
Donald Trump... Towers.... what do you think?


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
MMcG said:
what does/do the proposed new building or buildings for Ground Zero look like?
Ever seen the twin towers before?
If so it looks exactly like that but add a floor.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
I totally agree with him. Even though he is a total slime ball, the towers should be rebuilt. The new desing looks terrible. It is the dumbest idea ever created. Rebuilding the towers like they were is the best option. None of this silly metaphorically whinny crap with a twisted singe tower. Just rebuild the towers and let them rise above the city again.

This is an old design, a new one is going to be released early June.


http://images.google.com/images?q=freedom tower&hl=en&lr=&sa=N&tab=wi


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
"If that tower is built, Trump said, "the terrorists win.""

That is so lame and self-serving. He seems to have appointed himself as a representative of the people. Hey Donald: YOU'RE FIRED!


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
OGRipper said:
"If that tower is built, Trump said, "the terrorists win.""

That is so lame and self-serving. He seems to have appointed himself as a representative of the people. Hey Donald: YOU'RE FIRED!
bwahhhhhhhhh good one!!


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
He is an ass with bad hair, but rebuilding the towers just like they were, but with an additional floor would be a nice F-U to those who blew them up. (All of them involved, not just the suicide guys on the planes).

Terrorist: We have blown up your towering symbol of capitalism you infidel pigdog!

Us: Oh yeah, well we'll just rebuild em. AND we'll make em even bigger. So F-U!

Works for me. :D


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
Anything will be better than the hole in the ground that's there today.
I'm so tired of this 'sacred-ground' crap, it's time to move on.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I was thinking that five towers right next to each other of different heights with the middle one much taller than the others would be the perfect symbol for New York and a good message to the rest of the world.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
Westy said:
I was thinking that five towers right next to each other of different heights with the middle one much taller than the others would be the perfect symbol for New York and a good message to the rest of the world.
once again westy cuts to the heart of the matter.



Ciaran said:
He is an ass with bad hair, but rebuilding the towers just like they were, but with an additional floor would be a nice F-U to those who blew them up. (All of them involved, not just the suicide guys on the planes).

Terrorist: We have blown up your towering symbol of capitalism you infidel pigdog!

Us: Oh yeah, well we'll just rebuild em. AND we'll make em even bigger. So F-U!

Works for me. :D


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Westy said:
I was thinking that five towers right next to each other of different heights with the middle one much taller than the others would be the perfect symbol for New York and a good message to the rest of the world.
Yeah, I like that one. I really like that one. I wish we could officially submit that design idea.

I do wonder about how long people will remember and declare that 9/11 is sacred. I mean, who thinks about pearl harbor these days. I never see any of them big trucks with stickers that say, "Pearl Harbor: We will never forget". And on that note, if you ever get the chance to chat with a WWII vet, do it. They have some very interesting stories to tell.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
it's just like everything else, it'll be generational. my kids will have no direct recollection of the events (hell, my oldest was 1 and my other wasn't born yet), and it won't be as embedded into their psyche as someone who vividly recalled the events as they happened.


Mar 19, 2002
I agree the towers should be rebuilt looking very similar to the old ones...only larger and taller. It's a slap in the face to all who supported the attack and a testament to the U.S. bouncing back and becoming stronger after a horrible attack on our own soil.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
Westy said:
I was thinking that five towers right next to each other of different heights with the middle one much taller than the others would be the perfect symbol for New York and a good message to the rest of the world.

That is very similar to the current plan. Click on the link i posted. But the problem with the current desing is that 1/2 of the tallest building is hollow...

There was some article in TIME magazine about how the proposed building was not 'anti aiorplane' safe. And how it would come down. Seriosly, just mount some Surace to Air missles on top of the building and STFU.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Stosh. There was a purpose to the design of the original towers. To maximize space ($$) for the footprint. To make money just like the other worlds tallest building in NY the Empire State Building. Having been in the building in areas other then public areas and having worked in office towers for years. The floors were very versatile to the tenants and offered a lot of usable space as compared to even some more modern buildings. The buildings were a testament to capitalism. They were about making money. They were beautiful in there simplicity. They kind of punctuated downtown NY. The varied uses of the towers is a testament to their excellent design. They should rebuild the towers IMO.....jdcamb


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Westy said:
I was thinking that five towers right next to each other of different heights with the middle one much taller than the others would be the perfect symbol for New York and a good message to the rest of the world.
Did Ham Sandwich endorse this idea? If so next time around i'll vote for him.


