that' movie was odd. The description that adelphia cable provided was something like...
"Troubled teen receives direction and advice from a 6 foot tall rabbit".....weird
I thought it was good too. Whats weird about a scary bunny giving someone commands? Any movie that isn't spoonfeeding the audience gets the "weird" label, I guess I like weird.
Speaking of weird movies, anyone hear see "May"? The weirdest movie involving a serial killer/social outcast and sewing I've ever seen. It made me squirm, and it takes a lot to make me uncomfortable movie-wise
I thought it was good too. Whats weird about a scary bunny giving someone commands? Any movie that isn't spoonfeeding the audience gets the "weird" label, I guess I like weird.
Speaking of weird movies, anyone hear see "May"? The weirdest movie involving a serial killer/social outcast and sewing I've ever seen. It made me squirm, and it takes a lot to make me uncomfortable movie-wise
I thought it was good too. Whats weird about a scary bunny giving someone commands? Any movie that isn't spoonfeeding the audience gets the "weird" label, I guess I like weird.
Speaking of weird movies, anyone hear see "May"? The weirdest movie involving a serial killer/social outcast and sewing I've ever seen. It made me squirm, and it takes a lot to make me uncomfortable movie-wise
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