

Artisanal Tweet Curator
Yep, Me! I liked Trump because of his policies. Tuned out what he tweeted/said. My retirement was flourishing, cost of living was reasonable i.e. gas & food. Made it easier to support putting my kid through college. During the current administration had 2 kids in college, lost $$$$$ on retirement, not that it makes a difference, not dipping into it yet. But paying for food, gas, travel is all through the roof. Yep, my life was better under Trump than Biden. I'll take the mean tweets over what's happening now any day!

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filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Stormy's payoff is still technically a misdemeanor offense in which the statutes of limitations have run out. Talking about rule of law, then Clinton should have stepped down after cigargate, right? They apparently have other dirt on him, so we'll see. Kind of odd they are going after this one first. Bragg ran on going after Trump if he became AG, so now he's making good on his promise. At the end of the day, it's all to keep Trump from running in 24', 100% political, nothing else.

The left screamed Russian collusion for years, but ended up be false and couldn't come up with any proof. The left went after his taxes, finally got them and nothing because it was all legit. Raided his place got documents, however Biden had some too and the left media said, meh. So you keep buying into what the far left anti Trump media keeps selling. If there is 100% proof of an actual crime, then he should be held accountable. Just funny how all the anti Trumpers seem to all immediately get into their full fledge circle jerk and have a festive ole time every time the media announces something, until it fizzles and the next one come out only to continue to the next spankfest.

Funny thing is, I can actually give a shit what happens. However, watching many on this site get all sideways and constantly bitch & moan and stay in a continual miserable state of existence is pure comic gold! It's like reading the Sunday morning comics back in the day.
The only conceivable answer to this idiocy.



filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Then why has there been no proof? Adam Schiff continually said he himself had absolute proof Trump colluded with Russia on national TV on a continual basis. Ok, fine, where is it? Everyone is still waiting! They tried to impeach him for it, but came up with nothing. Do you have the evidence? There is more evidence Hillary was behind it from an email/text chain. The left and left media continually pushed it, but showed nothing, no emails, no records of travel to Russia etc. But they still have you hook, line & sinker to believe it. The left is in denial about Hunters laptop yet there is tons of info as well as bank records on it, but yet its pushed off to the side and ignored by the left media.
“...if we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so.”

And go ahead and show the "evidence" from Hunters laptop anytime you are ready. They have had it for almost 4 years now...and nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Dont even get me started on chain of custody issues regarding it.



Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
Brian, 'De Nile' is not just a river in Egypt. You do realize the Trump rode a wave of prosperity from before him, and dashed it on the rocks?
(I don't totally blame him, there was this little thing called Covid, which he totally botched and lied his way through, that helped wreck the economy).
You do realize that gas was cheap because the economy tanked under him?
And that he also destroyed what little credibility this country had abroad, possibly forever?
Look, just because there is no proof that the fox ate the chickens, everyone knows he ate the chickens. He just ate all of the evidence.


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
These are the same people who support Putin's war because "nazi's" control Ukraine.

Brian fails to comprehend that these policies take time to settle in and reverberate. Maybe... just maybe this shit we are in is a consequence of Trump sticking his dick in the mashed potatoes. Trump loosened banking regulations in 2018 and 5 years later giant banks are failing. This stuff doesn't happen over night.

But whatabout the whatabout whatabout whatabouts????


Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
All of the evidence is on Hunter's laptop, duh.

