
Dorms Rant


Mr. Big Hot Pastrami
Feb 26, 2003
Bozeman, MT
I am not going to miss the dorms when I get my own appartment. This is why. Point one: the guys on my wing are absolutely nasty int he bathroom. Somtimes the smell of shat is so awful in the wing because some people took nasty dumps and didn't flush them. Point two: People will just randomly walk into my room when I am busy doing work. Point three: There is a guy on the wing that if you have food out and he walks into your room he will either take some or ask for some. Point four: The guy next door is a complete dumbass. He just asked me this morning to turn my music down and it wasn't even that loud probly in the rang of 25-30 decables (sp?). This has happened before and he is the only guy that has a problem with it on the entire wing. But of course he can have his music as loud as he wants. Not to mention that he looks like an idiot drinking his protein shake every day when it has been proven that most protein shakes are dumped into the toilet. that brings me back to point one, maybe he is the dude taking stinker than stinky craps in the bathroom.
Thank you very much.
End rant.


Mar 5, 2002
On the contrary, if you live life in the dorms as is, it can really be a "fun" environment.

I highly suggest to up and coming college bound kids to live in a dorm situation for atleast two semesters/quarters, atleast. This is a good way to break your sheltered lil asses from being at "home." Some of the fondest memories in college happened in the dorms for me. Then after that, I got sick of the sex, alcohol, thurs-sun parties, food-stealing roommates and suitemates, power-trippin RAs, no biking in the hallway rules, sororities, buy-in-friendship frats, freshmen and sophomores (except the ladies ofcourse).If you're attending a hick-town State U in the middle of Billy-bob-nowhere and dairy farm, the dorms will probably be the best source of entertainment and.......sex. Macaroni & Cheese and Ramen noodles......Good times!
May 24, 2002
Boulder CO
Orven is right...

I lived in the dorms last year. Here is what my advice is...

1) The first 3 months I lived in the dorms was NOTHING like the last 3 months, the whole dorm atmosphere changes drastically once you get to know your hall/wing, get used to being in the dorms...(the dorms change you...lol)

2) Some of my best friends right now are only because of the dorms...sounds stupid that some computer that randomly assigned people around me dicated a lot of my current friendships but its true...

3) Although it may seem crappy now and you just "cant wait to get out" the dorms are more temporary than you think. Sure, I enjoy living in my apartment but the dorms are sort of like a crappy cruise: You have people that sort of clean up after you (hall ways, general living area), your food-although crappy-is cooked for you and cleaned up after you're done, and there are generally girls everywhere...3 things that DONT HAPPEN IN APARTMENTS

4) Knowing that this living situation is temporary take advantage of every oppertunity you have to meet someone/do something crazy you wouldn't normally do. My advice...if its not going to get you kicked out of school, do it...my best nights ended up being the ones I didn't even see coming...and was usually did unwillingly...

5) DO NOT PLAY WITH AIRSOFT GUNS. Do a search, you can re-live my whole "going to court" and almost getting a big fine/JAIL TIME for a stupid plastic gun. It may be fun, but leave them at home OR DONT GET CAUGHT.

6) BE NICE TO FAT CHICKS. Yes I said it, whatchu gonna do about it? While you may want nothing to do with the fat chick that rolls into your room to "chat" all the time, be nice to her, she probably has at least one hot single friend and if not, at least a 6 pack in her fridge. (not to mention that girl MIGHT get hot by your sophomore year)

7) REMEMBER, all these once socially popular, cliquish-type hot girls have just had their whole world turned upside down. Yep, that's right, the girl that wouldn't even look at you in high school has now lost her old friends, all the "respect" she once got, and her boyfriend probably just dumped her as he took the football scholarship to some random school...she is now willing to roll into your room and "chill" if you just go talk to them...everything they once knew as "their life" is gone...and they are probably more open (and real) than ever...

8) Talk to the guy next door, don't judge him by his protien shake drinking ways, the cool part about college is it will bring a bunch of people together that otherwise wouldn't EVER know each other...my friends are now strewen throughout the country during the summer (aka, great for racing) and from ALL different walks of life...from presidents leadership club to "I can drink anybody under the table" it makes for a really cool group dynamic when everybody is a bit different.

