
Dogs are cool

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Having never owned a dog before, I really did not know what to expect when we adopted one. I knew there would be work involved, but I certainly did not expect to become so attached so quickly. I just can't wait to get home from work everyday to see her and take her outside.

I got home from a two night trip to Vermont Sunday morning. Jewell went NUTS when I walked in the door. She was yelping (this dog is usually silent), running around, wagging her tail, and jumping up on me. It was cool that she was so excited to see me after having adopted her only about a month ago.

The cats kind of looked at me like, "Yeah. Great."

Good doggie. :love:



Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
That's cool. My dogs are the same way - I could be gone for 20 minutes, but the minute I walk in the door, they go CRAZY. When the heat breaks, I'm going to get back into the habit of walking them more. There's a good set of trails 5 minutes from my house - would make for a good hike for me and plenty of room for them to, well... be dogs.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
I Are Baboon said:
The cats are kind of pissed at the world right now becuase they stay locked in the basement until the dog can learn to live with them without eating them.

Don't tell my you have de-clawed cats...


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
I Are Baboon said:
The cats are kind of pissed at the world right now becuase they stay locked in the basement until the dog can learn to live with them without eating them.
Let the dog eat them... that will resolve all your issues. Plus, no more cat bills (food, litter, vet, etc.). Seems simple enough to me :think:

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
N8 said:
Don't tell my you have de-clawed cats...
Nope! Actually, one of the cats swiped at the dog so the dog has lost interest in that cat. The other cat is too submissive and won't put the dog in her place. One good swipe is all it will take....

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
My experience with dogs and cats is to give them as much exposure together as possible, and not to be too protective about it (i.e. when they fight, let them fight, just not kill each other). They'll usually learn pretty quickly. Especially with a dog like a greyhound which is generally regarded as being very friendly with cats.

But yeah, dogs kick ass - I want another dog :(


The human raccoon
Jan 31, 2003
binary visions said:
My experience with dogs and cats is to give them as much exposure together as possible, and not to be too protective about it (i.e. when they fight, let them fight, just not kill each other). They'll usually learn pretty quickly.(
I am with BV on this (and we have 2 dogs and 3 cats).

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
TreeSaw said:
Awww....you're dog is a sweetie! My cat generally has the same reaction when we come home. He also has been known to go to the front door and sit when someone rings the doorbell. :rolleyes:
MtnBikerChk is coming to Dalton Sunday and was going to bring the pooch, but she is scared of everything (except the cats) and all those bikes would probably freak her out. :(


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
hooples3 said:
dogs are the best .. i miss having a dog ..im stuck with a :blah: cat... but oh well they only live 15 yrs !!!!!! :help:
Not really. The oldest ones I have seen were 21 and 24 years old According to their owners.
binary visions said:
My experience with dogs and cats is to give them as much exposure together as possible, and not to be too protective about it (i.e. when they fight, let them fight, just not kill each other). They'll usually learn pretty quickly. Especially with a dog like a greyhound which is generally regarded as being very friendly with cats.

But yeah, dogs kick ass - I want another dog :(
I agree with you about the exposure but we can't let them fight it out - the dog is a greyhound. its in her nature to catch and kill small fury things. the dog has to learn that she is not the alpha - in fact, she's last in line.

it'll take time but she's getting better.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
MtnBikerChk said:
the dog has to learn that she is not the alpha
That's the hard part. Good luck with it.

My little 20lb Jack Russell is the only dog that has ever stood up to my father's 130lb (and not fat at all) Doberman. It was a funny site actually... my JRT standing nose to, well, kneecap with a Doby - his teeth showing, growling, ears back... lol. He would have wooped that doby's butt!


Mar 5, 2004
Melrose MA
when my dog hears me drive up in the driveway, she runs over to the window to see if its me. when i walk up to the door, all i see is a black silhouette with a white nose in the midde. its the funniest damn thing.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
jacksonpt said:
That's the hard part. Good luck with it.

My little 20lb Jack Russell is the only dog that has ever stood up to my father's 130lb (and not fat at all) Doberman. It was a funny site actually... my JRT standing nose to, well, kneecap with a Doby - his teeth showing, growling, ears back... lol. He would have wooped that doby's butt!
Heh...that's cool. If that cats only knew the personality of this dog. One good swipe and the dog would run for cover!


Turbo Monkey
May 25, 2005
I Are Baboon said:
Having never owned a dog before, I really did not know what to expect when we adopted one. I knew there would be work involved, but I certainly did not expect to become so attached so quickly. I just can't wait to get home from work everyday to see her and take her outside.

I got home from a two night trip to Vermont Sunday morning. Jewell went NUTS when I walked in the door. She was yelping (this dog is usually silent), running around, wagging her tail, and jumping up on me. It was cool that she was so excited to see me after having adopted her only about a month ago.

The cats kind of looked at me like, "Yeah. Great."

Good doggie. :love:

Your dog looks like a good friend. It's also nice that you adopted her, dogs remember that, and always seem to respect their owners for that act of kindness.

My dog does the same thing, as soon as I open the door, the dog is jumping all over me...no matter how crappy of a day I had, the dog always seem to cheer me up a bit...

BTW, she looks like a greyhound, if so, you should take her riding with you...

