
Does Capital Punishment Reduce Homicides?


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
downhilldemon said:
does threating people who are going to commit suicide with the death penalty do anything?
That's not true. There is always discussions about erecting a larger fence on the Golden Gate to prevent more suicides. The logic being even the smallest deterrrent makes potential suicides think twice.

I read where there have been cases where despondent people have stopped their car in the middle of the bridge, but did not jump because they were afraid they would get hit by a car!
sanjuro said:
That's not true. There is always discussions about erecting a larger fence on the Golden Gate to prevent more suicides. The logic being even the smallest deterrrent makes potential suicides think twice.

I read where there have been cases where despondent people have stopped their car in the middle of the bridge, but did not jump because they were afraid they would get hit by a car!
never really thought about it just sounds really stupid!


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
The Amish said:
Ever stop to think that it might be because black people commit far more murders than white People. I dont have the numbers to back this claim up, but based on everything I read and see on tv its got to be more true than not. I live in rochester NY, which happens to have an extremely high poverty rate and thus a very rough ghetto. Without even listening to the news or reading a paper I can pretty much garuntee that I will see a story about some black guy shooting another black guy when I go home and flip on the news. IN fact Id be willing to bet money on it. Any takers? Do we have white murders up here, Sure, but the ratio has to be 10 to 1 and thats being modest. Most our white criminals are pedaphiles which is frankly just as bad if not worse, bUt just to show how even handed I can be with my justice I say we hang them too. So do black people get executed more than white people, probably. but only cause they commit far more murders.

Here comes the your a racist post. Whos it gonna be?
Dear Dumbass,

Looks like you are right. A report from Cornell (have you heard of it, you won't be going there) mentions while blacks represent 50% of murder defendents only 40% are on death row. Apparently proscutors are relucant to seek the death penalty against blacks.


BTW, you might get the facts right, but you are from understanding them.

Old Man G Funk

Choir Boy
Nov 21, 2005
In a handbasket
The Amish said:
NOw your getting it. The horse is whats gonna turn it into good tv. Afterall thats all we americans care about isn't it. Isupport all forms of cruel and unusual punishment from stickin panties on peoples heads right down to chopin it clean off. You know what would be realy great though. Bringing back crucifictions. Half time of the monday night football game, we could line em all up at the 50 yard line and nail em to a cross. The monday night crucifictions. That would be good tv
So, do you object to insurgent in Iraq or members of Al Qaeda chopping off the heads of captured Americans in the Middle East? I mean, it's sensational (from a tv standpoint), isn't it?

Old Man G Funk

Choir Boy
Nov 21, 2005
In a handbasket
The Amish said:
Ever stop to think that it might be because black people commit far more murders than white People. I dont have the numbers to back this claim up, but based on everything I read and see on tv its got to be more true than not. I live in rochester NY, which happens to have an extremely high poverty rate and thus a very rough ghetto. Without even listening to the news or reading a paper I can pretty much garuntee that I will see a story about some black guy shooting another black guy when I go home and flip on the news. IN fact Id be willing to bet money on it. Any takers? Do we have white murders up here, Sure, but the ratio has to be 10 to 1 and thats being modest. Most our white criminals are pedaphiles which is frankly just as bad if not worse, bUt just to show how even handed I can be with my justice I say we hang them too. So do black people get executed more than white people, probably. but only cause they commit far more murders.
From the Cornell article:
However, the statistics represent a "racial hierarchy" shaped in part by prosecutors' unwillingness to seek the death penalty in black-on-black murder cases, rather than an unbalanced application of the law that favors black defendants, the authors wrote.
Funny how black on black crime does not merit the death penalty while black on white crime does.

Also, let me point out that you brought up the poverty factor yourself. The poor are much more likely to be involved in crime, and due to the systematic disenfranchisement of blacks throughout this country's history, a disproportional amount of blacks are poor as compared to whites.