
do your homework, kids


Jun 10, 2002
thinking about not doing your homework to go ride? well...with a 76 test average (76, 76, 76), and a 95, 85, 0, and 0 homework scores, i have a 69.00 in my finance class. which means, i get to take a 4th final exam and spend 2 more days in Austin.

1 point = 1 more correct answer on any test or 1 more correct answer on any homework.

so, do your homework. or get a professor that with give 1 point.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
um, i hope your class is pass/fail? :D


Jun 10, 2002
yeah, i know...a 69 in finance. i'm embarassed to admit it. what's worse is that after the past 2 tests, i've come out thinking i had at least 88s on them (25 question tests). alas, they've all been 76s. this last test, i left my calculator at home, and had to use a plain ol' 4-function. not fun finding PVs and FVs. i wish i could look at the tests to see what i did wrong, but the prof keeps them.

time to study.


Jun 10, 2002
manziman said:
The #1 reason for spousal arguements and divorce is financial problems. so, don't F*** up, inbred, or your wifey (to be) will be waving bye bye.
well, my girlfriend is in a PPA program, and about a year away from the CPA exam, so she'll be the one dealing with the $$$ if we hitch....oh god, that's scarey. i'm too immature to even be thinking that.


Sep 2, 2004
the Inbred said:
thinking about not doing your homework to go ride? well...with a 76 test average (76, 76, 76), and a 95, 85, 0, and 0 homework scores, i have a 69.00 in my finance class. which means, i get to take a 4th final exam and spend 2 more days in Austin.

1 point = 1 more correct answer on any test or 1 more correct answer on any homework.

so, do your homework. or get a professor that with give 1 point.
im homeschooled. my day consists of waking up at 11, getting to doing school work at around 12:30, and going to to ride at 2:30-3 almost everyday.

im a year and half behind.


Jul 3, 2004
The armpit of San Diego
McT said:
im homeschooled. my day consists of waking up at 11, getting to doing school work at around 12:30, and going to to ride at 2:30-3 almost everyday.

im a year and half behind.
hahaha SUCKS, wait, i'm going to be stuck at community college for like 10 years before I finally move out of my parents' basement


Sep 2, 2004
manziman said:
hahaha SUCKS, wait, i'm going to be stuck at community college for like 10 years before I finally move out of my parents' basement
I just called the highschool im SUPPOSED to be going to... looks like by a tiny loophole i might be able to get in. woo.


Jul 3, 2004
The armpit of San Diego
nice, there's this girl in my volleyball class (at comm. college) who I had been hitting on for a while. Finally one guy was like "dude, you know Katie's only 15, right?" CRAP! sure enough, she's 15 and at community college. turns out she can play sports for the local high school for some odd reason though, but she doesn't. it's cool though, I give her crap asking her if she drove herself or had to take the bus (seeing as drive age in cali is 16, it's just fun to BS her). good job about getting into the HS, you'll be like 18 hanging out with all the 16 yr old sophomores! ahahhaah. buy em cigarettes, they'll think you're cool.


Sep 22, 2004
I don't even want to talk about this. I am failing math and my Nutrition teacher sent me an e-mail stating that I have an F in there. I am thinking WTF I thought I had at least a C. So I gotta buckle down and do good on the fianls. Yeah Right!


Turbo Monkey
May 26, 2004
I am getting a C in the university's easiest class, intro to sociology. Might have something to do with attending a total of maybe 9 times all semester. Although, to my credit, i did show up one day to find out that we had an exam, and I got an 81 having done none of the reading, taking no notes, and going abotu 3 times since the last exam.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
they make you do homework in college? I thought they never check it? How big is your school, do you have a TA or is it a small class.

I almost never do math homework as well. i got a 78 in it though. :)


Jun 10, 2002
my school is 53,000 students big. the class is probably about 300. 2 TAs, but they don't do much...if anything.


Sep 22, 2004
Oh yeah they check your homework. Besides if you don't do it you are normally screwed becasue you will have no grasp on the subject matter. Mack when you get to college do your ****ing homework. I am doing mine next semester. I promise. Well maybe.


Jun 10, 2002
professor checks it...it's only 2 or 3 questions w/ sub-questions, worth 10pts in all. answers are generally some sort of spreadsheet, or a numerical figure.


if you have a good professor, homework will be easy...it'll seem almost pointless. if your professor is horrible, like my hardly-english-speaking calc professors, it will act as a replacement professor, along with the book.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
i might do it when i grow up. But i dont really see that coming too soon.

My math teacher used to work for NASA, but some how sucks at teaching. Had a good one last year, got a B+ the whole year.


Sep 2, 2004
manziman said:
nice, there's this girl in my volleyball class (at comm. college) who I had been hitting on for a while. Finally one guy was like "dude, you know Katie's only 15, right?" CRAP! sure enough, she's 15 and at community college. turns out she can play sports for the local high school for some odd reason though, but she doesn't. it's cool though, I give her crap asking her if she drove herself or had to take the bus (seeing as drive age in cali is 16, it's just fun to BS her). good job about getting into the HS, you'll be like 18 hanging out with all the 16 yr old sophomores! ahahhaah. buy em cigarettes, they'll think you're cool.

wellll, it turns out i need 3 more credits to get back into HS, which isnt happening.

