Good luck Toninator!! How many miles will the course be?
My .02 cents worth - Drink lots of water before and after, stretch good before and after, and make sure you warm up and ride around before the start so the blood is flowing and the legs are working.
Thanks Heidi. This is my very first race ever and i am starting out in the beggener class so it is going to be a short one. Only 7 miles. I have been mtbiking for about 10 years now but have never raced. So i'm going to start out in the lowest class and get used to the sceen and move up after a few of races. im pretty well versed on the water thing but all the other advice is very helpfull,
Now that I know the race distance is 7 miles I want to reiterate the warm up advice. 7 miles will go VERY quickly so you don't want to start slow. I advise a 20-30 minute warm up. You will want to do a little hill climbing and sprints to get ready. It has been my experience that it takes about 3 miles or so before my heart rate settles in and I get to where I feel strong. Therefore, I ride at least 3 miles when I warm up.
My .02 cents worth - Drink lots of water before and after, stretch good before and after, and make sure you warm up and ride around before the start so the blood is flowing and the legs are working.
This is going to sound weird, but I it's something I read recently regarding streching before the race......
There was a racer's account of his pre-race stuff and he mentioned that he DOESN'T stretch right before the race. Sounds weird, but he said it had something to do about breaking down the muscles and ruining his leg power. I think he stretched the night before and just made sure he was good and warmed up before the start.
I'm sure others read this too. It was in Bike or Mt Bike.
BTW: GOOD LUCK!!! yOU've been training hard i understand and will probably win because of it. I understand a lot of goofs do the beginner races. Break their legs
If you feel good on the start line, make sure you line up near or on the front row so you don't have to use a lot of energy fighting up through the pack. Then bust a gut when the gun goes until you get a good gap on most of the racers. Then you can calm down and just ride your race pace. If you can drop everyone on the start, go for it. In beginner class, out of sight is out of mind.
This is going to sound weird, but I it's something I read recently regarding streching before the race......
There was a racer's account of his pre-race stuff and he mentioned that he DOESN'T stretch right before the race. Sounds weird, but he said it had something to do about breaking down the muscles and ruining his leg power. I think he stretched the night before and just made sure he was good and warmed up before the start.
Spincrazy - As I remember it, he wasn't saying don't stretch before a race, he was making a point that it is possible to stretch too much. It is still important to stretch as part of your warm-up.
________ Avandia lawyer
Advice pre-ride the course either the night before if its close by or arrive 2-2.5 hrs early. Do your pre-ride at a steady but not real hard pace. The reason for a preride is to recon the course figure were the climbs and obsicales are. Try timing it so you complete your recon about 30 mins before start time. Then have an energy bar or Gel refill your bottles or camback, Then have a great race.
Unfortunitaly we can not preride the morning of the race. I am how ever going to ride the day before. I'm going to do it at least 2 times, 3 if i can squeez it in. The first time slow for recon value. The second fast but not all out and the third as a cool down and secondary recon.
Im back!!! @#$% that was the hardest trail I have ever ridden and the whole thing was the consistency of soup. I really wanted a top 10 but didnt even get close 21 out of 32. It was my first race, it was the hardest course on the fall series blaa, blaa, blaa. Anyone have the number to dr Ferrari in Italy?
Btw BikeMojo did really good even after a nasty little fall in the very begging of the course, I'm pretty sure he ended up 11th.
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