
do you wear a seat belt?

do you use your seat belt?

  • Total voters


trail builder
Jun 17, 2002
Calgary AB
I Are Baboon said:
Somebody needs to vote NO and defend their stance (and actually mean it) to make this thread more interesting. :)
I had to vote for the majority of what I do, but I'm sure someone can argue with me...


OMG! <3 Tom Brady!
May 2, 2005
Out of my mind, back in a moment.
Cooter Brown said:
Sure, by making seatbelts mandatory, they are encroaching on the choice I should be able to make as a free, educated american whether or not I want to wear it or not. And also being able to make a traffic stop for that reason is just another way to criminalize normal citizens who don't want to wear them. I don't see the gov't saying it is illegal to smoke cigarettes. Yet the final outcome of smoking is the same as a fatal car wreck. But they let the general public make that choice for themselves, and a lot of folks who make the choice to smoke aren't even educated enough to know what it will do to them in the end.
I suspect the only reason cigarettes are legal and not wearing seatbelts is illegal is that PIP layers haven't formed a large enough lobby yet. :think:


Sep 20, 2005
jacksonpt said:
Always, end of story. And I make people wear them if they are passengers in my vehicle.
same here because it is your fault as the driver of the car if someone is not wearing their seatbelt.


Jack Ass Pen Goo Win
Oct 15, 2004
South Bend

When I was in College in L.A. I worked nights driving a Tow Truck, the Company I worked for handled emergencies for the CHP at the 101 to 405 interchange in the valley, after 2 years of towing cars with hunks of scalp and hair wedged into the windshield I am committed to wearing mine.


talks too much
Mar 19, 2002
Claremont, CA
Always wear one. I actually can't even really bring myself to not wear one even if I am only driving like 50 feet. It's just like wearing a helmet for me- automatic.


Jul 21, 2004
whereabouts unknown
SkaredShtles said:
Yeah, but smoking makes you look cool. I still fail to see how wearing or not wearing a seatbelt is a "lifestyle" choice. :think:

Besides - what educated American wouldn't wear a seatbelt? Seems to me only dimwits wouldn't............ ;)

I think Coot should have used the Motorcycle Helmet law...

In some states Bikers are not required to wear one when on public road/highways...

Cooter Brown

Turbo Monkey
May 30, 2002
Snow Hall, tweakin on math
Andy_B said:
I think Coot should have used the Motorcycle Helmet law...

In some states Bikers are not required to wear one when on public road/highways...

yes, that is a very good example. Here in Oklahoma, you can ride a motorcycle without a helmet, but seatbelts are an offence worth pulling you over and ticketing :mumble: . Stupid really


Jack Ass Pen Goo Win
Oct 15, 2004
South Bend
SkaredShtles said:
I can see the argument for motorcycle helmets.

'Cause like smoking, going lidless on a moto is cool. :rolleyes:
and its even cooler being in a wheel chair, or having emphzyma, those are cool too......


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
douglas said:
I was in a bad crash, and I dont see how I would have lived.....IF I had a seatbelt on
Then since you've already won the lottery once, it's probably best that you always wear one from now on.

I like having mine on, not only for the obvious function of keeping me safe in a crash, but also for holding me in place when and if I have to make some hard maneuvers. Or if I just want to see how hard the Subaru can corner before starting to drift...

Those of you who don't wear them...why don't you? (Honest question!)

I was in a safety course (ugh, OSHA) and this kid from Texas was in there with me; when I marvelled that people didn't wear seatbelts, he went along with me but qualified his feelings, saying that it "obviously wasn't necessary if you drive a big truck like we do in Texas..."

After I picked my jaw up, I asked him just how come big trucks didn't require seatbelts, and he looked at me like I was a complete moron, as if I'd just asked if there really was gravity on Earth or if the air really did contain oxygen. "Well, because it's a big truck!" was all he could reply. I guess I missed the self-evidence of his practices...



Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Always wear mine. Shoot, here in L.A. I'd feel safer if I wore a helmet too... these people are loonies behind the wheel.

I used to race go-karts and had dreams of racing big cars... during this time I took a few driving/racing lessons and seminars. After learning about how incredibly easy it is to die in a low sped crash I will NEVER drive without one. In fact I would prefer a 5 point harnes and a roll cage to tell the truth.


