well at least we could have a literate president if anything. or maybe a president that actually went to war. or a president that actually earned a degree without buying it. or maybe it would be a good start to actually have a president that was officially elected.
Well look at it this way, if Kerry wins that means the all the conservatives time will be taken up with parroting "America held hostage day xxx" over and over. Just like thy did the whole time Clinton was in office. They can't get into much trouble when they are too busy spouting partisan nonsense...
Except for Dubya he will probably go back to running companies into the ground, just like old time.
well in light of the current fiasco with the touch screens in florida one can only assume that they are just doubling up on the redundancy of the whole system right?
anyway if it looks like they are gonna loose theyll just stop the counting again this go round right?
So the concensus is that who gives a S*it who wins. Kerry will spout anti-conservative rhetoric, and Bush will shout "I was justified going to war". Boy this country is SOOOOO screwed!!!
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