

bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Our current system, again imo, doesn't encourage full voter participation.
That's kind of by design. Republicans love it that way.

The electoral college is full scale, purposeful, voter suppression. It is institutionalized tyranny of the minority. Full stop. The dirt gets equal representation in teh senate. It's why Wyoming has the same number of senators as California, or New York, or Texas. If the dirt wants to win some elections, they should run with better ideas.

Want fair elections and participation? Start with automatic voter registration, stop disenfranchising people, make election day a holiday or institute mail in voting, make sure redistricting is non-partisan or hell, done by computer, end first past the post electioneering, institute ranked choice voting, and for fuck sake, overturn citizens united.......

I'm also open to the ideas of a parliamentary system, or mandatory voting.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
If I wanted to live under the politics of LA, or CA for matter, I'd live there.
But I don't so, as a resident of another state, I care fuck-all what those people think is the 'right' way for me to live.
Yea, and maybe I don't want to live under the government of mouth breathing Cleetus T. Yokel from Bumblefuck Nebrahoma, which is the government I've had to live under twice in my lifetime now despite the outcome of the popular vote.
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That's kind of by design. Republicans love it that way.

The electoral college is full scale, purposeful, voter suppression. It is institutionalized tyranny of the minority. Full stop. The dirt gets equal representation in teh senate. It's why Wyoming has the same number of senators as California, or New York, or Texas. If the dirt wants to win some elections, they should run with better ideas.

Want fair elections and participation? Start with automatic voter registration, stop disenfranchising people, make election day a holiday or institute mail in voting, make sure redistricting is non-partisan or hell, done by computer, end first past the post electioneering, institute ranked choice voting, and for fuck sake, overturn citizens united.......

I'm also open to the ideas of a parliamentary system, or mandatory voting.
I would not be in favor of mandatory voting.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
That's kind of by design. Republicans love it that way.

The electoral college is full scale, purposeful, voter suppression. It is institutionalized tyranny of the minority. Full stop. The dirt gets equal representation in teh senate. It's why Wyoming has the same number of senators as California, or New York, or Texas. If the dirt wants to win some elections, they should run with better ideas.

Want fair elections and participation? Start with automatic voter registration, stop disenfranchising people, make election day a holiday or institute mail in voting, make sure redistricting is non-partisan or hell, done by computer, end first past the post electioneering, institute ranked choice voting, and for fuck sake, overturn citizens united.......

I'm also open to the ideas of a parliamentary system, or mandatory voting.
It’s a Christmas miracle a Dem has ever been elected president thru that lens. (There’s been 4 in my lifetime).


Space Monkey
Jul 2, 2001
The bunker at parliament
I would not be in favor of mandatory voting.
Perhaps,, but it would still be a fairer kinder system than your current one that's virtually "mandatory disenfranchisement/vote rigging".

But then as a member of the privileged elderly white male demographic you are not on the receiving end of having your rights stripped from you, so I guess it might be hard for you to see how vile the current systems are to a massive chunk of your countries population.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
I say we have the heaviest 3 people from each state have a good ol' fashioned knife fight, last one standing gets the keys for 4 years.
I pay to watch Chris Christie and the pre-op Jerrod Nadler go at it.
Perhaps,, but it would still be a fairer kinder system than your current one that's virtually "mandatory disenfranchisement/vote rigging".

But then as a member of the privileged elderly white male demographic you are not on the receiving end of having your rights stripped from you, so I guess it might be hard for you to see how vile the current systems are to a massive chunk of your countries population.
I'm not arguing that our current sociopolitical system is not vile, and I'm aware of my general immunity.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
I don’t think the voting system favors/is rigged towards republicans to the degree your description suggests.
Ah.... I see.

Know how we could find out? :D

History shows us that when turnout is high, Democrats win. This is why Dems almost always do better during presidential election years. Turnout is higher. Republicans regain seats in off year elections almost always because only the hardcore vote in those elections. It's certainly possible I'm wrong I'm this regard, but i sure don't think so. Besides, the worst that could happen is we make it easier for people to participate in those own political futures. I think the risk is worth taking.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
I won’t argue against that.
How we get there is sure to be interesting.
Where we are now is "interesting", in a "may you be cursed to live in interesting times" sort of way.

I'll take my chances with change.

Also, as an addendum to my previous post. The proof is in how vehemently the GOP resits any of the changes I suggest. They seem to think they might do the things I think they would do, too.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Do you feel the population of LA county, or even CA as a whole, share similar mindsets/values to the residents any of those 7 states?
The CA 2020 candidates have been wholly rejected by the national electorate.

