
doing a little climb tomorrow


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
report ~ I try to be a weight weenie, 1 bottle & 1 gu, no saddle bag, tools, tube, co2 or food. They don’t do cat's just age group. I looked at '07 results and about 25% made it under 1 hour so that was my goal. Race day I felt nervous so I decide screw that 1 hour goal, and the new plan is to just finish.
The start is in waves in 5 minute intervals, Selwitz (my buddy) was in wave #2, I was in #3. So I figured there would be plenty of rabbits to chase. It was pretty hot/humid/sunny out. My group goes and I feel good so lets go back to the goal of 59:59. There's maybe 15-20 of my group ahead of me but I decide to ride my race and not chase or attack. A slight head wind so I stay on people's wheels as much as I can. The further we go the more spread out it gets. This climb is really strange being the steepness varies very little, it's almost always 8-9%, I have never done a climb this long with such a steady pitch.
I am no longer on anyone's wheel, but as I pass people I come up to them in their draft. I guess I am mostly passing the slower people in the group that left 5 min's before me. I try to keep my pace above 8 miles/hour but I am mostly in the 7's - not good to make my 59:59 for the 8 mile climb.
I stand when its 9%, sit when its 8%. I see Selwitz at mile 5, I pass him and yell "pedal faster Jason!". Up & up we go. I do a wheelie at mile 6 for the camera guy, soon as I put the wheel down his flash goes off - doh. I start to hear the crowd at the finish but look up and see it looks like a long way to go. Pass a guy, and he grabs my wheel. I ask about what's ahead and he tells me about a less steep section at mile 7. I finally hit mile 7 and there it is(less steep section), finallya break so I up shift...10,11,12,14 mph. I zoom past a rider, he reacts and grabs my wheel, I ask him what's left..."hairpin, steeper, finish". He hangs for a bit, its so close now, thru the hair pin turn & it gets steeper and oh great, a headwind, I see cars so the finish has to be close, I am going at 101%, and pass 2 more riders before the finish. woohoo, finally done! I ride up to the food / water station shaking. I didn’t look at the time (doh). And OMG, orange slices have never ever tasted so good!
About 5 minutes later thick fog & rain rolls in, it starts pouring - and its freakin cold, thankfully Selwitz’s friend drove his car up because I am freezing and have no interest in riding down in this nasty weather.

We drive down, eat a ton at the free BBQ, they eventually put results up...58:11 & 39th overall!! Woohoo! That puts a smile on my face!

Results: overall = 39th / 236, age group = 12th / 96


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride

me at reg/bbq area

me & selwitz heading out to warmup

at the top

I wonder if thats me down there?

view from top

last section

finsih line