
DOg are not People they are F^%$% animals!!!


Nam I am
I am so sick an tired of people feeling there G-dam dogs and cats should be treated like people ! They are animals and should be treated as such!!!

I have asthma , and am algergic to dogs and violently alergic to cats. I go to my in-laws and I am Made to feel like a 2nd class citizen , because the F%&*^ing animals!

The animlas have to go out side!! But no They just put them in another room in the house , and say thats Ok !! Its not the Air circulates!!

we have been asked to leave before , because the dam dog.
All they say is "just go take some pills." well guess what my system can't handle that much medication! And I think that is a really ironic additude considering there son commit suicide due to drug addiction problems.

I am just sitting here , with Shaking hads ( from the amount of albuterol I have inhaled) My lungs physically HURT , and my face is swollen.

All I know is I'm going home today , but wife and Kids are staying , I'm going to wind up in the ER if I stay Much longer and Epinephrin is soooo much fun!



Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
Damn. sorry to hear of yr respiratory distress, splat.

a guy i used to work w/ was really allergic to cats. he came over to play pool once and couldn't last more than 45 minutes.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
While I am a "Cat's are people too" person, your in-laws don't sound like very considerate people. We have 3 cats, and my wifes mom is allergic so we vacume and dust and air out the apartment as best we can and stick the cats in the bedroom (we have no yard). Personally I think your in-laws should have put the dog in the yard AND should have cleaned their house really realy good since they knew you were coming over.

While we can't clean everything we do the best we can. Sadly since we have had the cats we found out that the wife is (in addition to being asthmatic) allergic to them too. So after our kitties are gone we won't be getting any more.


Mar 31, 2004
Denver, Colorado
Heroin will fix all your problems. Thats what a guy said to me I met in a bus station. He was arguing with someone, but I didn't see that guy. He just kept screaming. He sold me a little baggy with a seringe for $40 and every since then I don't have any money, but I feel amazing. My eyes itch.


Nam I am
motomike said:
Don't go back. ever. Unless they put the doggy outside.
Believe me , I try to avoid going up there. But there are times when i have too. and the sad part is where they live they are less than 1/2 hour to 4 ski areas , including Pats Peak ( 24 Hour venue ), 2 great Mt Bike race , and 2 good Tri-athalons .

This has caused an awful lot of stress with my Marriage. In my Mother and Father in-laws defense , they now take them to a kenel during the cold season. Now its my Brother in law who still feels the need to bring his dog with him where ever he goes!

But I still hear about it . I get the continuous Guilt trip about it. When we first got married , my Mother in law awas appauled when we couldn't have a dog. and she has gone out of her way to find Dogs that Have hair instead of Fur , and Dogs that Have no Hair or fur ( they are really sorry looking animals) . I have had so much pressure put on me about dogs and cats since I got married , where once I actually liked the animals , now I despise them!

I believe that if my Father in -laws Passes away first , she will be come one of those old women that have hundres of cats in the house, and I said that to my wife and she actually agreed.


Aug 26, 2004
Concord, CA
i feel you. i am so allergic to cats. if im at someones house, and their cat comes wandering in im running up to kick it. but i do have to say that i love dogs. i have a bulldog, and for some reason he has not affected me in anyway even though i am allergic to a lot of dogs.
there really is no medication that you could take to get you through the visit?


Turbo Monkey
May 2, 2002
pnw -dry side
splat said:
Believe me , I try to avoid going up there. But there are times when i have too. and the sad part is where they live they are less than 1/2 hour to 4 ski areas , including Pats Peak ( 24 Hour venue ), 2 great Mt Bike race , and 2 good Tri-athalons .

This has caused an awful lot of stress with my Marriage. In my Mother and Father in-laws defense , they now take them to a kenel during the cold season. Now its my Brother in law who still feels the need to bring his dog with him where ever he goes!

But I still hear about it . I get the continuous Guilt trip about it. When we first got married , my Mother in law awas appauled when we couldn't have a dog. and she has gone out of her way to find Dogs that Have hair instead of Fur , and Dogs that Have no Hair or fur ( they are really sorry looking animals) . I have had so much pressure put on me about dogs and cats since I got married , where once I actually liked the animals , now I despise them!

I believe that if my Father in -laws Passes away first , she will be come one of those old women that have hundres of cats in the house, and I said that to my wife and she actually agreed.

I get flu like allergies from some cats, I feel your pain. Why not have a "no pets allowed" holiday get together at your place? That still doesn't' allow for pet hair all over clothes, etc.. but it would help.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
ThePriceSeliger said:
Heroin will fix all your problems. Thats what a guy said to me I met in a bus station. He was arguing with someone, but I didn't see that guy. He just kept screaming. He sold me a little baggy with a seringe for $40 and every since then I don't have any money, but I feel amazing. My eyes itch.


Jun 16, 2004
Malibu, CA
My girlfriend's parents have a therapist for one of their cats. The cat apparently takes a feline-approved variant of Paxil, the antidepressant. I think it's ridiculous. They make me sneeze and I think they should live outside.I grew up on a big property with deer and rabbits and things running around. We got a cat to eat mice, and it did the trick. However, it didn't roam the house.

If you don't think of the historical context of people living with animals, it's pretty funny to think that humans, as animals, woud allow and encourage another predatory species to share their home. Ever see a wolf invite a tiger into it's den for company? Pets bring all sorts of pathogens and pests into our homes. For some people (aka the elderly) the companionship offered by pets seems to outweigh the drawbacks. I like dogs, but I would never want to work or sleep in the same room as one. Sorry to hear about your bad experience. I have seasonal allergies, and they suck.
splat said:
The animlas have to go out side!! But no They just put them in another room in the house , and say thats Ok !! Its not the Air circulates!!
Splat, you know I love you - but OUTSIDE? I don't believe any cats should be outside and my dog cannot take the cold for long periods of time. I'm sorry they are insensitive to you but it sounds like you just shouldn't go. I'm sure your wife and kids understand - your health comes first.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2005
Chandler, AZ, USA
splat said:
I am so sick an tired of people feeling there G-dam dogs and cats should be treated like people ! They are animals and should be treated as such!!!

I have asthma , and am algergic to dogs and violently alergic to cats. I go to my in-laws and I am Made to feel like a 2nd class citizen , because the F%&*^ing animals!

The animlas have to go out side!! But no They just put them in another room in the house , and say thats Ok !! Its not the Air circulates!!

we have been asked to leave before , because the dam dog.
All they say is "just go take some pills." well guess what my system can't handle that much medication! And I think that is a really ironic additude considering there son commit suicide due to drug addiction problems.

I am just sitting here , with Shaking hads ( from the amount of albuterol I have inhaled) My lungs physically HURT , and my face is swollen.

All I know is I'm going home today , but wife and Kids are staying , I'm going to wind up in the ER if I stay Much longer and Epinephrin is soooo much fun!


Next time borrow a scott air pack from the local firefighter.....


Nam I am
MtnBikerChk said:
. I'm sure your wife and kids understand - your health comes first.
One would Think , But no.

I get from the Wife that it is not fair to her. as I have said this has been the cause of a lot of stress in our marriage.

I even tried Allergy Shots for 2 years , of having a Shot in each arm 1X a week. and Had several Bad reactions. Shots of Ephenephrine are soooo Much fun! You ain't lived till you've had one of them.

I try to explain to them That asthma Kills over 1 Million people a year. I think the only way to get them is when I have a Bad attack ,and have to get taken out on a stretcher. I have come real close a couple of times.

and the Kids are too young to really understand.


Oct 3, 2005
When was the last time you saw an asthma specialist?

There are a variety of new drugs available that have had me Albuterol-free and breathing easily for a few years.

Singulair, Advair and Foradil have "cured" me of my allergy and exercise-induced asthma.
splat said:
One would Think , But no.

I get from the Wife that it is not fair to her. as I have said this has been the cause of a lot of stress in our marriage.

I even tried Allergy Shots for 2 years , of having a Shot in each arm 1X a week. and Had several Bad reactions. Shots of Ephenephrine are soooo Much fun! You ain't lived till you've had one of them.

I try to explain to them That asthma Kills over 1 Million people a year. I think the only way to get them is when I have a Bad attack ,and have to get taken out on a stretcher. I have come real close a couple of times.

and the Kids are too young to really understand.
Can you invite the inlaws to your house instead?


Turbo Monkey
May 2, 2002
pnw -dry side
splat said:
One would Think , But no.

I get from the Wife that it is not fair to her. as I have said this has been the cause of a lot of stress in our marriage.

I even tried Allergy Shots for 2 years , of having a Shot in each arm 1X a week. and Had several Bad reactions. Shots of Ephenephrine are soooo Much fun! You ain't lived till you've had one of them.

I try to explain to them That asthma Kills over 1 Million people a year. I think the only way to get them is when I have a Bad attack ,and have to get taken out on a stretcher. I have come real close a couple of times.

and the Kids are too young to really understand.

gah! don't get me going, she should put you first, not her freaking family. Did she marry you, or her parents?

Velocity Girl

Sep 12, 2001
Sorry to hear about your holiday. I obviously am of the "pets" camp, but if someone in my family was highly allergic to my babies I would see what I could do to lessen the impact.

But with that said, like MBC, I wouldn't be able to keep mine outside (not enough fur or fat). And when I had cats they were strictly indoor cats so outside wasn't an option. With such severe allergies though I'm suprised that it would make a difference weather they were in another room or outside because once the hair is in the house, furniture, etc no matter how well you clean some of it still sticks. I used to be allergic to cats when I was younger (thank goodness I've almost outgrown the allergy) and I could tell if someone had a cat even if it wasn't in the house.

Either way, it's too bad that your wife doesn't support your decision to not go there and that your in-laws feel the need to pressure you about having an animal (hehe..reminds me of my ex in-laws pressuring me about having kids!!!) Maybe you can have holidays at your place, or go see them but meet on neutral ground outside the house? Hopefully your wife will come around though....get a doctors note saying you can't go to homes that have animals in it!


I guess you don't think people should take their dogs to work, eh, Splat. :think: I do hope you can work something out soon. This sounds like a big explosion waiting to happen. Good luck, bro.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 21, 2004
Los Osos
My sister is very allergic to cats, dogs, mice, rats, etc. We have had several cats, and all have been mainly outside cats. We live in the mountains, away from from any cities or towns. Our cats all managed to live at least four or five years. This way she could feed the cat and hang out or whatever with it outside, and not have to suffer everyday. It worked great. To think that an animal should not live outdoors and should live inside a house or apartment disgusts me. It seems very cruel. This is a mountain kid's opinion, surely a townie would feel differently. Those are the same people who cry when they see a coyote attack a deer.

Good luck with the allergies man, that's no fun.


Nam I am
justsomeguy said:
When was the last time you saw an asthma specialist?

There are a variety of new drugs available that have had me Albuterol-free and breathing easily for a few years.

Singulair, Advair and Foradil have "cured" me of my allergy and exercise-induced asthma.
I use advair-250 ( it is AWESOME !!!) , Clairitin D , Nasonex and Sometimes , Like just before going to In laws I will supplement the Advair with Flovent. and they have done wonders for me I do not get the EIA anymore. and I rarely need my Albuterol , with the exception of when I am sick, or visiting the in-laws.

And My wife and in-laws don't understand alergies because they are alergic to Nothing!!! I swear they could make a salad out of Poison Ivy and it would not bother them. My wife pulls poison Ivy with her bare hands and it does nothing to her. ( she can also eat grease and her colosetrol just stays at 125 , but that is a whole nother issue, so I'm sure she is going to out live me )


Oct 3, 2005
splat said:
I use advair-250 ( it is AWESOME !!!) , Clairitin D , Nasonex and Sometimes , Like just before going to In laws I will supplement the Advair with Flovent. and they have done wonders for me I do not get the EIA anymore. and I rarely need my Albuterol , with the exception of when I am sick, or visiting the in-laws.
The biggest change for me was taking one Singulair every morning.

I'm to the point where I can get by in peak allergy season* with only supplementing the Singulair with Advair the day before a big pollen infested ride.

*Peak allergy season, coated in pollen half way through a bushwhacking fest. No problems breathing during the 4+ hour ride.



Nam I am
justsomeguy said:
*Peak allergy season, coated in pollen half way through a bushwhacking fest. No problems breathing during the 4+ hour ride.
Which Season get you ? Fall is the Season where Hay fever get me . Rag Weed is the enemy for me. but even then if I have been using my advair I don't need my Albuteral or Pro-vental.

I tried Sigulair for almost a year , but it made no difference, so the Doc took me off of it.

I get the same results with either Alegra or Clairitin , so I take Clairitin since it is cheaper and easier to get. also During Peak Season , he has me take Astelin ( nasal Spray) , which works OK , but is a Pain to use , cause you have to keep your head up side down for 2 minutes after using it.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2005
Chandler, AZ, USA
justsomeguy said:
When was the last time you saw an asthma specialist?

There are a variety of new drugs available that have had me Albuterol-free and breathing easily for a few years.

Singulair, Advair and Foradil have "cured" me of my allergy and exercise-induced asthma.

Advair and singular are awesome. Before them I couldn't ride. Some people say I still can't.......


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2005
Chandler, AZ, USA
splat said:
Which Season get you ? Fall is the Season where Hay fever get me . Rag Weed is the enemy for me. but even then if I have been using my advair I don't need my Albuteral or Pro-vental.

I tried Sigulair for almost a year , but it made no difference, so the Doc took me off of it.

I get the same results with either Alegra or Clairitin , so I take Clairitin since it is cheaper and easier to get. also During Peak Season , he has me take Astelin ( nasal Spray) , which works OK , but is a Pain to use , cause you have to keep your head up side down for 2 minutes after using it.

That's weird. As I understand it Singular is a mast cell inhibitor, so it completely stops the main cause of allergic astma. One pill a day and I'm good, I still get a touch of EIA the first 20 minutes of a ride, I just throttle back a little until it passes and then it's off to the races.

Velocity Girl

Sep 12, 2001
splat said:
And My wife and in-laws don't understand alergies because they are alergic to Nothing!!!
Uggghhh....doesn't that just make you crazy!!! My ex was very unsympathetic to my allergies and it drove me crazy. He actually had the nerve to suggest to me once that it was because I wasn't taking a daily vitamins and drinking OJ everyday (which is of course what he did and he was allergy free) :mumble: I always just tried to explain it to him by asking him to remember the last time he had a cold, well, that's what they feel like!

My favorite allergy I've had for the past 4 years or so is neoprene. My doc said it's the most unusual thing she's heard of. This summer I made the mistake of not checking a timing band at a race and after wearing it all day (over a thick sock) I broke out in hives that actually blistered!!!!

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
bikenweed said:
We have had several cats, and all have been mainly outside cats. Our cats all managed to live at least four or five years.
Woo Hoo.
Hell, our indoor cats live to be 15 or 16.
We had a fat azz asthmatic guinea pig that lived over 5 years.
You must have a pet Wolverine or something.


Our allergist friend, who has a severe case of allergy himself to animals, food and chemicals (even household disinfectant & insecticide), travels in his RV with his wife whenever they travel. Even motels, which are periodically treated with insecticide, can trigger his allergic reaction.

Maybe visiting the in-laws in a rental RV or a camper can be the solution?


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
I have outdoor cats. They stay inside mostly but we let them come and go as they please. I think it's cruel to keep them inside. They are hunters.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
SkaredShtles said:
Bah. Most cats have no problem being outside in sub-freezing weather. They'll find somewhere to hunker down.
Life expectancy of an outdoor cat: 5 years
An indoor cat: up to 20 years

Splat, sorry about your allergy issues. I hope your in-laws at least got you some good presents. :D