9) Even though I said it before, I'll reiterate, REALIZE THIS IS PROBABLY AS GOOD AS IT GETS...never in your life will there be THIS MANY GIRLS with NOTHING TO DO who HAVE HAD THEIR WHOLE LIFE CHANGED RECENTLY and are all FORCED TO LIVE near YOU. After college, even in college in an apartment you'll never have as many hot neigbors as you do now...

thats all for now...


Turbo Monkey
Mar 6, 2003
neversummersnow said:
2) Some of my best friends right now are only because of the dorms...sounds stupid that some computer that randomly assigned people around me dicated a lot of my current friendships but its true...
Same is true for me. The dorms last year gave me some my best friends I've ever had.

neversummersnow said:
7) REMEMBER, all these once socially popular, cliquish-type hot girls have just had their whole world turned upside down. Yep, that's right, the girl that wouldn't even look at you in high school has now lost her old friends, all the "respect" she once got, and her boyfriend probably just dumped her as he took the football scholarship to some random school...she is now willing to roll into your room and "chill" if you just go talk to them...everything they once knew as "their life" is gone...and they are probably more open (and real) than ever...
It's funny cuz it's true. My friends from home can't believe all the pics I show them of me with a bunch of hot girls. They can't believe I'm actually friends with those girls. :D

neversummersnow said:
8) Talk to the guy next door, don't judge him by his protien shake drinking ways, the cool part about college is it will bring a bunch of people together that otherwise wouldn't EVER know each other...my friends are now strewen throughout the country during the summer (aka, great for racing) and from ALL different walks of life...from presidents leadership club to "I can drink anybody under the table" it makes for a really cool group dynamic when everybody is a bit different.
:stupid: Just do it, large groups are fun. It can never hurt to open up to somebody.

neversummersnow said:
9) Even though I said it before, I'll reiterate, REALIZE THIS IS PROBABLY AS GOOD AS IT GETS...never in your life will there be THIS MANY GIRLS with NOTHING TO DO who HAVE HAD THEIR WHOLE LIFE CHANGED RECENTLY and are all FORCED TO LIVE near YOU. After college, even in college in an apartment you'll never have as many hot neigbors as you do now...
This is a wise, wise man. Listen to his advice. He obviously is/was a dormitory champ.


Mar 5, 2002
I have to stop reading this thread as it brings back so many memories..

First, I thought it was prank when two of the 4 suitemates I had in my last tenure at the dorm were also avid mountainbikers. We all ended up in our college racing team and still email each other every now and then.

I still don't get it why peeps still join frats and sororities, they're as cool as mullets among the general college population. It was fun to pick to pick on the frat jocks though...they grow balls when they're with their brothers and grow hair when they're on their own...

Get out of your stinky town, go out of state, live in the dorm and enjoy it to the full extent...and everything do not have to be legal. :)


Nam I am
neversummersnow said:
Orven is right...

6) BE NICE TO FAT CHICKS. Yes I said it, whatchu gonna do about it? While you may want nothing to do with the fat chick that rolls into your room to "chat" all the time, be nice to her, she probably has at least one hot single friend and if not, at least a 6 pack in her fridge. (not to mention that girl MIGHT get hot by your sophomore year)
BINGO !!!! That is great Advise! especially when they have Hot friends from "home" come to visit !! That Paid off for me BIG TIME!!!! Plus they will hold you head while your praying to the Porcelin god!


Jun 10, 2002
i lived in a "private" dorm. it sucked. so, so much. that's probably what has led me to pretty much hate college. wish i would've lived in the normal dorms.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
are you in college or boarding school? in boarding school every one is a asshole with their high school drama and popularity ****, at least in college the ego level goes down allot and is allot more friendly (from the few times that ive visited college)

I can realate to this allot.......

