
Does Kadvang still rule???

May 12, 2005
roanoke va
so inorder to be nomiated for king of ridemonkey, you have to
1. be a resedent of Cal. for 14 months
2. be under 18 years of age
3. have many pimped rides
4. talk smak in every post
5. not know WTF your talking about
6. spell like a 3rd grader
did i miss anything?

The Kadvang

I rule
Apr 13, 2004
six five oh
spacemanspiff06 said:
so inorder to be nomiated for king of ridemonkey, you have to
1. be a resedent of Cal. for 14 months
2. be under 18 years of age
3. have many pimped rides
4. talk smak in every post
5. not know WTF your talking about
6. spell like a 3rd grader
did i miss anything?
Alright b1tch its on. Yeah I've lived in Cali all my life, you can suck it because you know the west is the best. I definitely know what I am talking about, and unlike you I can spell. You loose.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 15, 2003
Cape Cod, MA
The Kadvang said:
Alright b1tch its on. Yeah I've lived in Cali all my life, you can suck it because you know the west is the best. I definitely know what I am talking about, and unlike you I can spell. You loose.
HAH! You suck! It's spelled "L-O-S-E" not "L-O-O-S-E".

Due to this, you can no longer be considered for king of ridemonkey.

The Kadvang

I rule
Apr 13, 2004
six five oh
mcA896 said:
HAH! You suck! It's spelled "L-O-S-E" not "L-O-O-S-E".

Due to this, you can no longer be considered for king of ridemonkey.
Thumbs up champ. I don't think I ever said I wanted to be "king of ridemonkey?" All I said was that I rule, which is the truth.


The Kadvang said:
Thumbs up champ. I don't think I ever said I wanted to be "king of ridemonkey?" All I said was that I rule, which is the truth.
Don't be all grumpy on the kid. He just pointed out that you are a dumb ass. :D


Turbo Monkey
Feb 28, 2005
Pa. / North Jersey
Paraphrased from the textbook: "History of Non-Western Civilizations Vol.1"

".......Zach Dank originally wrote the "95 Theses" that led to a rift in the Catholic Church. However, excommunicating Zach resulted in a rather embarrassing crucifixion incident requiring the promotion of several new cardinals and the election of a new Pope.
The whole reformation was then blamed on Martin Luther while Zach Dank was cannonized as the patron saint of “Guys You Don't Fu@k With.”

... there. It has now been officially confirmed.

'Vang rules.

Plus he rides a Demo 8, so actually he owns. :blah:

The Kadvang

I rule
Apr 13, 2004
six five oh
S.K.C. said:
Paraphrased from the textbook: "History of Non-Western Civilizations Vol.1"

".......Zach Dank originally wrote the "95 Theses" that led to a rift in the Catholic Church. However, excommunicating Zach resulted in a rather embarrassing crucifixion incident requiring the promotion of several new cardinals and the election of a new Pope.
The whole reformation was then blamed on Martin Luther while Zach Dank was cannonized as the patron saint of “Guys You Don't Fu@k With.”

... there. It has now been officially confirmed.

'Vang rules.

Plus he rides a Demo 8, so actually he owns. :blah:
This is quite possibly the best post on this website.


So it looks like if you are a kadvang croney that is kissing his ass, he rules. Otherwise, he does not rule.


Mar 14, 2005
im gonna have to say i change my vote based upon my findings lately. Seeing that you are all so intereted in him , and this post has gotten way more attention over several others ,(even if we put all reponses together) id have to now say The Kadvang does rule. I am sorry for ever doubting


Turbo Monkey
Jul 11, 2004
The Kadvang said:
I'll let you guys know how many Ivy's I get into.
Gowd, you're not one of those dumb fuct Menlo School kids are you? If so, you most certainly do not rule.

They always go around talking about Ivy League schools then they go and score a 1000 on the SAT's after their parants dropped $25,000 a year on high school education, and countless more dollors on tutors, SAT classes etc. etc.

If you go to Menlo School hang yourself now. You'll be better off.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 3, 2002
loco said:
OK - which mod is the dumb ass???
why teh hate loco? Me thinks you're just jealous of the kadjew because he is about to get presents for days instead of your presents for only a single day. This thread really backfired on ya eh.

The Kadvang

I rule
Apr 13, 2004
six five oh
scurban said:
Gowd, you're not one of those dumb fuct Menlo School kids are you? If so, you most certainly do not rule.

They always go around talking about Ivy League schools then they go and score a 1000 on the SAT's after their parants dropped $25,000 a year on high school education, and countless more dollors on tutors, SAT classes etc. etc.

If you go to Menlo School hang yourself now. You'll be better off.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH dude i go to menlo-atherton, the ghettoest public school possibly ever, menlo is for b1tches, fvck that, i hate those azzholes

im just a genius, thats why im getting into good schools.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 28, 2005
Pa. / North Jersey
So it looks like if you are a kadvang croney that is kissing his ass, he rules. Otherwise, he does not rule.
...actually I've never met 'Vang, but he seems pretty cool from what I gather online. Good sense of humor too.

Loco you're just pissed cause this ENTIRE thread didn't go the way you planned... and I'm not entirely sure about your sense of humor.

Try this one:

From "The History of American Comcs":
Jerry Siegel and Joel Schuster once saw Zach Dank punch a building in the face, and then powerbomb it onto the sidewalk. This inspired them to create Superman.

... so once again - 'Vang rules / Loco still angry.



Turbo Monkey
Jul 11, 2004
The Kadvang said:
HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH dude i go to menlo-atherton, the ghettoest public school possibly ever, menlo is for b1tches, fvck that, i hate those azzholes

im just a genius, thats why im getting into good schools.

You've got a lot of livin' to do if you think MA is Ghetto. That's a good school. One of the better public schools in one of the best public school systems in the state.

You've gained a little respect in my eyes with your statement that "Menlo (School) is for b1tches". At least you have that going for you.

Post a pic of your acceptance letter to an ivy, and I may throw down a little more Respect.

Oh yeah, and admit that Zach Dank is your other alter-ridemonkey-ego.

The Kadvang

I rule
Apr 13, 2004
six five oh
scurban said:
You've got a lot of livin' to do if you think MA is Ghetto. That's a good school. One of the better public schools in one of the best public school systems in the state.

You've gained a little respect in my eyes with your statement that "Menlo (School) is for b1tches". At least you have that going for you.

Post a pic of your acceptance letter to an ivy, and I may throw down a little more Respect.

Oh yeah, and admit that Zach Dank is your other alter-ridemonkey-ego.
Oh the education is top notch, but the clientelle is most definitly ghetto... the amount of girlfights, dice games in the bathrooms, and the 20 year old who did hard time who sits next to me can testify to that.


The level of ignorance that makes people think that I am serious about the kadvang is amazing. Wow - did people really think I was serious??? Sweet Jesus, they should catch up. :think:

The only people I am angry with are the stupid ones.

edit - spill it - which one of you mods is the dumb ass??? I'll bet it's JBP. :D

The Kadvang

I rule
Apr 13, 2004
six five oh
narlus said:
what's the over/under?

i batted 0.500...got into brown (early), rejected @ princeton, waitlisted @ cornell.
I'll let you guys know as I hear... applied to Stanford ("ivy of the west" :rolleyes: ) early, then Princeton, Harvard, Yale, Brown, and Dartmouth... I think that covers it :)


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
The Kadvang said:
Oh the education is top notch, but the clientelle is most definitly ghetto... the amount of girlfights, dice games in the bathrooms, and the 20 year old who did hard time who sits next to me can testify to that.
You live in the Menlo Park / Atherton area? The word ghetto can't even be put on the same page as that. Every person I ever met from around there was spoiled rotten. That area is 100% $$$. (and yes I know what I say, I had a girlfriend from there :evil: ).

Go hang out at an Oakland public school and then come back to this thread and define "ghetto".


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
The Kadvang said:
I'll let you guys know as I hear... applied to Stanford ("ivy of the west" :rolleyes: ) early, then Princeton, Harvard, Yale, Brown, and Dartmouth... I think that covers it :)
what's your safety?

mine was cornell. :D

The Kadvang

I rule
Apr 13, 2004
six five oh
H8R said:
You live in the Menlo Park / Atherton area? The word ghetto can't even be put on the same page as that. Every person I ever met from around there was spoiled rotten. That area is 100% $$$. (and yes I know what I say, I had a girlfriend from there :evil: ).

Go hang out at an Oakland public school and then come back to this thread and define "ghetto".
Ever heard of East Palo Alto? Homicide capital of the nation from around 1989-1995 or thereabouts? Where a good three-quarters of my fellow students are from? I am a rich white kid yes, okay. That doesn't mean I am spoiled and I definitely know what ghetto is. Aiiiiiiiiigggght?


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
The Kadvang said:
Ever heard of East Palo Alto? Homicide capital of the nation from around 1989-1995 or thereabouts? Where a good three-quarters of my fellow students are from? I am a rich white kid yes, okay. That doesn't mean I am spoiled and I definitely know what ghetto is. Aiiiiiiiiigggght?
I never said YOU were spoiled. :blah:

And yes I know EPA. I used to ride my bike through there to get to my girlfriends house. (San Leandro to Atherton and back at least 4x a week :D)

That was back in 1987-1988 in fact. It was BAD. I rode FAST.

Anyway, I really don't envy any kid I any public CA school these days, so if you're doing good and you get into a kick ass college, more power to you.

edit: I just realised that I was riding around in Kadvangs neck of the woods before he was even born. Ugh I'm old.


I can't find skrdshthead's poll, but I recall him not ruling, actually.