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
Ciaran said:
I used to race go-karts and had dreams of racing big cars... during this time I took a few driving/racing lessons and seminars. After learning about how incredibly easy it is to die in a low sped crash I will NEVER drive without one. In fact I would prefer a 5 point harnes and a roll cage to tell the truth.
me too.
after rally classes, i learned that even roll cages can collapse badly at speeds that you´d reach in everyday driving if you hit the right place in the right angle.

rally classes gave me a whole lot of respect for cars.


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
Since my first 'car' was a '79 CJ7 Jeep (with a lift of course) - I've always worn a belt! Nothing like driving 65 mph (limit was 55 at the time) on a highway with the roof and doors off to make you realize how much it woud suck to be thrown...


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
I wear all the seatbelts so no one can ride in the car w/ me.


Nam I am
I always Wear it now , I feel funny if I don't have it on.

About 20 years ago , I use to only put it on every so often, more not that on. then one day I was wearing and Got Broadsideed big time , I was waring it got a Major belt burn , But my body was trying to go out the window and it held me in the car. since then I wear it religiously , also since then the seat belt saved my Dads Life and My Sister-in-laws.


I Are Baboon said:
I just don't feel right without it strapped across my chest....it feels very uncomfortable.
:stupid: Mine has saved me at least twice.

skinny mike

Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2005
Ciaran said:
In fact I would prefer a 5 point harnes and a roll cage to tell the truth.
if i ever get a sporty type car those are two things that i might add on just because. when i went for a ride in a race-ready porsche turbo on some side streets a few years back im glad that i had that much protection around me. the driver got it up to 75 on a road with a 30mph limit so having to stop suddenly then would have been bad had i not been strapped in. plus the 5 point harness is actually quite comfortable, usually moreso than most regular belts that ive tried.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
I always wear mine, especially being a younger driver and being that there will be times that bad things can happen. Whenever I drive to lunch with people or anybody else in my car I always make them wear seatbelts or they get out. Simple as that. Even in other people's cars it's just automatic to put the seatbelt on as soon as I can. I value my life. :)


Turbo Monkey
Mar 21, 2004
Heres my seatbelt story: When i was 4 (im 17 now) i had a little incident with a Chrystler van that involved the back seat of the car being thrown about 20 feet from the van in the middle of a 4 lane road. Thats not really a huge deal unless a 4-year old happens to be in said seat, and I was. So instead of going to Walmart to get my Barny backpack for school, I was going to the ER. I was OK, but only because of the seatbelt.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 6, 2004
The 909
I've always worn a seatbelt, just like I've always worn a helmet. My parents were very strict on both things and it has stuck.

I remember hearing a comment about helmets that can be applied to seatbelts too, 'If you need to be told to wear your helmet, there's nothing worth protecting anyway.'


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
escapeartist said:
Heres my seatbelt story: When i was 4 (im 17 now) i had a little incident with a Chrystler van that involved the back seat of the car being thrown about 20 feet from the van in the middle of a 4 lane road. Thats not really a huge deal unless a 4-year old happens to be in said seat, and I was. So instead of going to Walmart to get my Barny backpack for school, I was going to the ER. I was OK, but only because of the seatbelt.
is that how you got yr nickname? :D


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
when i was little, i never wore seatbelts. my mom drove a 76 monte carlo, and by the time i was about 6 we had to cut all of my friends out of one of the seatbelts in the back because they got stuck. my dad drove a two seater pickup that didn't even have a seat belt for me.

hell they took a road trip to atlanta from memphis one year and i rode in the bed of the truck almost the whole way just napping and laying around on my sleeping bag.

i was lucky that i didn't die, and now i won't go anywhere without a seat belt on. i will unbuckle my seat belt to put my deposit in the drive through at the bank, or drop of a prescription at walgreens, then i will buckle it back, and have to unbuckle it to get my deposit slip or receipt.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
Well, in all seriousness, when I was two years old, (and dashboards were made of metal) I was in the front seat with my grandmother who was rushing me to the hospital where my dad was in bad shape, and was hit head on by another car on a bridge.

My legs got so broken up that I was in a cast from the waste down for a year&#8230;..

So, let&#8217;s review, no mandatory car seat, no seatbelt, no airbag, metal dash&#8230;



Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
COmtbiker12 said:
I thought it was only a recommendation unless there's a policeman nearby. :evil: ;)
You know, when I'm on city streets I always stay <5mph over. Simply due to the fact that I wouldn't want people speeding through my neighborhood.

On the Interstate, though............. :evil: