
Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Okay you guys win, you're all 100% correct with everything you say. I just looked it up on the internet and it was all there, who would have thought? Congrats!!!! With that being said, I'm going to the gym then have a little side job to do for a few hours. I'm now hoping Bernie wins in 2020, so I won't have to work anymore! Woo Hoo! You have opened up my eyes, thanks peeps!


Turbo Monkey
Ahhhh you must be a Bernie supporter. FREE SHIT FOR EVERYONE! Very sad indeed! So you're offended because I choose to work hard, take on side projects to have more things? FYI, I'm a college drop out, and don't work for a corporation. I was raised by being told, you want it, work for it. Nothing is for free! I guess that goes for you too, but seems like you rather take the lazy liberal way out and expect everything should be shared/equal. That's the beauty of capitalism, you can achieve what ever goals you want. Last I looked, everyone can go to college if they choose to do so, no matter what color their skin is, and chase their dream. Opportunity's are out there, you just need to want it bad enough. Sorry my bad..... FREE SHIT FOR ALL!!!!!!!!!!! Is that better?
Its really hard for me not to go full retard like you did but thanks for proving my point.

You might be earning a lot of money but you clearly havent got a fucking clue whatsoever about how the rest of the world around you works and I think youre absolutely fucking pathetic.

Ive had my own business for 11 years now and I have worked in and travelled to more then 50 countries.
No matter how much more money you make then me, I will allways be richer then you.
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Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Its really hard for me not to go full retard like you did but thanks for proving my point.

You might be earning a lot of money but you clearly havent got a fucking clue whatsoever about how the rest of the world around you works and I think youre absolutely fucking pathetic.

Ive had my own business for 11 years now and I have worked in and travelled to more then 50 countries.
No matter how much money you make, I will allways be richer then you.
Congratulations! More power to you!


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Its really hard for me not to go full retard like you did but thanks for proving my point.

You might be earning a lot of money but you clearly havent got a fucking clue whatsoever about how the rest of the world around you works and I think youre absolutely fucking pathetic.

Ive had my own business for 11 years now and I have worked in and travelled to more then 50 countries.
No matter how much more money you make then me, I will allways be richer then you.
Do you have a Rolex?


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Okay you guys win, you're all 100% correct with everything you say. I just looked it up on the internet and it was all there, who would have thought? Congrats!!!! With that being said, I'm going to the gym then have a little side job to do for a few hours. I'm now hoping Bernie wins in 2020, so I won't have to work anymore! Woo Hoo! You have opened up my eyes, thanks peeps!
This is a perfectly Trumpian response. Ad hominem some deflecting bullshit on a subject no one was discussing, do a little "FAKE NEWS!" sidestep, then run off to the helicopter before you can be pressed further.

If I close my eyes I can almost picture you standing on your lawn, in a shitty, I'll fitting suit, and hear the whine of the twin turbine (or maybe it's Steven Miller?) and the low woosh sound of the zero pitch main rotor of Marine 1.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
My experience has been that people who wear Rolex watches do not engage in pedestrian activities such as manual labor and tend to have hands that reflect this. When I go to size their fingers it can actually be quite difficult to get an accurate measurement because their fingers are like squishy tubes of flesh with no discernible muscle. Soft, like a silk glove full of butter.

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
This is a perfectly Trumpian response. Ad hominem some deflecting bullshit on a subject no one was discussing, do a little "FAKE NEWS!" sidestep, then run off to the helicopter before you can be pressed further.

If I close my eyes I can almost picture you standing on your lawn, in a shitty, I'll fitting suit, and hear the whine of the twin turbine (or maybe it's Steven Miller?) and the low woosh sound of the zero pitch main rotor of Marine 1.
Hahahaha! You're so cute! I think you nailed it perfectly!


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Hahahaha! You're so cute! I think you nailed it perfectly!
Yeah, @Pesqueeb nailed it. And here is the evidence, your own words.

Nick, again asked you a question to which you responded exactly how @Pesqueeb described:

I've tried to get you into a conversation Brian but you don't seem so interested. I'll ask again, do you not think there is straight up criminal shit being pulled, and if so doesn't that bother you even a little bit?

Honestly, not much. Look, the left has been talking impeachment since the day he was elected. There was rioting the night he won in November, why? The democrats have been doing everything to him possible to get him out of office. I forgot what congressman he is, but there is footage of him saying we have ways to impeach him and get him out of office. Dude, that's before even taking oath in January 2017. So seriously, has he even been treated fair to begin with? There are now rumors that the whistleblower has/had political ties with Biden. In regards to the whistleblower, Adam Schiff lied in front of America/congress reading a bogus transcript, plus saying he never spoke, or his people spoke with him/her. The next day, Trump released the transcript of that supposed phone call, and nothing Schiff said was even on there. So the out right lying on the left doesn't bother you at all? Are you bothered at all, that Trump was never given a fair chance from the start?

Look, I'm please how the economy is going, I've been able to hire more employees as a result of it. The stock market is off the hook, my retirement is growing. The new tax plan, I'm not thrilled with, and it hurt me a bit last year. I am for the tariffs of China, I'd love to have more products made here in our country putting even more people back to work. At the end of the day, I want a president who puts Americans first. I'm not for everything he says and does, not happy he's pulling our troops and leaving the Kurds vulnerable. His foreign policy is weak IMO.

All in all, I look at results of how the economy is growing, is it working for me & my family? Are we benefiting from it? Do I feel safe? Yes, so I am happy.
Either you are being purposely obtuse or you are have zero self awareness.


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
Everyone should be doing everything to get that narcissist, russian-backed, treasonous rat of the highest office that exists in the USA.


Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Yep, you’re all are dead on right on Trump! The blood shall flow through the streets from the nonbelievers! Seriously, God forbid someone has a different perspective than you. How dare people work hard and want to own nice things and not want to be forced to give most of it away. What ever happened to the American Dream? That’s right, the other side says you can’t have it and think everyone needs to share in order to be equal. I am happy to share but I want to choose the amount and the recipient, not the government to decide.

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
@Brian HCM#1

As long as you perceive the economy to be strong you are willing to shrug off a criminal POTUS?
Like the all the Russia collusion, Mueller investigation that turned up nothing? Yeah, I’ll shrug that one off. The fact that the left refuses to vote for an impeachment inquiry? You do realize the only reason they won’t vote on it, is to keep everything behind closed doors. That way the left can spin their own take on it, and present only their view to their supporting media. The right wants them to vote so the hearings can be made public and everyone is able to see both sides openly. Question, do you believe in due process? Trump is asking for transparency, the two previous impeachment inquiries with Nixon & Clinton were voted on, just for that reason. Why are you so opposed to hearing the other side? My guess, for the fear it might not go your way...... Again


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
As long as you perceive the economy to be strong you are willing to shrug off a criminal POTUS?
Like the all the Russia collusion, Mueller investigation that turned up nothing? Yeah, I’ll shrug that one off. The fact that the left refuses to vote for an impeachment inquiry? You do realize the only reason they won’t vote on it, is to keep everything behind closed doors. That way the left can spin their own take on it, and present only their view to their supporting media. The right wants them to vote so the hearings can be made public and everyone is able to see both sides openly. Question, do you believe in due process? Trump is asking for transparency, the two previous impeachment inquiries with Nixon & Clinton were voted on, just for that reason. Why are you so opposed to hearing the other side? My guess, for the fear it might not go your way...... Again
A simple "yes", suffices.

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Don't forget the crimes against humanity and selling out national security. I know they're little things and easy to forget, when the stock market is being manipulated doing well.
How is the stock market being manipulated? Stocks are bet on futures. Investor confidence, meaning investors are feeling secure. Crimes against humanity, are you referring to the cages Obama had constructed and used for years, those ones?


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.


Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
A simple "yes", suffices.
It must suck hearing someone else’s views that don’t mesh with yours. The big difference is, I don’t hate people on the left for their views or opinions. I have a lot friends of different races & religions we all share our different views, but we all get along and put the BS aside when we’re together. At the end it’s all about hanging out, eating, drinking & laughing together no matter what!


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
“If the facts are against you, argue the law. If the law is against you, argue the facts. If the law and the facts are against you, pound the table and yell like hell”

― Carl Sandburg

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
“If the facts are against you, argue the law. If the law is against you, argue the facts. If the law and the facts are against you, pound the table and yell like hell”

― Carl Sandburg
So if Trump is asking for transparency, does he deserve the right to be heard by the public? Yes or No? Isn’t one presumed innocent until proven guilty? Have the whistleblower present to testify under oath. Keep the whistleblower behind a curtain and change his/her voice to protect their identity. I think America deserves to hear both sides equally. Agreed?


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
Suspects do not get to participates in their own investigations, but you surely know that.

What Trump is doing is interfering in this investigation. That isn't transparency. That's hiding the truth.

No one has Interfered in his ability to speak to the public. No. Body.

If the president would like transparency he should stop restricting people from testifying. If he'd like to speak on his defense should go under oath and answer to these charges when it's time, but you know he'll do neither of those things.

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Besides, we already heard Trump's side (the partial transcript) and it is incriminating, despite Trump's 'pounding on the table' insistence that it isnt.
It’s all in the interpretation, isn’t it? The president of the Ukraine said there was no quid pro quo. I guess that’s not good enough for you, is it?

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Suspects do not get to participates in their own investigations, but you surely know that.

What Trump is doing is interfering in this investigation. That isn't transparency. That's hiding the truth.

No one has Interfered in his ability to speak to the public. No. Body.

If the president would like transparency he should stop restricting people from testifying. If he'd like to speak on his defense should go under oath and answer to these charges when it's time, but you know he'll do neither of those things.
At the end of the day, the left won’t vote for an inquiry, just to be able to drag this out as long as possible. They're hoping it will continue to be the thorn in Trumps side until next year. Even if the house impeaches Trump it will more than likely not get enough senate votes, and falls dead. IMO Biden is the Democratic's best chance at the WH, and he’s not going to make it. The rest are WAY too left for the moderates assuring Trump a 2020 win. Look at the bright side, you only have 5 more years until Trump is out of office.


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
Transparency would be releasing tax returns. It would also mean cooperation with these inquiries. An innocent man would not stone wall this. Only the guilty hide.
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Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
It’s all in the interpretation, isn’t it? The president of the Ukraine said there was no quid pro quo. I guess that’s not good enough for you, is it?
You mean to tell me a (gasp) lackey who desperately needs a few hundred million in order to protect his people from invasion would have the temerity to disagree with Herr Trump? Say it isn’t so!

Were you born yesterday?
Which one are you?

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butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
9% sounds about right. He squeaked by by the skin of his teeth based off of a few states. 75k voters or so? Oh, and those demographics were targeted by the Russians, and Manafort passed on internal polling data to Deripaska... but that's all a coincidence.

What do you think is in Trump's chat with Putin in Helsinki, the chat for which he purloined the translator's notes? He's dirty as hell.