven’t seen a film of a poorly written caliber in a long time. My feeling is that this film is not even worth the money to rent. I give this film a D.

It wasn't THAT bad...I did expect a cat to jump out of a cabinet or from behind the plastic or something for a cheap scare, but that never happened...

You wanna talk scary...and I mean DAMN FRIGHTENING...I cleaned my clothes closets this weekend...I tell ya...I'da rather opened those closets and seen Boogeyman himself pop out rather than what I faced...sheesh!


Turbo Monkey
Feb 4, 2004
Apt. 421
I saw the Aviator Saturday...great flick. I'm an aviation buff, but it was still a great movie. Also got Dogtown and Z-boys a few weeks back...Incredible.