

Turbo Monkey
Sep 1, 2004
I’ve noticed that with a lot of older Trumpers they tend to project their values onto him and view him as a sort of savior. So if they are honest and reasonably decent people then they literally cannot see how D2S truly is because they themselves would never behave that way. And since they tend to only watch one news source, Fox, then they never hear about most of the crap he does. You can tell them but they won’t believe you.
That seems to happen a lot. The guy can do no wrong. He can say "I hate marines, they're stupid" then get backing from a 70 year old retired marine. I cannot understand it, but it's consistent. Another example- a person who runs a small business is a vehement Trump supporter. Trump has a record of defrauding small business owners no matter who is on the other side of the courtroom. The person still loves trump.
i will say this, there are a lot of d2s supporters where I grew up (my parents still live there). these are people who do not get out a lot, and most of their connection to the outside world comes from television (and you can guess which channels).
All of that, from the town I grew up in, to (most) of the older folks in my neighborhood. I just don't even try with them any longer.
Guy down the street is a retired (ex union plumber) on disability who has massive Trump signs and flags all over his house and yard. And constantly rails agains the idea of any sort of social safety net. Dude, you live in a super blue state with great benefits. The cognitive dissonance is just mind bottling. All of them are getting their panties in a twist as the demographics of the neighborhood change (pearl clutching about more brown and black people buying houses when some of the other old white folk move on (die off) and the house gets sold.)

I have voted for state level Republican candidates. I value pragmatism over idealism. I am sure these candidates would also be summarily rejected by their Republican peers at the national level.
Yep, many times in the past. The last few cycles have solidified me pretty much straight ticket Dem voting, even though I'm registered as independent. Republican? Not for even fucking dogcatcher.

It’s the complete abandonment of care for anyone and anything else that is so terrifically awful and damaging about these ideas.
AKA: Fuck You I Got Mine Disease
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The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Never underestimate the racism, misogyny, and stupidity of the American people. Trump can continue to make an utter fool of himself and still win the election.
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bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Never underestimate the racism, misogyny, and stupidity of the American people. Trump.can continue to make an utter fool of himself and still win the election.

He's an unrepentant fascist ass clown who means everything he says. Just because he's an idiot doesn't mean he isn't serious. His reelection would have serious, long lasting repercussions and Brian would probably volunteer most of us to the first reeducation camp.