7) REMEMBER, all these once socially popular, cliquish-type hot girls have just had their whole world turned upside down. Yep, that's right, the girl that wouldn't even look at you in high school has now lost her old friends, all the "respect" she once got, and her boyfriend probably just dumped her as he took the football scholarship to some random school...she is now willing to roll into your room and "chill" if you just go talk to them...everything they once knew as "their life" is gone...and they are probably more open (and real) than ever...


talks too much
Mar 19, 2002
Claremont, CA
I am in my third year in the dorms and I like it. I got shafted this year for housing but it's still fun. What could be better? I live on a hall of about 3 guys and 10 sophomore girls. My best friend lives on the floor above me (he can yell out the window if he wants to say something to me). Food is nearby. Bathroom cleaned on a regular basis. My own personal space. I can play music and nobody cares. I don't even lock my door (with a computer and 2 bikes in here). RAs are non-existant. Pretty good deal, if you ask me. Way better than the real world, in spite of hassles of having a really really really uncomfortable bed, having only one 60w bulb to light my room and some other random things.

Of course, I do go a Billy-Bob-nowhere school with a bunch of dairy farms around it. We don't have frats or sororities. Almost all the chicks are decent looking and most of the people are reasonable intelligent.


May 4, 2004
Where the wild things are
I highly recommend living in the dorms for at least a year, met some of my better friends first year in the dorms, met some fine-as$ ladies also, everyone is adjusting and freshmen women need friendship coming to a new school.....BE THEIR FRIEND! other than that you have to put up with a lot of sh!t, but you will all the way through college. Just live your life, cover your own as$ and have fun.

Ride to live, live to ride.


Rusty Trombone
Jul 10, 2003
I read this great thread sitting in my school library trying to study for an accounting test :devil: that i will most likely bomb tomorrow, I HATE ACCOUNTING. Anyway as a am about to embark on another drunken thurs in t-2 hours, i cant tell you how orven is right. I am now a senior who has a house on campus, while that is great and there are many pro's, the dorms were great, reading this thread does bring back a ton of memories. ok back to the good ol accounting, anyone else share my hate? :mumble:


Rusty Trombone
Jul 10, 2003
Ps I'm in a frat TKE to be exact, and it is filled with meatheads that make fun of my for riding my little tricycle (all in good fun), you should see their looks when they walk into the gym and I am on the spinners with the girls...histerical.


Jun 10, 2002
accounting is easy, man. try not getting drunk before the test.

co-ed business frat rant:

ok, so my girlfriend is in a co-ed, business frat here. they're having a party tomorrow night, and have advertised DDs for the actives. "awesome," i think to myself. you know, get a DD to take my gf and i to the party (which is about 20mins away, in the boonies), so that i can drink, as well as my gf (who gets drunk after 2 drinks, regardless of their strength). so we e-mail a pledge saying "yo, be our DD," and they e-mail us back saying "sorry, DDs are for actives only, not their guest." what the ****? that's pretty ****ing dumb if you ask me.


Turbo Monkey
May 26, 2004
JRogers said:
Of course, I do go a Billy-Bob-nowhere school with a bunch of dairy farms around it. We don't have frats or sororities. Almost all the chicks are decent looking and most of the people are reasonable intelligent.
God, I wanna go to middlebury. I actaully looked into it last year when I was really hating CU, but now I dont think I could give up the bike team, the riding scene, or the rockies.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Though I have never lived in a dorm, I have spent the night in many, and those nights were always great. At least for me.


talks too much
Mar 19, 2002
Claremont, CA
TheInedibleHulk said:
God, I wanna go to middlebury. I actaully looked into it last year when I was really hating CU, but now I dont think I could give up the bike team, the riding scene, or the rockies.
Bah, the irony that I wrote "reasonable intelligent" is almost too much! Weak, on my part.

Hey, we have a cycling team, good riding (best roads in the country and some awesome trails) and the Green Mountains. And what is better than broomball on a January night? What more could you want?!

Well, except for free time, money left over after tuition, a few days above freezing in winter, sunlight after 4:30......


Jun 10, 2002
seventyohfive said:
I hear ya...financial is kicking my a-- this semester :angry:
financial as in the first, most basic one, or intermediate accounting? my gf's in the PPA program here at UT (#1 in the nation), and is taking...uh....financial statement analysis, tax research, and intermediate. spends a good 30hrs a week with her face planted in a book. but in 2yrs, she'll be making at least $60,000 w/ insane benefits.
May 24, 2002
Boulder CO
Yeah so I'm here...just got off my job, which I've worked for 2 weeks and already hate. My buds (from the dorms of course) are all drinkin' "evil eye" 40s in the family room AND I'M STUCK STUDYING FOR A TEST...I'm in a moral dellima...do I see what the NIGHT HAS IN STORE OR try and remember I'm HERE TO LEARN...either way I still have a number TEN to my list...

