
DOMA to end?


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
Senate Hearing To Repeal DOMA Fraught With Problems For Anti-Gay Groups
Today, during the testimony, Leahy asked Tom Minnery from Focus on the Family to explain whether or not DOMA hurts children. After making it clear that Leahy wanted a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer to the very carefully worded question, Leahy got the answer that, yes, DOMA hurts children.
LEAHY: Are they not disadvantaged by not having the same financial benefits that an opposite sex family would have?
MINNERY: Well, as I say, not knowing the details of which families you are speaking off, certainly children are better off with parents in the home.
LEAHY: Yes or no, it’s not a trick question — if you have parents legally married under the laws of the state — one set of parents are entitled to certain financial benefits for their children, the other set of parents are denied those same financial benefits for their children…are not those children of the second family, are they not at a disadvantage, yes or no?
MINNERY: That would be yes, as you asked the question earlier Senator.
point goes to Leahy on that. well done, sir.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
tom's in quite a pickle: does he really focus on the family, or focus on the christian family, or focus on the straight family?


Jun 11, 2009
East Bay, Cali
A christian reading a text and then selectively/incorrectly interpreting it based on their personal pre-supposed ideas and morals?

Unheard of!