Velocity Girl

Sep 12, 2001
I love coming home to my pups. One of our dogs just goes over the top nuts when I come home......Freak comes home, excited, but liveable....I come home and you'd think I'd been gone for a year :D

And it's hard to be pissed off or in a bad mood when one of comes and snuggles up to you :love:


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
My border collie is obsessed with chasing rabbits here lately. He found that even though he's one of the sneakiest canines out there, he's no match for a rabbits ears. So, like the smart little fella he is, he's learned that he can make "strafing" runs through the rabbit field by getting up to full speed and catching them offguard which acheives much better results(much to our chagrin). He caught his first one about two months ago--a teenage rabbit he separated from the tall grass. He chased him around the yard(which he definately enjoyed) but it ended abruptly when he nipped at the rabbit and killed it. It was so strange---he was just looking down at it like "...Hey man, get up......let's do the chase-thing again. Hey....c'mon, quit playing........." He looked up at me like "Is it broken? What happened?" He had no idea that smaller, rabbit-sized creatures can expire so easily.


Turbo Monkey
May 25, 2005
jacksonpt said:
That's the hard part. Good luck with it.

My little 20lb Jack Russell is the only dog that has ever stood up to my father's 130lb (and not fat at all) Doberman. It was a funny site actually... my JRT standing nose to, well, kneecap with a Doby - his teeth showing, growling, ears back... lol. He would have wooped that doby's butt!
My Jack Russell is the same way--he has short man's complex...


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
binary visions said:
My experience with dogs and cats is to give them as much exposure together as possible, and not to be too protective about it (i.e. when they fight, let them fight, just not kill each other). They'll usually learn pretty quickly. Especially with a dog like a greyhound which is generally regarded as being very friendly with cats.
Here Hear!
That is how we got BOO-BOO-SKOO-KOO to get along BOOSKI-DIDDLE & SMOKEY. Now we can all sit in the living room together without pandemonium breaking out.

....& here is a 'hear hear!' for dogs ruling. :D


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
More proof dogs rule.

EDIT--i cant get it to work....i guess I woke up retarded today.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
Velocity Girl said:
I love coming home to my pups. One of our dogs just goes over the top nuts when I come home......Freak comes home, excited, but liveable....I come home and you'd think I'd been gone for a year :D

And it's hard to be pissed off or in a bad mood when one of comes and snuggles up to you :love:
My brothers dog came up to me for the morning hug routine this moning while I was at the computer. Puts his front paws on my shoulders, his head on top of mine, and before I know it he is doing the leg hump thing. He left a DNA deposit on my jeans.

I hope they aren't this happy to see you.

Velocity Girl

Sep 12, 2001
stevew said:
My brothers dog came up to me for the morning hug routine this moning while I was at the computer. Puts his front paws on my shoulders, his head on top of mine, and before I know it he is doing the leg hump thing. He left a DNA deposit on my jeans.

I hope they aren't this happy to see you.
Hehe...no, that happy! When Loosie gets that excited she jumps up at me and bounces off. I've tried the whole ignoring her thing, holding her to prevent her from jumping...which only delays the craziness as apparently it just needs to run it's course. Not ideal behavior, but they're such great dogs I can put up with a little craziness every now and again :D


Mar 5, 2004
Melrose MA
Greyhound said:
My border collie is obsessed with chasing rabbits here lately. He found that even though he's one of the sneakiest canines out there, he's no match for a rabbits ears. So, like the smart little fella he is, he's learned that he can make "strafing" runs through the rabbit field by getting up to full speed and catching them offguard which acheives much better results(much to our chagrin). He caught his first one about two months ago--a teenage rabbit he separated from the tall grass. He chased him around the yard(which he definately enjoyed) but it ended abruptly when he nipped at the rabbit and killed it. It was so strange---he was just looking down at it like "...Hey man, get up......let's do the chase-thing again. Hey....c'mon, quit playing........." He looked up at me like "Is it broken? What happened?" He had no idea that smaller, rabbit-sized creatures can expire so easily.
my BC loves chasing rabbits too; around the house, under the table, on the furnature, etc

over the weekend, the four of us were driving back from NYS in my wife's gti. we had a ton of crap in the back, golf clubs, bags, etc, so we just folded the rear seats down for the cargo. the dog was on the passenger side and the rabbit was on the drivers side in half of her carrying cage (we take the top off so she can hop around) the rabbit came over to the dog and laid down next to her, so what did the dog do? used the rabbit as a pillow! it was the funniest damn thing, they stayed like that for a good 45 minutes. i wish i had my cam


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
luken8r said:
my BC loves chasing rabbits too; around the house, under the table, on the furnature, etc
It's your avatar!
what kind of pets do rabbits make?


Mar 5, 2004
Melrose MA
TN said:
It's your avatar!
what kind of pets do rabbits make?
shes like a freakin cartoon character. not cuddly like a cat but get into plenty of mischeif. just this past week shes been getting into her food supply. i have a bag of hay and her food in a shelf 6" from the ground in her room. shes never even thought of going to check it out, but recently shes been up in the shelf ripping the bag of hay to shreds and helping herself to a snack.
like this, only in a different spot

if you have any exposed wires, they chew the crap out of them. other than that they are pretty cool