

resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
And the POTUS's supporters will dismiss it all as a bunch of nonsense... because we all know that professors are over-educated libtards. And this circus-court will simply be PROOF of it for them.

And then the Senate won't do shit about impeachment, Herr Twittler will claim to be vindicated, the Dems won't be able to get their shit together, and we'll get 4 more years of this horseshit. :panic:
have you no faith in the 2020 candidates...


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
Turley? His argument was semantics. Again. That's all the "smart" GOP'ers have. Splitting hairs on what "is", is.

Cause, and I know you'll find this shocking, but he sure felt different about congress' impeachment role when it was Clinton.

His argument was "If you rob a bank, but drop the money bag before you get to the getaway car, it's not real robbery".
The part of Turley's testimony that made me chuckle was his insistence that the investigation was moving along too hastily without adequate evidence gathering. If I didn't know better, it's almost like all of the people issued lawful subpoenas compelling their testimony on the matter who could fill in the aforementioned blanks have refused to testify under the fallacy of executive privilege. I'm no law professor, but that sounds an awful like obstruction of justice to me, which, funnily enough, is also an impeachable offense.

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Am I missing something here or does Jim Jordan just keep yelling that there is no evidence, despite the over whelming amount of it ?
Because its still based on assumption & hearsay. Trump did in fact ask Ukraine to look into the Bidens and wanted to make sure there was no more corruption in the Ukraine before releasing funds. The question is, did he withhold aid as part of a deal? That's where the problem is. There is no proof of quid pro quo, only presumption by Sondland and others. Zelensky himself said there was no quid pro quo and was never aware of the US withholding aid. Shouldn't that count for something? I guess it depends how bad you want the president impeached, right? The Democrats have been looking to impeach the day he was elected, so we know they've been looking for any reason to get him out.

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
have you no faith in the 2020 candidates...
Well, you have 2 candidates who want to tax everyone from here to eternity to fund all the "free stuff". Then you have a VP who has trouble speaking and unfortunately the gears are slipping really bad in his head and stumbles bad with his words. Mayor Pete may be their best chance, but doesn't do well with minority votes. Bloomberg is too wealthy for the far left and so on.


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
Trump, committed to deception, devoid of morals, who constantly boasts of his own merit.

Who says he is innocent of all wrong doing yet prevents anyone from seeing his tax returns, won't let pertinent testimony be heard, removes people who are loyal to the nation rather than himself...

Yeah Brian we know where you hang your hat.


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
There's a very easy way to clarify that. All of those served with lawful subpoenas should appear, testify under oath what they discussed with the president, heard from the president, did on their own or at the direction of the administration, etc. Bolton, Mulvaney, Pompeo, Giuliani. Step up and testify.

If I was accused of wrongdoing, and I had ONE person who could testify and clear my name, I would NOT restrict them from speaking. Trump seems to have many people who can clear his name definitively.

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
"Ha, got you good you fucker!"- president Bigly Brain Trust.

I think Trudeau might have been a little embarrassed by Trump when he called him out in front of everyone for not contributing their 2%. Kinda bummed Trudeau didn't come to the summit dressed as Aladdin


Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
There is no proof of quid pro quo, only presumption by Sondland and others. Zelensky himself said there was no quid pro quo and was never aware of the US withholding aid. Shouldn't that count for something?
Ahhh, the Mafia Boss Defense.
“Big Donny didn’t actually tell pugface to whack little Vinnie, but we all knew what it meant. He said to take care of Vinnie, so naturally, we brought him flowers and a cheesecake.”
Well, Vinnie didn’t get whacked...you think Vinnie would be dumb enough to open his mouth and blab that there was a hit put out on him?

It’s like the porn definition...we know it when we see it.

And to refuse to see it is the definition of...

You know it’s coming...

Last edited:

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Trump, committed to deception, devoid of morals, who constantly boasts of his own merit.

Who says he is innocent of all wrong doing yet prevents anyone from seeing his tax returns, won't let pertinent testimony be heard, removes people who are loyal to the nation rather than himself...

