
do you own any foreign language-sung rock albums?


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
Nobody's mentioned Stereo Lab. They have several songs sung en francais.

Melt Banana - Japanese noise, sung in English and all but impossible to understand. They put on one hell of a show. They rock so hard that by the law of conservation of hardness of the universe there is none left for your cock. (or so they say)


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
jdschall said:
Nobody's mentioned Stereo Lab. They have several songs sung en francais.
good call. was enjoying "Our Trinitone Blast" the other day. "French Disko" is another corker.

RIP, Mary Hanson.

jdschall said:
Melt Banana - Japanese noise, sung in English and all but impossible to understand. They put on one hell of a show. They rock so hard that by the law of conservation of hardness of the universe there is none left for your cock. (or so they say)
saw 'em once; my favorite was the polite "thank you" after the 36 second maelstrom of noise.


skin cooker for the hive
Dec 6, 2001
Witness relocation housing
narlus said:
i saw these guys ages ago...good show!

you ever see Ruins? two japanese guys, one on drums and the other on bass. kinda pre-dated Lightning Bolt by at least a decade.
Zeni was one of my favorites for a long time. Never heard Ruins, but they sound cool.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
narlus said:
saw 'em once; my favorite was the polite "thank you" after the 36 second maelstrom of noise.
Yes! And she's so cute when she says it too. It's a really weird juxtaposition of sweet innocence and blood curdling noise.

You hear the record and then see the band and think how the hell can they pull that off the same way twice. I tried for a long time to copy their guitar sound myself but couldn't pull it off for more than about 10 seconds before my fingers cramped.


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
Thrillkil said:
Outrage and EZO are both good Japanese metal bands from the late eighties/early nineties
I always thought that Shonen Knife was cool, but I never had any of their CD's.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
Tenchiro said:
I always thought that Shonen Knife was cool, but I never had any of their CD's.
not metal. pop. in a twisted way that only the japanese can pull off.

i've got a shonen knife tribute cd. :D

Every Band Has A Shonen Knife Who Loves Them -- (69:11) -- (1989) -- Gasatanka/Giant Records -- GRI6036-2
Kappa Ex. -- Redd Kross
Summertime Boogie -- Freaks
Insect Collector -- 3 O’Clock
Public Baths --Frightwig
Dali’s Sunflower -- Government Issue
Baggs -- L7
Froot Loop Dreams -- White Flag
Twist Barbie -- Pussywillows
Making Plans For Bison -- Big Dipper
Ice Cream City -- Christmas
Lazy Bones -- Pat Ruthensmear
Elmer Elevator -- Krave
Devil House -- Chemical People
Burning Farm -- Sonic Youth
Antonio Baka Guy -- Lunachicks
Flying Jelly Attack -- Mr. T Experience
Miracle Woman -- Project Jenny
Tortoise Brand Pot Scrubbing Cleaner’s Theme/Bye Bye -- Disco Dave Landry
Redd Kross -- Death Of Samantha
Riding On The Rocket -- Das Damen
Ah Singapore -- Wendy Horowitz
One Day At The Factory (Preface) -- Phil Blumel
Elephant Pao Pao -- Reverb Mother****ers

more info:



Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
jdschall said:
Pizzicato 5 also fits that description. "Twiggy Twiggy Twiggy."
P5 drive me nutty, and not in a good way. however, i bet they would be good to see live. here's the list of japanese bands i've seen, and i can't think of a bad show of all of them:

acid mothers temple
zeni gevi
keiji haino

like an idiot, i missed Uptight when they played a few months ago. and i would love to see Musica Transonic and the Hanatarash.