Trees have that one thing that we all love. They follow one standard, and one only. The standard is: this is my spot. Good luck trying to get me to change.
Or, as illustrated well in the first 5-10 seconds here:
(Sorry, two video comments in two days... I'll get back into my hole now.)
It must have been a very modern tree to budge like that, but still make the same point so clear. That's progressive thinking right there. Did you replant the tree and tell it you were sorry, or do you still have it sticking out of your jersey? I hear that's real enduro. I'm not entirely sure how other visits in the tree line would go if you brought a tree-friend with you.
This reminded me of the Shimano campaign for saint brakes, "have the stopping power of a pine tree" or something like that. Associating that cringeworthy mental image to anything in a marketing way always seemed a bit odd to me.
Actually i'll take that back. Trees are firm but fair, even when they are flexy.
The tree giveth and the tree taketh away, always making sure downhill doesn't get too full of itself. Their roots are essential to downhill and i'll take them over rocks any day, while at the same time trees keep downhill from getting huge by preventing proper TV coverage, simply by stoically standing in the way.
I pulled a Kidwoo a couple of years ago.
Came into a corner a bit hot, tried to use a root as a bit of a berm, high sided and took out a decent sized sapling sideways about 4 feet in the air. Tree broke and I did not - that is a first, and probably only the one I will ever get away with. Couple of decent bruises for me. Tree was about 2 inches in diameter and was a full green break, all splintered but not severed. I actually felt bad about taking it out, but better it than my bonez. Said a little thank-you and pedaled away.
I met a tree the other day in the glades (umm I mean woods, yeah - bicycle woods), I made it out mostly unscathed but my helmet is dead.
Tree's have the upper hand. Or limb. Upper limb. Although it's usually the lower ones that getcha. Unless you're tall. I am very tall. Back to that upper hand thing....
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