Yeah Brian we know where you hang your hat.
Well, there are no laws saying a president must show their tax returns. Plus all the other presidents were in politics so its easy to show their returns as its based on what they made while serving in congress, not a billionaire businessman. He'll let people testify once the playing field is level, when the right can call & subpoena anyone they want, like Adam Schiff. Its very partisan, both sides have their minds made up and both sides wont budge.

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Ahhh, the Mafia Boss Defense.
“Big Donny didn’t actually tell pugface to whack little Vinnie, but we all knew what it meant. Well, Vinnie didn’t get whacked...you think Vinnie would be dumb enough to open his mouth and blab that there was a hit put out on him?”

It’s like the porn definition...we know it when we see it.

And to refuse to see it is the definition of...

You know it’s coming...

Ahhh, the Mafia Boss Defense.
“Big Donny didn’t actually tell pugface to whack little Vinnie, but we all knew what it meant. Well, Vinnie didn’t get whacked...you think Vinnie would be dumb enough to open his mouth and blab that there was a hit put out on him?”

It’s like the porn definition...we know it when we see it.

And to refuse to see it is the definition of...

You know it’s coming...

The question is, can you impeach a president based only on hearsay & presumption? Is that considered a high crime & misdemeanor? Once again, the left has wanted him out since the beginning. The Democrats would look way more credible if they weren't crying from the start and saying we'll get him out of office, we have our ways. Again, since day one.


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
Adam Schiff? He isn't a fact witness to what Trump said re: military aid. And don't come back with that whistleblower BS, like a half dozen others have confirmed that story already.

Trump will NEVER let those people testify because they cannot do so under oath and penalty of law without contradicting this narrative. If they could clear him, he would let them speak. If the documents subpoenaed could clear him, he'd release those too. The fact that he isn't shows his consciousness of guilt.


Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
The question is, can you impeach a president based only on hearsay & presumption? Is that considered a high crime & misdemeanor? Once again, the left has wanted him out since the beginning. The Democrats would look way more credible if they weren't crying from the start and saying we'll get him out of office, we have our ways. Again, since day one.
You couldn’t see that he was a corrupt, venal, philandering, tax cheating, pathological liar, bad businessman, two faced, fragile piece of shit from day one yourself? Because those with clear vision sure could...


Terrified of Cucumbers
Nov 12, 2006
The old world
Trump did in fact ask Ukraine to look into the Bidens and wanted to make sure there was no more corruption in the Ukraine before releasing funds.
All the facepalms in the universe. I know you’re just parroting the bullshit talking points you pick up on Fox, but good lord I can’t even fathom the mental gymnastics to actually believe that.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Because its still based on assumption & hearsay. Trump did in fact ask Ukraine to look into the Bidens and wanted to make sure there was no more corruption in the Ukraine before releasing funds. The question is, did he withhold aid as part of a deal? That's where the problem is. There is no proof of quid pro quo, only presumption by Sondland and others. Zelensky himself said there was no quid pro quo and was never aware of the US withholding aid. Shouldn't that count for something? I guess it depends how bad you want the president impeached, right? The Democrats have been looking to impeach the day he was elected, so we know they've been looking for any reason to get him out.
Oh, I see, it’s not “hear- say” if Trump admits to it on live TV as well as Mick Mulvaney ?

You really do just come on here to tell us we are wrong. You have absolutely no desire to rationally discuss these current political events, only spew FauxNews and GOP talinkg points. Please stop jerking yourself self off in front of us. It’s getting old.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Trump will NEVER let those people testify because they cannot do so under oath and penalty of law without contradicting this narrative. If they could clear him, he would let them speak. If the documents subpoenaed could clear him, he'd release those too. The fact that he isn't shows his consciousness of guilt.
Lest we forget, the administration had the opportunity to participate in yesterdays hearings, yet oddly somehow found itself otherwise occupied.

They (both the GOP and the administration) continue, not to dispute facts or evidence at hand, or the very things they have said on live TV, but are stuck with defense of the indefensible through televised petulant self-righteous indignation.

Republicans: Its not a crime.

Layers: Yes it is and here is the definition of why its a crime.