10) If your college is within driving distance home and you are in the dorms DO NOT GO HOME ON WEEKENDS. YOU ARE RUINING THE COLLEGE/DORM EXPERIENCE. What is the point of going to college if your still bumming around the same hangouts as you did in high school?

oh wait...there is more

11) NCCA Cycling-ITS FUN, for a month or two I feel like Steve Peat. I cant only win any race I show up to but turn in the fastest time of the day. Not to mention that lots of times girls show up...HOT GIRLS WITH NOTHING TO DO...(usually only in mountain towns where they really DONT have anything to do...)

DISCLAIMER--Yes, I've hooked up with a 6'4" Danish girl in the dorms, yes, I've pissed on my roomates car, but I am not near the player ORVEN/STONEY/all the others are...listen to them...I'm only 19/sophomore...

and remember...best part about being is sophomore is it'll feel like the total number of girls you pay attention to doubled (new freshman class...whew hoo) and HOPEFULLY you learned a lot your freshmen year. (like alot being one word)...


Turbo Monkey
Mar 6, 2003
neversummersnow said:
<good stuff>
No sh!t, you're a sophomore at Boulder? You might know some of my buddies who graduated from high school with me two years ago. Believe it or not, I was actually in Boulder the first week of September, staying with some buddies on Marine Street. I didn't have my bike with me though :(. Boulder's good stuff man.

Wait a minute... a 6'4" Danish chick? WTF? Now that's a story to tell the grandkids! :D


Rusty Trombone
Jul 10, 2003
the Inbred said:
accounting is easy, man. try not getting drunk before the test.

co-ed business frat rant:

ok, so my girlfriend is in a co-ed, business frat here. they're having a party tomorrow night, and have advertised DDs for the actives. "awesome," i think to myself. you know, get a DD to take my gf and i to the party (which is about 20mins away, in the boonies), so that i can drink, as well as my gf (who gets drunk after 2 drinks, regardless of their strength). so we e-mail a pledge saying "yo, be our DD," and they e-mail us back saying "sorry, DDs are for actives only, not their guest." what the ****? that's pretty ****ing dumb if you ask me.
noway man, after 3 calcs it still doesnt sit right with me. anyway tell the f'ing pledge to drive you, god i hate greek life...sorta


Mar 5, 2002
I'm proud to say that I graduated with my degree (struggled at best) in Environmental Studies and Land Use Planning without flicking a hair on Calculus nor Chemistry (ie: went around and not had to take them)... I worry about the profession I'm in at times. :)


Turbo Monkey
Sep 23, 2001
Boise, Idaho
im in a hippie floor and it sucks ass but we just **** with them i hate the dorms i cant wait for my own house or to move into the frat house


Jun 10, 2002
dexter said:
im in a hippie floor and it sucks ass but we just **** with them i hate the dorms i cant wait for my own house or to move into the frat house
hippie floor? i'm so sorry. i've heard good and bad stories about frat houses.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 3, 2002
I never lived in dorms but I spent time in them and had fun. I did however live in a 4br house in DT SB that I had the lease for. I got to pick the roomies and my rent was cheap. I found out a few girls I knew were moving out of IV to DT so I invited them to move in. One of them I had hooked up with before but nothing ever really came out of it and the other I'd always kinda liked. Let's just say we had many a drunken night and many a drunken escapade.

Point of the story: Houses ain't so bad either


Turbo Monkey
Mar 6, 2003
punkassean said:
I did however live in a 4br house in DT SB that I had the lease for. I got to pick the roomies and my rent was cheap.
Santa Barbara? Cheap? In the same sentence? YEAH RIGHT!!! :blah:
May 24, 2002
Boulder CO

We must talk. I need a job like this. I am friends with far too many girls in sororities not to...this would elevate my game to the next level.

In the end though I realize what you've achieved there is damn near legendary and I can't expect for a repeat....but wow...the possibilites......

and as far as houses not being so bad, you're right, BUT you're never in that 'right position and the right time' like you were in the dorms...sure girls still get drunk, sure they still roll home, but you're no longer next door/down the hall...you HAVE TO BE WILLING TO WORK