

bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.

"In 2012, he took out a $100 million mortgage on the commercial space in Trump Tower. He has also sold hundreds of millions worth of stock and bonds. But his financial records indicate that he may have as little as $873,000 left to sell.

He will soon face several major bills that could put further pressure on his finances.

He appears to have paid off none of the principal of the Trump Tower mortgage, and the full $100 million comes due in 2022. And if he loses his dispute with the I.R.S. over the 2010 refund, he could owe the government more than $100 million (including interest on the original amount)."


Artisanal Tweet Curator

"In 2012, he took out a $100 million mortgage on the commercial space in Trump Tower. He has also sold hundreds of millions worth of stock and bonds. But his financial records indicate that he may have as little as $873,000 left to sell.

He will soon face several major bills that could put further pressure on his finances.

He appears to have paid off none of the principal of the Trump Tower mortgage, and the full $100 million comes due in 2022. And if he loses his dispute with the I.R.S. over the 2010 refund, he could owe the government more than $100 million (including interest on the original amount)."


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
And you would be correct.

Trump is not a candidate, trump-ISM is a lifestyle.

One where cruelty is encouraged
Institutional lying is a roadmap to success
Unwillingness to learn is pardoned, and outright promoted
And fuck the libs. No really......fuck em. At any cost, fuck'em.
This came up in conversation recently...
Studies have shown that brain activity related to playing sports can be activated in fans watching sports. This made me wonder if Trump’s behavior activates brain activity in his observers that parallels behaving in the same way. Perhaps that’s the attraction and trump-ism effect. If he says flippant fuck-free statements, his followers feel the empowerment of behaving the same way, which is likely something they couldn’t do as a part of their daily life.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
This came up in conversation recently...
Studies have shown that brain activity related to playing sports can be activated in fans watching sports. This made me wonder if Trump’s behavior activates brain activity in his observers that parallels behaving in the same way. Perhaps that’s the attraction and trump-ism effect. If he says flippant fuck-free statements, his followers feel the empowerment of behaving the same way, which is likely something they couldn’t do as a part of their daily life.
Oh there's no doubt in my mind that this is exactly what this is. I mean really, do you ever remember in your lifetime seeing so many absolutely fanatic people this exited about a government official while simultaneously being so insanely vicious to anyone not like them? This is well beyond politics and all I can think is that years of NFL has created the format for how american brains work now. I don't think it MAKES assholes exclusively. There's at least an equal part that just gives free permission to existing assholes who now feel emboldened. There's footage all over the place of these black lives don't matter counter protesters quoted saying that they know trump supports them. Because well.......he's literally said as much outloud, and on camera.


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
Oh there's no doubt in my mind that this is exactly what this is. I mean really, do you ever remember in your lifetime seeing so many absolutely fanatic people this exited about a government official while simultaneously being so insanely vicious to anyone not like them? This is well beyond politics and all I can think is that years of NFL has created the format for how american brains work now. I don't think it MAKES assholes exclusively. There's at least an equal part that just gives free permission to existing assholes who now feel emboldened. There's footage all over the place of these black lives don't matter counter protesters quoted saying that they know trump supports them. Because well.......he's literally said as much outloud, and on camera.
Yeah. I think there’s a few layers to the cake recipe.
1. Trumpists - I don’t think these are really republicans. Probably non-voters or independents who have been swayed. These are folks who enjoy the nonsense and bizarre rhetoric. They are on a team.

2. Reformists - People who hate “the establishment” of binary politics. These people want a non-politician to come in and make “different” choices about policy. These aren’t trumpists but don’t necessarily see what he does as bad. They want government shake up but aren’t on a team.

3. The fearful. These people see BLM and Antifa as a threat and want to vote “against” them and see Dems as supporting those movements. They see AOC as a person who could actually achieve the more leftist/socialist things that she rants about. The sky is falling for these people.

4. Dyed in the wool conservatives. These people vote republican and trump is on the ballot for that party. They hate gays and or abortions and or “taxes” and or public assistance. They love guns and the military and Jesus and bootstraps. They aren’t repulsed enough by trump to vote against him. They’re much more concerned about Democrats grabbing power that will be hard to take back in future elections.
Last edited:


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.

One fact stands out far above all the others in its staggering implications: Donald Trump is personally responsible for $421 million worth of loans coming due in the next few years. Not his business. Him. Personally. He has no means of repaying them. He already refinanced his few profitable properties, and sold off most of his stocks to stay afloat. He appears short on liquidity. And we still don’t know to whom he owes the money.
Maybe Brian could offer him a job?


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
One of the side stories in there got my attention. The IRS needs to go after Ivanka hard. core.
I honestly think he'd sacrifice his sons to save his own ass, but her?

A quick check of Fox news this morning and I've learned something ... there is an all out assault on Catholicism in this country!


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout

Maybe Brian could offer him a job?
also from the article:

Keep in mind, though, that this is just what we know of from his own personal reporting to the IRS. It’s not a forensic accounting document. These financial statements are Trump’s best foot forward to the government, with no knowing what criminal rot lies in the details.
translation: this is what he willingly disclosed to the IRS. who know what skeletons are in what closets.



Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
also from the article:

He played a fake billionaire on TV and made significant money from doing that. Remarkably, adopting a fake reality TV show persona for public entertainment value may be the closest thing to honest work Trump has ever done.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
oh i should get some more popcorn:

The New York Attorney General has even more dirt on the finances of the Trump Organization, and the New York Times will be releasing even more information on Trump’s taxes in the coming days. But even with just what we know now, the country faces an unprecedented policy and national security crisis. The situation is untenable. A man in Trump’s position simply cannot be allowed to continue as president.


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
I can't prove it, but I've got a shiny quarter says Parscale's freak out yesterday is also related. Financial chicanery abounds and lots of people know it. Grifters all the way down.
100% agree. He may not be as experienced at being a fucking crook as the family. I think his chickens came home. He'd be high on my list for an IRS visit too.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
Much like the crotch grabbing, carelessness almost leading us into war, the complete abuse of the emoluments clause, hatch act, and general conflict of interest problems with the hotels, the witholding of aid for political reasons from ukraine, and the blatant incompetence with a pandemic.........I have no doubt this will matter very much and justice will be served.