R: Well if its a crime its not impeachable.

L: Yes it is and here is how the constitution dictates this is an impeachable offense. In writing.

R: You have no proof!

L: That was the entirety of last week.

R: Her emails/Obama!

/Ad nauseam for 8 hours

It is nice though that both Matt Gaetz and Brian apparently learned what "presumption" means yesterday.

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Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
after this weeks NATO tantrum / stormout, it's super effective!


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
Well, there are no laws saying a president must show their tax returns.
Nope, but he said he would. I’m all for holding him to his word, so whatever facilitates this has my support. If he had just flat out refused from the beginning, then I wouldn’t care.


Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
“I can’t, I’m being audited”

(From That liberal rag...)


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
“I can’t, I’m being audited”

(From That liberal rag...)
Do you mean to imply that his audit claim my have been disingenuous? Why I never!


Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
All the facepalms in the universe. I know you’re just parroting the bullshit talking points you pick up on Fox, but good lord I can’t even fathom the mental gymnastics to actually believe that.
You're right! CNN & MSNBC are totally reliable & unbiased news sources that have talked positive about Trump up until now.
You're right! CNN & MSNBC are totally reliable & unbiased news sources that have talked positive about Trump up until now.
It is impossible for a "news source" to be unbiased. It is, however, possible to separate sensationalist idiocy mills such as Fox News from sources which report fact inasmuch as reporters and editorial staff can determine it, e.g. The New Yorker. I sample approximately fifty news sites, treating each with a reasonable degree of skepticism, and suggest, Brian, that you might consider the same.

My cut: Mr. Trump is an idiot and a criminal, flat out.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
You're right! CNN & MSNBC are totally reliable & unbiased news sources that have talked positive about Trump up until now.
Dude - just watch the hearings. They're live. Not "interpreted" by anyone. Are you telling me that that man is *NOT* guilty of attempting to bribe Ukraine to dig up dirt on Biden? I mean - JUST LISTEN WITH YOUR OWN EARS. Fucking hell - the fat twat did it and GOT CAUGHT.

I'm not sure how someone can arrive at any other conclusion if they watch/listen for themselves, unless they are:
  1. Naïve
  2. Obtuse
  3. DGAF
  4. All of the above

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California

Is there actually anything positive to say?
Please share.
Stock market, economy, jobs, unemployment is the lowest in 50 years. Making an effort to bring jobs back to the US. At least the guy is making an attempt, unlike the last several presidents. I don't think I've ever heard them touch on that, because that would be saying something positive about him. God forbid!


Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
Stock market, economy, jobs, unemployment is the lowest in 50 years. Making an effort to bring jobs back to the US. At least the guy is making an attempt, unlike the last several presidents. I don't think I've ever heard them touch on that, because that would be saying something positive about him. God forbid!
You just cited Obama’s enduring legacy...what the hell has Trump done besides balloon the deficit into the fucking TRILLIONS?
Manufacturing is down, agriculture is suffering, I just don’t see it.

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Dude - just watch the hearings. They're live. Not "interpreted" by anyone. Are you telling me that that man is *NOT* guilty of attempting to bribe Ukraine to dig up dirt on Biden? I mean - JUST LISTEN WITH YOUR OWN EARS. Fucking hell - the fat twat did it and GOT CAUGHT.

I'm not sure how someone can arrive at any other conclusion if they watch/listen for themselves, unless they are:
  1. Naïve
  2. Obtuse
  3. DGAF
  4. All of the above
Again, hearsay. I listened to bits & pieces of the hearings. He asked to look into Biden, but no quid pro quo. Not one person said they had actual proof, even the whistleblower is going by hearsay. Three of the 4 attorneys yesterday are completely and known to be anti Trump. So yep an unbiased opinion.

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
You just cited Obama’s enduring legacy...what the hell has Trump done besides balloon the deficit into the fucking TRILLIONS?
Manufacturing is down, agriculture is suffering, I just don’t see it.
Glad Obama didn't raise the deficit an additional $9T while he was in office. Oh wait, yes he did. China's economy is hurting because of the tariffs. Ever look at the job #'s?