If I wanted to live under the politics of LA, or CA for matter, I'd live there.
But I don't so, as a resident of another state, I care fuck-all what those people think is the 'right' way for me to live.
Which is exactly why all politics are local.
On a national level, it doesn't matter 1 vote, 1 voice. If there are more people that want given policies, so be it. Locally, I agree however.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
You mean like the Steele dossier & Trump's Russian collusion? The left spying on the Trump campaign for political gain in 2016? The left knows the only way to get a Democratic president in 2020 is to get rid of Trump by impeachment, that's why they couldn't wait until November 2020. Problem is this is backfiring on the left. Trump's approval ratings have gone up since the hearings. At this point he'll win again in 2020. The sad thing now is the left has set the bar for impeachment, now ether side can go after a sitting president for the smallest noncrime to remove him/her from office. Impeachment is supposed to be bipartisan, the left totally destroyed that one because of their deep hatred for Trump.
No, i judge wrongs individually.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
The best of our Democratically run state.

View attachment 139405

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well on a positive note, at least he made it over to aisle 12 to grab some TP. I guess its too much trouble for him to use Safeway's bathroom 50 yards away. This is Pelosi's district at its best! Gov Newsom is a worthless POS who has done nothing to help come up with a viable solution. Yep, this is why we still need the EC, the right doesn't want CA dictating an election. They can't even take care of our state.
Regan and Brown, both Republicans, cut funding for mental health treatment in the state of CA. If we're pointing fingers, should we look at Sacramento's increasing, already bad drug problems?


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
That though was bipartisan, Nixon was bipartisan. Trump partisan, the left has been after him since day one. The motives are obvious.

The articles that passed had Republican votes at 35% and 41% in the Judiciary Committee compared to 3.5% Democrat (5 reps) in the whole fucking house. Three changed party shortly afterwards, one was historically the most conservative democrat in the party (from Abilene, TX), the last was part of Bush Sr's adminstration. That's not bipartisan - those DINO's voting as Republicans.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Regan and Brown, both Republicans, cut funding for mental health treatment in the state of CA. If we're pointing fingers, should we look at Sacramento's increasing, already bad drug problems?
Can you imagine if California still had appropriately funded mental health care? We probably wouldn't be having this conversation.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
The best of our Democratically run state.

View attachment 139405

View attachment 139406

View attachment 139407

well on a positive note, at least he made it over to aisle 12 to grab some TP. I guess its too much trouble for him to use Safeway's bathroom 50 yards away. This is Pelosi's district at its best! Gov Newsom is a worthless POS who has done nothing to help come up with a viable solution. Yep, this is why we still need the EC, the right doesn't want CA dictating an election. They can't even take care of our state.
If you hate California so much, why do you live there? Your fortunes was made by simple hard work, you should be able to do just as well in good conservative Mississippi. Hell, better without all those socialist taxes and regulations. I mean that is where all the big tech companies are booming!


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
If you hate California so much, why do you live there? Your fortunes was made by simple hard work, you should be able to do just as well in good conservative Mississippi. Hell, better without all those socialist taxes and regulations. I mean that is where all the big tech companies are booming!
And obviously, no one has ever shit in a public place in Mississippi, what with all the extra Freedom™. Take that Nancy PELOSI!


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
If you hate California so much, why do you live there? Your fortunes was made by simple hard work, you should be able to do just as well in good conservative Mississippi. Hell, better without all those socialist taxes and regulations. I mean that is where all the big tech companies are booming!
Born & raised here, looking to leave within the next 6-8 years. Just waiting to get our daughter through the next 1.5 years of HS and 4 years of college. Wife will retire in 6-7 years. FYI I’m not ultra conservative.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
Why is it whenever anyone brings up Washington and California, the only places you are ever supposed to bring up are downtown SF and Seattle? I've been to both of these states and I'm pretty sure I drove and rode through different cities and areas than just these two. Anyone got beta on if there are more places in CA than SF?


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
you're conflating geographical size with population size.
are you meaning to imply that their votes should somehow count *more* because they cover a larger geographical area?
No, I'm not saying geographical area is more important.
I'm saying a localized, high density county shouldn't drown out the voice/interests of less populated areas.
Ask your relatives in maine how they feel about the new crop of downeast elected politicians.

Population density isn't some badge of merit that makes one more important.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Why is it whenever anyone brings up Washington and California, the only places you are ever supposed to bring up are downtown SF and Seattle? I've been to both of these states and I'm pretty sure I drove and rode through different cities and areas than just these two. Anyone got beta on if there are more places in CA than SF?
I grew up in what is now Devin Nunes district in California. Pretty rural, definitely conservative. It at the time, and I assume remains based on a recent visit, one of the poorest, least educated, had some of the highest teen pregnancy and illicit drug use rates, areas of the country. You know, where "real Americans" live.