The other thing that Brian completely doesn't understand is that inflation is a global phenomenon, that had nothing to do with Biden. EVERYWHERE AROUND THE WORLD is experiencing rising costs of doing business, rising real estate and rents, rising food and commodity prices, everything. But Brian actually thinks this is regional.
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sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
And none of that matters. We are in the here and now. Trump fucked around and now he's finding out. Bringing up any Whatabout Nuts™ is like when you were 5 years old, did something bad, got caught and then said "But whatabout Billy!!??" to try and shift the blame. You got evidence on Hunter Biden or some other random person, great, start a thread about it. But otherwise...we are at the level of 5 year olds throwing up Whatabout Nuts™.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
And none of that matters. We are in the here and now. Trump fucked around and now he's finding out. Bringing up any Whatabout Nuts™ is like when you were 5 years old, did something bad, got caught and then said "But whatabout Billy!!??" to try and shift the blame. You got evidence on Hunter Biden or some other random person, great, start a thread about it. But otherwise...we are at the level of 5 year olds throwing up Whatabout Nuts™.
It's never been meant to be a discussion made in good faith.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Yep, Me! I liked Trump because of his policies. Tuned out what he tweeted/said. My retirement was flourishing, cost of living was reasonable i.e. gas & food. Made it easier to support putting my kid through college. During the current administration had 2 kids in college, lost $$$$$ on retirement, not that it makes a difference, not dipping into it yet. But paying for food, gas, travel is all through the roof. Yep, my life was better under Trump than Biden. I'll take the mean tweets over what's happening now any day!
If you want the monetary argument about how great his policies were, guess what, they are what caused us all to be getting fucked right now. PPP loans injected $800b of non-repayed loans into the market, of which ~70% never made it to employees, instead going to owners and people in the top-20% of household incomes (ie 6-figure incomes).

The tax cuts in 2017 also went largely to high income individuals and businesses, with those going to businesses being permanent while those going to the rest of us expired in 2022. And their supposedly boosting the economy to reduce the deficit as was used by the Republican's to sell it? Bullshit. From day one, anyone with a sense of economics and the Democratic party were saying that it was going to increase the deficit by over a trillion dollars. And look at that, it is doing that.

He increased the US debt in 4yrs almost the same amount and it took 8yrs under Obama, and under Obama he was trying to stop the collapse of the US financial system that was triggered by Bush's policies. Proper economic policy is to push money into the economy during an economic (note I didn't say market) downcycle and pull it out as things recover. Because if not, inflation is at risk of going out of control. It just takes a few years for that to come into fruition.

You know what else proper economic policy relies on? The increase of interest rates as the economy becomes progressively more healthy. Rates should have started rising in 2016, since the economy was definitively healthy, had good PPI, CPI, and employment numbers. It didn't, which was on them. But they absolutely should not reduce rates to negative or near negative levels, because the bounce back to correct rates will cause a whiplash. When rates absolutely should not have been getting reduced, what happened? Extreme pressure from Trump to lower rates. Which boosted the markets. But makes controlling inflation more difficult because rate rises have to come faster and larger to make up those drops that never should have happened.

What do you think the combined over $4T dollars of "economic support funds" did to the market? Well, when you give people who don't need money a massive amount of it, it gets invested. And not surprisingly, the markets went vertical in that time period. But here's the catch, when you dilute the money supply by 25% in 4 years, inflation goes out of control. But inflation is a lagging indicator from massive money supply increases, so there's no surprise that the inflation whiplash started coming into affect over the last 2 years.

Trump's policies caused almost every single one of the major monetary issues that we are dealing with right now.

Or in the real world, this is like getting laid by the most beautiful woman you've ever met, only to find out that she was actually batshit crazy and got pregnant, and now you're on the hook for it. It was amazing for a little bit, but now you get to deal with the repercussions of a few minutes of feeling good.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
If you want the monetary argument about how great his policies were, guess what, they are what caused us all to be getting fucked right now. PPP loans injected $800b of non-repayed loans into the market, of which ~70% never made it to employees, instead going to owners and people in the top-20% of household incomes (ie 6-figure incomes).

The tax cuts in 2017 also went largely to high income individuals and businesses, with those going to businesses being permanent while those going to the rest of us expired in 2022. And their supposedly boosting the economy to reduce the deficit as was used by the Republican's to sell it? Bullshit. From day one, anyone with a sense of economics and the Democratic party were saying that it was going to increase the deficit by over a trillion dollars. And look at that, it is doing that.

He increased the US debt in 4yrs almost the same amount and it took 8yrs under Obama, and under Obama he was trying to stop the collapse of the US financial system that was triggered by Bush's policies. Proper economic policy is to push money into the economy during an economic (note I didn't say market) downcycle and pull it out as things recover. Because if not, inflation is at risk of going out of control. It just takes a few years for that to come into fruition.

