
Dog missing Gibralter/Las Canoas area


Git yer dumb questions here
Feb 19, 2003
Hey guys,

Figured some of you guys shuttle in the area. We were house-sitting and a chocolate lab with a tag reading "SHIP" wondered off and hasn't come back. It's been 48 hours at this point. He was last at their home Tuesday morning which is on Las Canoas road. I figured I'd try every avenue to help find him. He's not "our" dog, but we've been around him the last 5-6 years, so it sucks to know an animal that's lost.

His real name is Chip. He's a full size chocolate lab. I just figured I'd post and see what happens.

The owners are offering a reward as well. So if you find him, or have seen a dog like this wondering the area please let me know and I'll get you in touch with the owners.
