

Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014

Make no mistake, the rejection of those couple of unqualified judges a few months ago was not an aberration, the legacy of the Trump administration will be the stacking of the judiciary with young, conservative judges. I would be just as opposed if this was the Democrats pulling the same thing, IMO, candidates for a lifetime appointment to a judgeship should face more stringent criteria and review than just a simple majority (thanks Harry Reid :rolleyes:) or only 2-8 hours of debate (maybe thanks Cocaine Mitch :rolleyes:). That is WEAK.


Turbo Monkey
So Drump pulled out of the Iran deal. I know a lot of allies were against it but can anyone explain what this means?

A friend just went off on me saying its great cause intelligence services found out Iran is going to attack Israel... Since she only watches Fox and Ive been out of the loop for a bit I dont want to just take her (Fox’) word for it cause it sounds a bit, well... Foxy...


Artisanal Tweet Curator
It basically means iran is free to pursue actual threats to israel, and whomever else.
But take your friend's claim at face value....how does this stop israel from being attacked if that really were the case?

I honestly can't really figure out what the reasoning behind this is. It really could be as trite as orange foolius just wanting to undo one more obama milestone. But I also think the loudest people who bitched about it profit from war.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
So Drump pulled out of the Iran deal. I know a lot of allies were against it but can anyone explain what this means?

A friend just went off on me saying its great cause intelligence services found out Iran is going to attack Israel... Since she only watches Fox and Ive been out of the loop for a bit I dont want to just take her (Fox’) word for it cause it sounds a bit, well... Foxy...
When it comes to preventing Iran from possessing nuclear weapons, it came down to either diplomacy or force; clearly the Obama administration chose diplomacy. The deal was an agreement of the US and its allies promising to lift sanctions against Iran in exchange for Iran's promise to halt their nuclear weapons program through 2025. They are allowed to retain some nuclear material/equipment for the peaceful purposes (power generation) but restrictions are in place to deter them from quickly weaponizing that material.

There are checks and balances written in the deal, but the main critique seems to be a lack of trust that the Iranians are holding up their end of the bargain or violating the "spirit" of the agreement. There has never been any definitive proof of this, and the only violations of the agreement (for excess heavy water in reactors) were admitted by Iran and the facility was shut down. Even the Israeli presentation last week was heavy on historical 'evidence'. Some of this distrust also stems from the Iranians stirring up shit and anti-US/Israeli sentiment in the middle east and testing other missiles; of course this was never part of the nuclear deal.

Failing to renew the deal means financial sanctions against Iran will be re-upped, and companies who invested in Iran post-agreement will face stiff penalties and fines if they don't withdraw their business. That is more or less the kiss of death for this deal, with US sanctions in place, Iran has less motivation to curb their nuclear ambitions. It reverses the diplomatic solution to the problem, is a huge middle finger to President Rouhani, who stuck his neck out on this one mind you, and puts everyone one step further down the path of war being the only way to resolve the matter.

This also greatly complicates the negotiations with North Korea. Why would they want to sign a deal knowing that the US reneged on its agreement with the Iranians?

It also seeks to inflame what was one of the only points of stability in relations with Iran. Despite a lot of the negative statements coming out of Iran about the US, of which a lot can be attributed to the radical clerics, the deal was rather population among the general population. I doubt that same sentiment will hold.

Though the deal could still be salvaged, but our brief history with this administration has shown that Trump and Co won't.
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My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
I had a discussion about this with a relatively level headed person. With regards to Israel's 'evidence' of non-compliance ...
me: I don't trust Netanyahu any more than Trump
her: wow, I never knew you were so antisemitic

W.T.F. :disgust:

Now that the rotund Supreme Leader figured out that all he needs to do to keep Trump from nuking them into history was play nice (or pretend until the next administration) ... 'Murica needs another scary foreign country to be an impending threat NOW.


closer to Periwinkle
Apr 19, 2013
sw ontario canada
Goodbye gas prices.

Maybe I should keep the ///motorcycle after all.
Filled up this afternoon - $1.56 per liter - granted that was 94 octane Premium, (High Octane Premium required) Regular 87 octane was 1.28 per liter.
That is up about 25 cents a liter in the last 8 odd weeks.

Sorry, to tired and lazy to convert to Freedumb bucks or 'Murica gallons, but safe to say, on either side of teh borderz it SUCKS!


closer to Periwinkle
Apr 19, 2013
sw ontario canada
I had a discussion about this with a relatively level headed person. With regards to Israel's 'evidence' of non-compliance ...
me: I don't trust Netanyahu any more than Trump
her: wow, I never knew you were so antisemitic

W.T.F. :disgust:

Now that the rotund Supreme Leader figured out that all he needs to do to keep Trump from nuking them into history was play nice (or pretend until the next administration) ... 'Murica needs another scary foreign country to be an impending threat NOW.
Explain to her that the Palestinians are also a semitic people and that Iranians are not Arabs and watch her head explode. :panic:


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
Awful lot of money for a guy who had to mortgage his house to pay off a porn star.
I keep wondering at what point one becomes a "porn star". Is it number of film appearances? How far you've sunken into the depths of depravity?

Also, did the expression "shooting stars" originate in the porn industry?