You know what else proper economic policy relies on? The increase of interest rates as the economy becomes progressively more healthy. Rates should have started rising in 2016, since the economy was definitively healthy, had good PPI, CPI, and employment numbers. It didn't, which was on them. But they absolutely should not reduce rates to negative or near negative levels, because the bounce back to correct rates will cause a whiplash. When rates absolutely should not have been getting reduced, what happened? Extreme pressure from Trump to lower rates. Which boosted the markets. But makes controlling inflation more difficult because rate rises have to come faster and larger to make up those drops that never should have happened.

What do you think the combined over $4T dollars of "economic support funds" did to the market? Well, when you give people who don't need money a massive amount of it, it gets invested. And not surprisingly, the markets went vertical in that time period. But here's the catch, when you dilute the money supply by 25% in 4 years, inflation goes out of control. But inflation is a lagging indicator from massive money supply increases, so there's no surprise that the inflation whiplash started coming into affect over the last 2 years.

Trump's policies caused almost every single one of the major monetary issues that we are dealing with right now.

Or in the real world, this is like getting laid by the most beautiful woman you've ever met, only to find out that she was actually batshit crazy and got pregnant, and now you're on the hook for it. It was amazing for a little bit, but now you get to deal with the repercussions of a few minutes of feeling good.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
I mean, it's only kind of, sort of, what I've done for a living for the last 20 years. I might at this point maybe know a little bit about the market and economics. But what the fuck do I know? I only went to a below average school to learn this stuff and have only been continuing my education for the last 20 of those 20 years. :rolleyes:


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
If you want the monetary argument about how great his policies were, guess what, they are what caused us all to be getting fucked right now. PPP loans injected $800b of non-repayed loans into the market, of which ~70% never made it to employees, instead going to owners and people in the top-20% of household incomes (ie 6-figure incomes).

The tax cuts in 2017 also went largely to high income individuals and businesses, with those going to businesses being permanent while those going to the rest of us expired in 2022. And their supposedly boosting the economy to reduce the deficit as was used by the Republican's to sell it? Bullshit. From day one, anyone with a sense of economics and the Democratic party were saying that it was going to increase the deficit by over a trillion dollars. And look at that, it is doing that.

He increased the US debt in 4yrs almost the same amount and it took 8yrs under Obama, and under Obama he was trying to stop the collapse of the US financial system that was triggered by Bush's policies. Proper economic policy is to push money into the economy during an economic (note I didn't say market) downcycle and pull it out as things recover. Because if not, inflation is at risk of going out of control. It just takes a few years for that to come into fruition.

You know what else proper economic policy relies on? The increase of interest rates as the economy becomes progressively more healthy. Rates should have started rising in 2016, since the economy was definitively healthy, had good PPI, CPI, and employment numbers. It didn't, which was on them. But they absolutely should not reduce rates to negative or near negative levels, because the bounce back to correct rates will cause a whiplash. When rates absolutely should not have been getting reduced, what happened? Extreme pressure from Trump to lower rates. Which boosted the markets. But makes controlling inflation more difficult because rate rises have to come faster and larger to make up those drops that never should have happened.

What do you think the combined over $4T dollars of "economic support funds" did to the market? Well, when you give people who don't need money a massive amount of it, it gets invested. And not surprisingly, the markets went vertical in that time period. But here's the catch, when you dilute the money supply by 25% in 4 years, inflation goes out of control. But inflation is a lagging indicator from massive money supply increases, so there's no surprise that the inflation whiplash started coming into affect over the last 2 years.

Trump's policies caused almost every single one of the major monetary issues that we are dealing with right now.

Or in the real world, this is like getting laid by the most beautiful woman you've ever met, only to find out that she was actually batshit crazy and got pregnant, and now you're on the hook for it. It was amazing for a little bit, but now you get to deal with the repercussions of a few minutes of feeling good.
Yeah but Hunter (private citizen) did bizness while his dad was VP.

Ignoring that Trump had his kids working in the WH, getting billions out of the middle east for slenderman or trademarks provided by China for his beau, whilst simultaneously ignoring all facets of the emoluments clauses and then tried to overthrow the election results.