Mar 14, 2005
I pass by the site 2-3 times a week. I was there for months after 9-11 in search and rescue efforts. what happens to the site means a lot to me. I am not too crazy about the new plans, I can see Trumps views but I dont think putting up the same towers is the answer either. I feel what ever they put should be massive.. better than before .. with todays technology they can build something bigger, better and more modern. The towers are unfortunately gone, and will never be forgotten. It is time for something new


Dec 6, 2004
yeah trump might be a little douchey but thank god he said something about it before they built that atrocity that dork in the black framed glasses designed...

Does anyone even care about all the BUSINESS that was displaced when those towers went down? You're gonna rebuild them and have half the place be unusable balcony space? It looked like a friggin doozer building in the projects of South Fraggle rock.

But I'll tell you someone who does appear to give a **** about NYC businesses, and thats the Donald. And he is at least doing the SENSIBLE thing before it got out of hand. Can you even imagine what working inside that building would be like? Imagine what all that crap on the outside would do to the amount of light that gets in the building compared to just windows. It would look like a prison from the inside. Yuck. Freedom tower indeed.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 14, 2003
Denver, CO
Ciaran said:
He is an ass with bad hair, but rebuilding the towers just like they were, but with an additional floor would be a nice F-U to those who blew them up. (All of them involved, not just the suicide guys on the planes).

Terrorist: We have blown up your towering symbol of capitalism you infidel pigdog!

Us: Oh yeah, well we'll just rebuild em. AND we'll make em even bigger. So F-U!

Works for me. :D


Mar 27, 2003
Toronto, Ont. Canada
Those towers were an international symbol of strength ... they should be rebuilt... pretty much the same as they were... add a floor or two if ya want.

btw... the Trump is still a douche with bad hair...

Dirt rider

Pro Rider
Nov 18, 2001
redneck wasteland
Ciaran said:
He is an ass with bad hair, but rebuilding the towers just like they were, but with an additional floor would be a nice F-U to those who blew them up. (All of them involved, not just the suicide guys on the planes).

Terrorist: We have blown up your towering symbol of capitalism you infidel pigdog!

Us: Oh yeah, well we'll just rebuild em. AND we'll make em even bigger. So F-U!

Works for me. :D

I like that too like they where never gone.

it probly goes without saying that the new buildings should be made safer.

the old towers where built to take an impact from an airplane (a 707 to be spcific) without falling down and they did'nt fall from the impact it was the fire from the fuel that casused the collaspse, so the new ones need to be built with better fire proofing and much bigger and/or more nurmous stairwells


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
Dirt rider said:
it probly goes without saying that the new buildings should be made safer.

the old towers where built to take an impact from an airplane (a 707 to be spcific) without falling down and they did'nt fall from the impact it was the fire from the fuel that casused the collaspse, so the new ones need to be built with better fire proofing and much bigger and/or more nurmous stairwells
how about changing our policies so that our buildings aren't targets?

you don't see buildings getting blown up/flown into in stockholm, zurich, rio de janeiro, etc, do you?

i'm curious as to how one makes a skyscraper protected from aerial attack.


Dec 6, 2004
narlus said:
how about changing our policies so that our buildings aren't targets?
uh oh. here we go. Prepare for another thread to be diluted with dem-repub fighting. thanks narlus for ruining another thread


narlus said:
another thread...you make it sound like i'm a blight on forum threads.

let's take it to the political forum then.
:nope: uh-uh - this is about the new Apprentice, bitches.


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
I'm with Donald... that new building is bogus. Make something real, not some 60 story building with an extension at the top.

Hell make the triplet towers, make them 20 stories taller then make a hollow extension from the center one, and from the top of that fly the largest american flag ever made. And at the top of the flagpole leave a pike where Osama's head is to be stuck when we finally catch hs sorry ass.