Heh.. I've got a funny story like that. Hangin out at the bmx track with friends, talking to people and having a good time about a year ago. i meet this girl that races BMX through a friend of a friend and we start talking and cracking jokes about nothing and eventually start flirting... so it got down to talking about tattoo's i think, then she showed me her belly button ring. since i thought you couldnt get one of those without parental permission until you were 18, i asked her how old she was... 21...

i was 15 at the time.


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
College sucks! I have a bunch of projects and papers to do and write, and one of my projects is being entered in competition and could possibly pay for grad school.... better do well on that one!


Jul 3, 2004
The armpit of San Diego
McT said:
wellll, it turns out i need 3 more credits to get back into HS, which isnt happening.

Heh.. I've got a funny story like that. Hangin out at the bmx track with friends, talking to people and having a good time about a year ago. i meet this girl that races BMX through a friend of a friend and we start talking and cracking jokes about nothing and eventually start flirting... so it got down to talking about tattoo's i think, then she showed me her belly button ring. since i thought you couldnt get one of those without parental permission until you were 18, i asked her how old she was... 21...

i was 15 at the time.
eprops to the McT. :evil: haha, I felt like such a pedophile..but then again, i coach 14 yr old girls in volleyball...damn me being 19!


Jun 10, 2002
oh yeah, something you pre-college kids have to look forward to:

i just got some stats from a calculus test i took last month (also a 300-person class). questions 1 - 9 of 17 were answered correctly by less than 60% of the class. question #4 was answered by less than 24% of the class. so, in theory, everyone could have guessed on #4 and done better. talk about confidence boosting. i think it's pretty much bull**** to write questions that hard.


Sep 2, 2004
manziman said:
eprops to the McT. :evil: haha, I felt like such a pedophile..but then again, i coach 14 yr old girls in volleyball...damn me being 19!
isnt that like building up the best bikes in town, but not being able to ride them?


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
the Inbred said:
oh yeah, something you pre-college kids have to look forward to:

i just got some stats from a calculus test i took last month (also a 300-person class). questions 1 - 9 of 17 were answered correctly by less than 60% of the class. question #4 was answered by less than 24% of the class. so, in theory, everyone could have guessed on #4 and done better. talk about confidence boosting. i think it's pretty much bull**** to write questions that hard.
was the wording misleading? why was this question so difficult?

i remember one of the questions that totally stumped me in one of my classes, something on the order of "draw a connected graph with at least 10 nodes where every node has 3 and exactly 3 edges". sounds easy, eh? try to draw it.


Jun 10, 2002
the question was:

(integral of) (1/[square root {x^2 - 2x + 10}])

that's pretty much how all the questions are....very little wording.


Jul 3, 2004
The armpit of San Diego
the Inbred said:
the question was:

(integral of) (1/[square root {x^2 - 2x + 10}])

that's pretty much how all the questions are....very little wording.
pfft, highest math concepts I got up to was {F(x)=fl;dakhge9tqpwr3iryoi4uw9y3hfqwer8h32qyr39weuhfaoph f02934ur}


Sep 2, 2004
Im starting to realize why I failed math and science last year... i tried to do the work without reading any of the examples or steps on how to do them before i did them. its seriously 5000 times easier. now im kinda mad i didnt do this last year. still gotta wait to get my grade to see if i even go the right answers... so its kinda in the air... :nuts: :nuts: :nuts:
the Inbred said:
oh yeah, something you pre-college kids have to look forward to:

i just got some stats from a calculus test i took last month (also a 300-person class). questions 1 - 9 of 17 were answered correctly by less than 60% of the class. question #4 was answered by less than 24% of the class. so, in theory, everyone could have guessed on #4 and done better. talk about confidence boosting. i think it's pretty much bull**** to write questions that hard.
You're missing the big picture here. The statistics you present simply show that most of the class fvcks off instead of studying. The example of the integral that you presented is not particularly difficult.

I suspect that anyone who actually studied and (gasp) did the homework aced the exam. You either get on top of math and stay with it or you get left behind.

Either get on top of it or prepare for a career at MacDonalds.



Jun 10, 2002
sorry, jbp, i'm gonna have to say no. as we all know, when you make assumptions, you're generally wrong. but anyway, the average for the exam was a 40-something out of 100, if i remember correctly.


oh yeah, can you give me the answer for that sample?

--edit #2--

or a quicker way of doing it, 'cause when ol' Alistair went over it in class, it took him 20mins.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
I think college is too easy. Hell, all I had to do was attend class and pay attention and I could ace basically every class I had. And when exam time rolled around, I'd study for a few hours for each class and ace the exam.

It was too friggin' easy, if you ask me.
